Money can be used for anything. Not everybody needs labor or vegetable etc.
Of course, some people will barter different items or their labor but only Gold and Silver are money. It is the most stable and trusted form of exchange. Somebody trading Gold or Silver will have the advantage over people trading something else.
I might not need vegetables, eggs, labor, etc. but I can always put a silver coin in my pocket and use it later. It holds its value whereas food spoils.
Money needs to be stable. In order to be stable it needs to meet 7 characteristics.
Dudes a grifter. Always has been.
It blows my mind how many people here think he is some kind of savior that can do no wrong. Q literally warned us about false profits just before the "Twitter Files" were released. Not to mention the Bible predicted an "Anti-Christ" figure would emerge and deceive the world.
People want so badly for him to be a white hat they are abandoning their critical thinking skills. It's embarrassing. He is literally wearing a Baphomet symbol on his chest in his Twitter profile pic.
"Symbolism will be their downfall"
Make sure you spend the 5 min it takes to watch that video I linked above. Maybe then you will see who you are dealing with. Enjoy the show but do not let your guard down. This guy is not who you think he is.
The cabal knew this information was going to come out one way or another. Elon is trying to control the narrative. He is trying to play both sides. He is protecting the masterminds. What he is doing will not work. He will be exposed in due time.
Enjoy the show but know that he is NOT a white hat.
It comes down to whether you believe in "aliens" or not. If you do, and you want answers, start listening to channelers like Lee Carrol [Kryon], and Darryl Anka [Bashar], and listen to the tapes of Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert or read the Law of One books. That is where you will find valuable information.
Everything is vibration. This whole world has been kept at a low vibration by outside entities [Reptilians] for a very long time. Our society has been DESIGNED to keep us separated and fighting amongst ourselves. This "every man for himself" mindset has kept us from harmonizing our consciousnesses.
When we finally realize that we are ONE [wwg1wga] our consciousness will harmonize and our vibration will raise from one of fear and division to unity [Love]. This will trigger a change in our DNA from carbon-based to crystalline [light] based.
We are all "God's" children. We are all capable of what Jesus achieved. The return of Christ is not the return of a man, it is the return of his state of mind [vibration] [consciousness]. That is what will save us.
This has all been prophesized because it is a cycle. Nothing can stop what is coming literally.
Anybody pushing Aliens as a threat or something that should be feared are misinformed and not worth listening to. Or worse they have an agenda. IMO.
Fear is used to control us. Contact is already happening and it will slowly become more obvious over time. That is the only way humans will be able to wrap their heads around it and finally realize that "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
He also suggested that the U.S. and Israel have been collaborating with aliens on space travel for years and that U.S. President Donald Trump was “on the verge” of revealing their existence.>
Aliens and ‘Galactic Federation’ exist, ex-Israeli space chief claims.
Dudes a grifter. Always has been.
It blows my mind how many people here think he is some kind of savior that can do no wrong. Q literally warned us about false profits just before the "Twitter Files" were released. Not to mention the Bible predicted an "Anti-Christ" figure would emerge and deceive the world.
People want so badly for him to be a white hat they are abandoning their critical thinking skills. It's embarrassing. He is literally wearing a Baphomet symbol on his chest in his Twitter profile pic.
"Symbolism will be their downfall"
Make sure you spend the 5 min it takes to watch that video I linked above. Maybe then you will see who you are dealing with. Enjoy the show but do not let your guard down. This guy is not who you think he is.
Dudes a grifter. Always has been.
It blows my mind how many people here think he is some kind of savior that can do no wrong. Q literally warned us about false profits just before the "Twitter Files" were released. Not to mention the Bible predicted an "Anti-Christ" figure would emerge and deceive the world.
People want so badly for him to be a white hat they are abandoning their critical thinking skills. It's embarrassing. He is literally wearing a Baphomet symbol on his chest in his Twitter profile pic.
"Symbolism will be their downfall"
Make sure you spend the 5 min it takes to watch that video I linked above. Maybe then you will see who you are dealing with. Enjoy the show but do not let your guard down. This guy is not who you think he is.
The truth is most people have their priorities in the wrong place and would rather sit on their asses and complain about how everything is someone else's fault instead of getting off their asses and finding a way to better their life.
I am not going to argue with you. Do what you want but don't tell me it can't be done. That is victim mentality bullshit.
You said, "Most people can't buy even a single ounce of it now."
That is wrong and when I pointed that out you changed it to retired people on SS. Then when I gave them a way to do it you changed it to invalids and accused me of laughing at them.
Do you see what you are doing?
The truth is most people have their priorities in the wrong place and would rather sit on their asses and complain about how everything is someone else's fault instead of getting off their asses and finding a way to better their life.
I am not going to argue with you. Do what you want but don't tell me it can't be done. That is victim mentality bullshit.
You have an excuse for everything. lol
Dudes a grifter. Always has been.
It blows my mind how many people here think he is some kind of savior that can do no wrong. Q literally warned us about false profits just before the "Twitter Files" were released. Not to mention the Bible predicted an "Anti-Christ" figure would emerge and deceive the world.
People want so badly for him to be a white hat they are abandoning their critical thinking skills. It's embarrassing. He is literally wearing a Baphomet symbol on his chest in his Twitter profile pic.
"Symbolism will be their downfall"
Most people can't buy even a single ounce of it now.>
Most people would rather buy a new cell phone or go out for dinner or lunch once or twice a week instead of investing in the future. Most people are fast asleep and do not understand what is about to happen.
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." -- Maya Angelou
He is a snake. IMO
That video shows you that he is a liar and a con artist that cares more about how the world perceives him than he does about helping humanity. Now if you want to build a story in your head about how some other entity is controlling him and excuse all the things he does wrong as "part of the plan" be my guest. But the truth is he is a piece of shit and trusting him is foolish.