Back in the early days of Q someone assumed to be LDR said someone along the lines of "have fun watching your children die of thirst."
Then we have all the underground tunnels/construction/DUMBS. The famous "Water the water" drop.
Maybe something was going on with the aquifers that has been corrected? I know China has been shipping our water over there in SPRAG bags.
We have zero defense from China and Russia to protect our surface battle groups.
The first thing I thought when I saw that new IRBM with the MIRV warheads that Putin just dropped was this... 36 man-made meteorites, each traveling at mach 10, totally unstoppable, pinpoint accuracy, zero fallout, zero collateral damage...
One per engine room and/or bridge equals a sunk/disabled naval battle group with one missile.
I was an Altar Boy for years. We used to snack on the Eucharist before Mass, lol. The Priest I served under was grooming me for the Priesthood. He was one of the finest men I ever knew. A true man of God. He was bummed when I quit the Church.
Then I went into science. IT and Eng, on the books. Studied law and the healing arts off the books. Music, painting. Dedicated myself to all seven sacred sciences.
Never considered making content, except music. Digging turned into analysis. I'm here if you want to chat.
Love you too Fren. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Behind every Great OG Anon...Jesus is working. Christ is King
Amen Brother, Amen. Been "Anon" since the early 90's. My first calling was to be a priest, but it never worked out because I actually read the Bible personally.
Bible -> Microfiche -> IRC/BBS/ICQ-> Reddit -> Chans -> Voat -> Kun-> GAW!!!
Read every Q post live. Haven't slept right since 2017. What a long strange trip it's been. Never imagined we'd come this far.
Christ is, indeed, King.
I don't know, maybe some, not all.