Pro Tip: if you didn’t automatically realize this was a photoshopped joke, and didn’t go to flightaware to confirm the legitimacy if you suspected it might be real, then I highly recommend you “lurk moar”. All of us should be fact checking / researching everything we see instead of trusting random people on the internet.
In other words, stop promoting the “Sunday Gun Day” posts on TD, and don’t put up a sign in front of your house that says “WE ARE ARMED, LOOTERS WILL BE SHOT” when SHTF, and don’t show others how excited you are when the price of gold and silver go up.
3 points
+3 / -0
13 points
+13 / -0
9 points
+10 / -1
Q called Alex Jones out as a shill. I suppose there’s a lot of people new to Q who didn’t catch on to that yet. Even before Q came onto the scene, there were many who figured AJ was controlled opposition.