45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

what if there's a nuke in that harbor right now that was headed here, and someone stopped them by blocking them in?

what if it goes off?

45willwinagain 3 points ago +3 / -0

the bow bubble on that boat is far lower and far deeper into the bank than you realize.

the backhoe is just for the cameras, it's not doing much more than giving them a little access for visual inspection.

someone on youtube did the math and it would take 13 of the biggest tug boats on the planet to pull that out (they did the math).

there's only one.

they have to dredge it out with a boom vac, it's going to take a while, and they will have to pick it apart with cargo choppers one container at a time if it's still too heavy.

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

you're talking about though aren't you... it appears to have worked as intended.

45willwinagain 3 points ago +3 / -0


this is trillions of dollars.

the boat that is clogging the waterway is one of the largest ships ever built.

the cargo on that boat, and more importantly, the cargo on the hundreds of slightly smaller boats, is not something you fuck around with.

this shit is all strict and by the book, there is protocol.

whats crazy is these ports and canals all have native pilots that are familiar with the waterway, before entering an area like this a boat that literally says "pilot" on the side of it drives up to the container ship that is about to enter, and takes control of the boat.

so the person who did this got on that boat just before it happened.

then they drew a giant GPS dick, then curved to one side and slammed it into the other.

the area-expert pilot sped up, then quickly hugged the left bank then a hard right into the embankment, wind doesn't pull you in one direction then push you in the exact opposite.

and they did this in one of the only spots narrow enough to clog both lanes of traffic.

it was intentional and they wanted the world to see it.

question is who was the pilot

white hat? black hat? disgruntled employee?

i guess we will find out either soon or never

45willwinagain 3 points ago +3 / -0

exactly, certainly fuckery afoot the question is what type of fuckery and who's foot is it?

45willwinagain 4 points ago +4 / -0

all i know is this... canals/ports/docks all have pilots who are familiar with certain waterways who come aboard ships when they are about to navigate a controlled waterway. in most cases they act as the ships pilot in conjunction with the captain.

this means that it's highly possible that the white hat boarded this evergreen container vessel as the area pilot, then proceeded to navigate a giant dick pattern before ramming into the side walls of one of the most heavily trafficked waterways in the world.

something is crazy with this story, it makes zero sense they would navigate that pattern just before doing this.

unless it's just the greatest troll ever by a disgruntled employee this is a massive wake up call that someone or some group of someone's did this.

could be a rando, could be white hat, could be black hat

but it's something that for fuck sure isn't "strong winds"

45willwinagain 23 points ago +23 / -0

A few of these are thinner than others... but the totality of circumstances certainly leads one to at least want to know much more about this situation.

If a person is being honest, and not just feverously biased against Q (and "conspiracies" in general), everyone would at least decide to look into this situation further.

There is blatant fuckery afoot here for all to see.

As convincing or non-convincing as this may be, the one thing that got me wanting to look more into this is the navigation path and in particular what it draws on the GPS tracking map.

If anyone is going to try to tell me there's nothing suspicious here, they're going to have to explain this:


and why it looks like this meme:


45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

do you happen to have a link to that? cause i'd love to watch.

ascension could easily be the day we throw off the yoke of the big government cabal.

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

...imagine what the silicone valley, cancel cultist. SJW, "the world is gonna end unless we kill off all the people" types would do with an ASI

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

i think it's related to the craft bob lazar worked on, you can hear him talk to joe rogan about it for 3 hours if you want, it's one hell of a story.

maybe it's the same craft

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

right but if you had predictive AI projecting probability success rates then making recommendations on potential actions... it could easily be one of the methods our experts military intel uses behind the scenes.

and IMO i think Q is a team of military intel, always has been.

45willwinagain 2 points ago +2 / -0

i'm hesitant to believe that until i see that.

but it would be hilarious if it were true.

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah i mean think about it in decades ago mindset... the concept of predictive AI is easier to convey as a "window into the future" back than then now. i mean look at deep blue... it's not seeing the future it's just using possible outcomes to decide what moves to make.

we could very well be witnessing two rival primitive ASI's (US and China) fighting a war.

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

i've got a lot of major issues with any time travel theory, but the part that bugs me the most is there is a lot more you can do with a time machine than allow the country to descend into utter madness like it is already.

with a time machine i'm hiding cameras everywhere all this shady shit has gone down over the last 4 or 5 years of trump to get direct evidence of crimes.

i'm taking people out before they can do damage

i'm "fixing" the timeline

but then you gotta start diving into multiverse stuff and creating parallel timelines where all you're really accomplishing is creating alternate timelines for the other reality... this one is just perma fucked and we are all stuck here.

anyway, thats why i'm far more interested in predictive AI and project looking glass... it makes so much more sense than any other explanation (outside of coincidence and projection of course)

for the record i'm not saying i believe there is AI at work here, i'm just looking for evidence to support that theory.

45willwinagain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oddly enough, you are describing predictive AI.

I once heard it described as if you were arguing with someone who can "think" so fast that whenever you ask it a question it has 1000 years to think about something which to you only appears to be a few seconds.

you could never win an argument without something like that, they would always have ample time to give you the best answer possible.

...anyway from what i knew already, "zero deltas" were taking note of the oddity that was Q and trump posting at the same exact time. at first it was "near zero delta" and they would specifically say they were working to get the time closer to true zero, but had issues with time zones and how things post on twitter.

but i also know there was more than one occasion where they were able to achieve zero delta... thus confirming the connection between the two.

i just need to try to wrap my mind around how in the hell that team of people has been able to seemingly predict events 2 years in the future... because this shit is starting to blow my mind.

45willwinagain 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah thats what bugs me, thats why i posted the thread.

theres all this evidence, then the conversation veers into trumps dad getting teslas research and building a time machine...

i'm not ready to go there.

but happy to look into project looking glass being predictive AI

"5d chess" and whatnot

45willwinagain 2 points ago +2 / -0

it's getting to be real annoying but i can imagine these creators aren't trying to re-upload their entire catalog each and every time some silicone valley twat waffle blacklists them.

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

older stuff... but now that you mention it i went digging and now that all his stuff got wiped from youtube i check his bitchute and there is only a very recent upload.

the one i remember had a whole forest of evergreen trees for a thumbnail and it was before the election

the one on his bitchute appears to be post election.

45willwinagain 2 points ago +2 / -0

IPOT did a whole series on evergreen and it was great

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

no, i don't find that interesting as there are power struggles and "purges" happing in that drama club all the time.

that level of money and power comes with a lot of shady business... and if i were planning a hit on suadi royalty it wouldn't be that hard to do... thats why security teams immediately rush their assets out of dynamic situations as soon as fucking possible whenever shit starts to go down. security detail is all about controlling the environment... you aren't in control of the environment during a mass shooting unless you are the crazy asshole pulling the trigger.

45willwinagain 1 point ago +1 / -0

i've looked into it extensively, there planes flying in the background between the buildings with flashing marker lights but there most certainly are not "shots coming from between the buildings" that absurd.

there is however video with people yelling "he's shooting from the window"


he was firing from inside the room to mask his muzzle flash. if you stand at an open window and fire a gun everyone can see you, but if you take three steps back and fire from inside the room, only the people in direct line of sight are going to see it.

if there were "no shots fired from mandalay bay" then why the fuck is that dude seen on security cam trollying multiple carts full of guns and ammo up to his room all week, why did he blow out those windows, why did he have his own door cams rigged to the doors, why was there a mountain of spent brass in his room and gun store worth of guns int hat room...

he was a wealthy asshole commie who got pissed off by the media constantly filling his head with trump hate and he decided to end his life while killing trump supporters.

that is why you never hear a motive for the vegas shooting... because it was inspired by the media.

just like the guy who shot up the baseball practice... he targeted the republicans because the media filled his head with lies and bullshit about republicans being evil.

the media will NEVER take responsibility for the cult they have created. they are like the arsonist who stands in the crowd to watch their creation... they won't admit to the firefighters that they did it because they want to do it again.

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