Put the Flag down and walk away quickly.
500,000, 000 to Traitors. Stop going to that demonic Dinner in NY. America better wise up and stop paying homage to demonics..
You are right. Thinking the same thing.
What an income stream. They are willing to kill Americans any way they can.
Now that's a good question. More digging to happen.
Wouldn't be surprised.
Another FAFO candidate.
Waiting on the Passenger list.
That's why we have Amendments. The Founding Fathers didn't think of everything. Thank God I'd still be enslaved to unworthy, ungrateful folk that hate hardworking Americans.
I received Brother and will walk in it..
That's a badass quote to live by. Excellence as a habit. Habitually Excellent indeed. I hear you Big Dog..
Two of my favorite people together in the same place. That is so cool.
It takes an effort to produce quality consistently. Howl on Brother, Howl on.
That's good news. I hope it's a transparent process
Cowards Like making poor people scapegoats for their miserable lives.
Cowards won't stand up to the wealthy class that despises them enough to bring Black slaves to replace them rather than paying a decent wage to the poor whites .
Cowards refuse to talk about the Military Industrial Complex ripping Americans off for Trillions with no accountability.
Cowards say nothing about Rich men sending Trillions of our tax money overseas while People that go to work everyday struggle to eat and pay rent.
And that's money we will never see again.
Cowards would kill their parents for a dollar.
SS is a program for Working People. That money returns to the American economy.
You have dishonored yourself sir. And the Working class people that Make America Great.
Calling Social Security and Welfare the same is a damnable lie. And demonstrates wilful ignorance. and a poverty spirit.
Conservative and liberal are two sides of the same Anti American coin. God bless American people And America.
Pray and believe bigsix. America is pulling for you.
This should apply to anyone seeking public office.
SS is not welfare. Learn the difference. Lack of knowledge is a weapon our enemies u I proposed an Opt Out option for individuals. Keep your money. A nation under GOD is gonna seek to do godly endeavors, whether freemasonry likes it or not.
Opt out provision to the rescue. Makes it individually based.
Hiding behind freemasonry quotes is not a reason to starve elderly people who worked hard in low paying, no benefits jobs.
Most. people want SS. others don't. I get that.
Rich man told you your money will grow in their propped up ponzi schemes. Do that if it works for you.
What people decide about their money is their own private business. Your money is your money.
SS isn't robbing anyone. That money is returned at retirement anyway SS is for Working people. They had a lifetime of hard.work . They are the BACKBONE of America. SS is not welfare and it is not a handout.
Love good reading material.
Giving Americans an Opt Out provision would address these concerns. Those that choose not to participate can refuse it. That makes SS more efficient. That's the conversation.
Quoting stale opinions from from rich folk is not today's conversation. Rich folk didn't want the Working people to vote in those days.
Working people made America great. Working people fought in rich folks wars that did not benefit them. Working people earned their SS benefits.
Everyone quoted was generations wealthy. Rich people have rich people opinions. They have little concern for working class people. They devise ways to rob working class people. No surprise. Working class have to protect themselves or America will die.
Now they want to wreck a successful program that benefits hard working Americans.
The American thing to do is to give folk an Opt Out provision. That's the Conversation the enemies of American Excellence avoids.
Y'all will let the rich man rob you with Pentagon money laundering schemes. But cry out when Hardworking Americans get a slice of bread .
Rich folk give you Digital wealth than can be wiped out at the touch of a button. While they hoard up real assets.
Stop eating rich men's crumbs. Stop being rich men's stooges.
it's time to have real conversations about What's Happening now. Back in the day rich men built Industry. Today they sell fantasy.
To confuse SS with welfare is a deceitful tactic used by rich folk to raid the only solvent program in govt. They want to do the same to the Post Office that Rural America depends on. These are the same tactics used by rich folk to destroy American jobs in manufacturing so they pursue cheap labor.
You have to blame the citizens for this.