4Liberty 1 point ago +2 / -1

“Ya get what you f*ing deserve.” I’ve been saying worse about cops for many years (as a conservative) for all their rampant crimes, unaccountability, and enforcing unjust/unconstitutional laws (such as all gun laws). Bluepilled cop worshippers assumed I was just a libtard.

4Liberty 3 points ago +4 / -1

No, screw him and all the other controlled opposition. At this point, anyone with a large audience like him who hasn’t done their due diligence to wake up is just demonstrating they’re a fraud.

4Liberty 18 points ago +19 / -1

Just like Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi Cruz was a CFR member on the task force for their globalist North American Union agenda. Far too many people on this site still think he’s a Patriot.

4Liberty 2 points ago +3 / -1

The Original Post is full of disinformation from our enemies, and people who don’t understand what’s going on, and it’s sad to see the post get so much support.

The “silver squeeze” is absolutely a ploy by the elite to recoup some of their GME losses while simultaneously pulling money from the GME bulls. That’s why WSB’s has been telling people to stay focused on GME for now.

Yes there’s a a big premium now on physical silver over paper silver. Yes JP Morgan has been suppressing the price of silver for decades. Yes it would be good to destroy them with that (would be a long-term process), but not while playing by the enemy’s plan/timeline.

4Liberty 3 points ago +4 / -1

Exactly right. They need to reach the “precipice” before they can change, and facing their mental anguish from cognitive dissonance is part of the process. If people reach out to them to hold their hand and comfort them, it will lessen the impact of the change. They need to fully understand that their kind are the enemy going forward, so that they will never revert back to it.

4Liberty 9 points ago +11 / -2

Yeah, if they come to me first with a sincere apology, I’ll welcome them back. Otherwise, I’ll treat them how they treated me, plus I will guilt trip the hell out of them for defending and prolonging all of this evil.

How many children could have been spared from torture, rape, and murder if the bluepill sheep weren’t so willfully intellectually lazy and irresponsible, and instead joined us in a massive dominant force to end it all?

4Liberty 2 points ago +4 / -2

I’d have to know some basics about him first, such as, is he pro-life, how much socialism does he support, if he’s a fan of taxation/theft.

4Liberty -1 points ago +1 / -2

Reddit is opposed to the silver squeeze for now because they want everyone coordinated and buying GME with their limited funds instead. It’s the MSM that is claiming there’s a big silver squeeze now, and they’re doing that to protect their hedge fund friends. They know the silver squeeze would be a much more difficult, longer term effort, and the elite are making money off of silver to cover their GME shorts.

4Liberty 12 points ago +16 / -4

CanuckPatriot, it’s highly likely that only Q followers are buying this darnkess book and the baron book for obvious reasons. Did you think there was something more to it than that?

4Liberty 28 points ago +30 / -2

Would catsfive please repost this so it will be stickied? It needs to be stickied! I’d say this is a significant message from the Trump family.

4Liberty 3 points ago +6 / -3

After the big fish go down, there may still be additional crimes the small fish who cooperated can still get charged with to face real justice.

4Liberty 0 points ago +2 / -2

Love your passion, but government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem. Here’s the real solution: https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0NdBSpn/heres-the-solution-going-forward/

4Liberty 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is why we need true freedom and liberty in an actual free market. We must take the monopolized power away from these elite. Explained in more detail in this post and comments: https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0NdBSpn/heres-the-solution-going-forward/

4Liberty 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is this guy a big Q follower or something? I haven’t seen him being retweeted among any big Q supporter accounts.

4Liberty 0 points ago +1 / -1

Basically, “Go be a wind turbine mechanic making a $40k salary.”

4Liberty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Say what? No, they haven’t even made the first major shockwave arrest yet. Still LOTS of happenings to happen.

4Liberty 4 points ago +6 / -2

Which could happen any minute, because we have no idea what his current and future operational phases are or their scope or duration or timing. So yes, he’ll post when he’s ready to post.

4Liberty 5 points ago +5 / -0

Could be a symbol for one of the fake 70+ genders.

4Liberty -13 points ago +1 / -14

Our founders were LOOTERS, cop killers, rioters, lawbreakers, tax evaders, false flag attackers, traitors!

Theses are some very uncomfortable facts for most “Patriots” who haven’t broken free from their deep state indoctrination (education).

4Liberty 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks. Will keep checking https://qagg.news/ every hour or so like I’ve been doing every day already. ?

4Liberty 10 points ago +10 / -0

Redditers don’t believe that, claiming they covered one share, and are still on the hook for everything coming Friday.

4Liberty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wildfires. Gold Dollar. Biden. Green poison vaccines. Nuclear bomb. Coronavirus BS. End of the USA (Corporation), or a split America. China. TikTok. Push for “green” energy (wind).

Why would the elite have this “chance” theme for 2021? Doesn’t sound like they were very sure what would and will happen, and that they weren’t in control anymore.

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