4Liberty 10 points ago +11 / -1

Does anyone besides Hannity call him Bull Durham (after the baseball movie)? Is it really his common nickname?

4Liberty 6 points ago +7 / -1

His purpose was to discuss Rush Limbaugh. Hannity even asked Trump what plans he had for the future and Trump refused to give a real answer, saying “today is all about Rush”.

4Liberty 53 points ago +54 / -1

We’re the same way in Louisiana, with volunteer groups like the Cajun Army and Cajun Navy rescuing people during floods/hurricanes, helping random people gut their flooded homes, distributing supplies/meals, etc.

4Liberty -1 points ago +1 / -2

“At the end of the day” you still have no clue of what an “organism” is and you refuse to look at the resources I provided to explain the biological definition that you should have learned in high school biology.

4Liberty -1 points ago +2 / -3

False, the child is never responsible for killing the mother. The child did not create itself, did not place itself in the womb, and did not initiate any force against the mother. Preborn children are always 100% innocent.

4Liberty -1 points ago +2 / -3

Can you not read? I said consequences for murder should be given. I just didn’t give specifics. I oppose the death penalty, which is what you proposed.

4Liberty -1 points ago +2 / -3

It’s not “seed”, it’s a living human organism/being with equal inherent/natural rights. Murder is always wrong, and preborn human beings are always 100% innocent. These are irrefutable facts.

4Liberty 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not every Twitter post was meant to point to a specific Q drop. Also, Q has said they will never publicize their details/schedule to the enemy.

4Liberty 1 point ago +2 / -1

Mine expire on 2/26. ?

4Liberty -1 points ago +3 / -4

That wasn’t the argument. No one is arguing that making something against the law will stop all occurrences of that crime.

4Liberty -3 points ago +3 / -6

It doesn’t matter what the majority believes, whether the majority support communism, or support exterminating Jews, or support slavery.

Also, no child deserves the death penalty for the crimes of their rapist father, and no girl deserves the trauma of abortion/murdering their child on top of their trauma from rape.

You’re only agreeing with murderers that murder is okay when it’s perceived to be convenient and the victims the defenseless and out of sight.

4Liberty -2 points ago +1 / -3

Holy shit. You have no idea what an organism is. Here, educate yourself. Organisms aren’t limited to Homo sapiens. There’s even single cell organisms of other species.


Also, “person” is a legal term that has nothing to do with science. Governments can declare illegal aliens, blacks, or Jews are not “persons” just like you’re discriminating against the human organisms that are still on the other side of the birth canal.

4Liberty -8 points ago +3 / -11

Lots of children die natural deaths after birth too. That’s life. It’s not justified to murder a human being just because they might be a burden on others or not live the quality of life up to the expectations of others.

Also, the cases where a baby must be murdered in order to save the mother are pretty much nonexistent. Every time a mother has gone against the advice of their doctor and refused to murder their child, the mother lived anyway.

Would you murder your teenage son in order to harvest their heart because you needed a heart transplant to save your life?

4Liberty -2 points ago +3 / -5

I’m not making any argument about what consequences should be given, just that abortion is murder. If a mother rapes her child, or murders their child, harsh consequences should be given either way.

4Liberty -1 points ago +5 / -6

Here’s a long list of scientific references that prove you wrong. https://www.princeton.edu/~prolife/articles/embryoquotes2.html

Also, learn some basic high school biology. Learn the difference between an organism (a living being) vs a living cell, such as a skin cell, that is a part of an organism.

“Being” simply means state of existence. Human organisms are synonymous with human beings.

4Liberty 0 points ago +4 / -4

The safety of the murderer and their accomplices is irrelevant to the fact that abortion is murder. They are not the victims here and deserve no safety. Also, all the stats that originated from Roe v Wade regarding abortions and dangerous back alley abortions were all lies. Also, many women get killed or severely injured during the “safe” abortions in clinics too.

Again, that’s all irrelevant to the fact that abortion is murder and no situation can justify it.

4Liberty -3 points ago +5 / -8

Wrong. Science has disproven your personal opinion. “Human” refers to our species, which is defined by our DNA. There’s a biological definition of “organism” that has several criteria, and human zygotes are confirmed with technology such as electron microscopes to be human organisms.

If we go by random opinions about what a human being is instead of the scientific definition, then people like you could once again argue that blacks or Jews are not actual human beings just like some currently do for preborn human organisms.

4Liberty -3 points ago +3 / -6

That’s irrelevant to the fact that abortion is murder. What if in your scenario it was 6 black adults vs 6 white adults? What if it were men vs women? What if it were teenagers vs elderly? What if it were 6 elderly Christians vs 6 young Satan worshippers?

4Liberty -1 points ago +4 / -5

Why is that a problem to you? Should the government provide body armor and better weapons to mass shooters and assassins too so that they can more safely murder others?

4Liberty -4 points ago +10 / -14

No it isn’t. It still legalizes murder. Abortion is murder. It’s a proven scientific fact that a new human organism is created at conception. Either you believe all human organisms are created with equal inherent rights, or you believe our rights are merely arbitrarily granted by whoever happens to be in power over us based on arbitrary criteria such as race, gender, age, location, mental/physical abilities, etc.

As for exceptions, there are none that should be tolerated. No child deserves the death penalty for the crimes of their rapist father.

Also, killing your preborn son/daughter because your health is at risk is like murdering your teenage son/daughter because you need to harvest their organs for a transplant to save your life.

4Liberty -5 points ago +1 / -6

Abortion is murder. It’s a proven scientific fact that a new human organism is created at conception. Either you believe all human organisms are created with equal inherent rights, or you believe our rights are merely arbitrarily granted by whoever happens to be in power over us based on arbitrary criteria such as race, gender, age, location, mental/physical abilities, etc.

As for exceptions, there are none that should be tolerated. No child deserves the death penalty for the crimes of their rapist father.

Also, killing your preborn son/daughter because your health is at risk is like murdering your teenage son/daughter because you need to harvest their organs for a transplant to save your life.

4Liberty -3 points ago +4 / -7

That’s still murder. No child deserves the death penalty for the crimes of their rapist father.

Also, killing your preborn son/daughter because your health is at risk is like murdering your teenage son/daughter because you need to harvest their organs for a transplant to save your life.

Consistent logic/morals are important.

4Liberty 0 points ago +1 / -1

That’s the wallstreetbets logo.

4Liberty 0 points ago +1 / -1

Right, “NOT ALL”. So if Trump is promoting a certain vaccine, anyone who trusts Trump would trust that vaccine.

4Liberty 0 points ago +1 / -1


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