Its irrelevant if we have the 2020 election theft recorded along clinton foundation child molesting IF nobody will ever dare or be allowed to bring it up in some major court.
And so far this is the fact, "we have it all" and not a single fucking shit is done about or with it!
Pretty much worth nothing if you have the thief breaking in to your home on camera if you dont sent the film in to the police, file charges and have the court legally process the case. You can scream "I have it all" 7 days a week, wont make any difference what so ever.
ENFORCEMENT of "we have it all" is sorely needed. All we have though is a ccp pedo in charge instead.
They want to be rushed and have all their pawns and traitors lynched on the streets and have everyone in power changed for patriots and all that this fucking century?
Oh, lets go with the hold the line till 2090 approach while the other side laughs at us after fining clinesmith a 100 dollars for sedition while having a ccp pedo in charge.
The frenchies should have let their pedo elite just sit in power while going for the "by the book" plan, they would probably still debate on which of their soros politicians to send an angry letter to. ..fucking idiot.
And people will NEVER stand up and meet this shit with force. Look at all out Q forums, they are all to a man screaming "wait, do nothing and hold some line"!
Ergo: if people are forbidden from removing this traitor filth from their offices using their 2nd amendment and "from enemies foreign and domestic then all that is left is to waaaaaait till the Q plan actually produces one single slap on the wrist.
Who knows, around 2030 maybe some minor functionary to comey might just get a fine!
So far "winning" has been proven to be a 100 dollar fine and probation for that FBI cunt that falsified reports.
Of course, the only way to reach a retard is to repeat a simple message and hope it gets through.
Now as you read it twice you could possible even grow a pair and finally answer what I said about your personal miniature bubble hypocrisy.
I bet not but who knows, miracles happen even at your psych ward.
Aww, so is cryptoshill butthurt over me mentioning the first time dogecoin scammed their customers into a pumpanddump by lameass hype vids and join-doge-train yapping?
Wonder what all those people won..oh right, empty wallets!
I know, I was there and fortunately didnt buy into the pyramid scam shit.
This time "might" be different, not saying it is, just saying be warned!
ANYONE claiming to know exactly which specific crypto will be the big winner is either a clueless moron, uninformed guesser or outright scamming people into buying "their" particular brand - that is, nothing else then a lame, internet, hyping seller of take-a-chance goods.
Lol, when you are wrong do the right thing and start projecting your crap on the other guy like the tough guy you are.
Keep pretending that your personal miniature bubble of corona slavery is the only one that matters throughout the world and if someone dares to point out that travel is a necessity in their life or that they live under lockdown curfew just tell them they are wrong.
Any numbers on how many that watched all in all?