50shousewife 3 points ago +4 / -1

We actually had LESS people die this year than last year because all causes of death were linked to COV-ID, so stop. Masks do not work. Lock downs do not work. This has been scientifically proven. Look to countries that did not utilize those things. Why do you need a vaccine for a virus that has a greater than 99% chance of survival? It's not even as bad as the flu. A lot of us have lived through worse actual pandemics -- this ain't one.

50shousewife 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL yeah I'm not going quietly into that dark night.

50shousewife 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who runs the government and the courts? The commies. It's a political game. You or I could look at a cop wrong, or say something someone doesn't like and get arrested. If an oligarch did something, they get a pass. And vice versa. If you or I jaywalked, we could get the books thrown at us. If a politician did it, depending on which side that politician is on, they could get a pat on the back, a raise, or thrown in prison for life. We know that the game is rigged against one side. That is why we are here. If you are blind that you do not see that, you aren't for the people, you work for the oligarchs.

50shousewife 0 points ago +1 / -1

He did not cause any sedition, just stop with the absolute silliness. Show me evidence of money laundering, selling "national secrets" to foreign governments, and conspiracy to defraud the government. He did not commit tax evasion, that is false. Just because he played the tax game as written by the codes and won, does not mean that's against a law.

However, if you would like to go back in time for people who were never held responsible for selling national secrets to foreign governments: Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bush, and probably a hell of a lot more.

50shousewife 1 point ago +1 / -0

For what exact crimes, I would like to know, in all super seriousness. Enlighten us.

50shousewife 2 points ago +2 / -0

To tease his base? Well, he is an entertainer. Maybe it was to sell products at the end of it all? I really don't know. I hope not. I guess more time will tell and I need more evidence one way or another. Hypotheses are formed, but we need more evidence and testing.

50shousewife 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've always been 97% black-pilled (I think I was a born cynic), but I have 3% hope that I exercise daily, so I'm still at 3%. Maybe 4% just to piss off the shills and trolls.

50shousewife 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk, I really don't. I'm very confused. Trumps last few speeches really were off and out of touch with reality. Like him saying "have a nice life"... um, they are going to put us all in camps now, so..... Him dropping any mention of voter fraud... It's all very strange. This could point to that the plan is still going on and this is a retreat move. I really hope he didn't do us dirty that way, but what if he did? What if he is out of touch with what is happening and is just focused on starting his own party and line of conservative media companies?

50shousewife 1 point ago +1 / -0

LMFAO. How about eat it, but keep building on it and replenishing it because I have a feeling we will run out of food fast like VZ did when their commies took over.

50shousewife 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, now we are friends with China and Iran, so I don't think it matters, since we are subsidiaries of them now.

50shousewife 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I don't get it. Either he was DS all along, he made a wrong move near the end, or DS made a threat big enough for him to do what they told him to, such as "we will have China attack the US soil with nukes", hence why all the military. I don't know, it just is very strange.

50shousewife 5 points ago +5 / -0

I love that my neighbors all think I'm a bitch and are kind scared to approach me because I hate neighbors and cannot wait to move to our land soon and not have any anymore. Just think, if they think you're the crazy guy, you can indiscriminately scream at their kids for being too loud (and they will run away), you won't have to buy Halloween candy, and no one will bother you at inconvenient times knocking on your door for stupid things.

50shousewife 5 points ago +5 / -0

I see it more as:

  1. Q is real and the plan has not happened, yet.
  2. Q is real and the plan was foiled and cannot happen.
  3. Q was not real, a troll, for people to have fun with others.
  4. Q was not real, a psy-op, for complacency, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever because it only promoted people into research and more action, like me, who never voted before actually voted for once and woke up others.
  5. Q was not real, a psy-op, for demoralization, which, again, I don't think is working because most people are not demoralized that h have been following and it's not about who is president as much as human trafficking.
  6. Q and Trump were a deep state assets all along in order to catch any deviants not susceptible to mind control and coercion in order to learn how to control them? So they can start the whole "everyone who voted Trump is a white supremacist" work re-education camps now?
50shousewife 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't need a deep web lol. They have the entire media, all television, all stores, all celebrities, schools, universities, churches, and everything main stream to shout how great communism is.

50shousewife 30 points ago +34 / -4

Again, he doesn't have any accounts other than gab. This is fake. Please stop posting these already.

50shousewife 2 points ago +2 / -0

“It is the unemotional, reserved, calm, detached warrior who wins, not the hothead seeking vengeance and not the ambitious seeker of fortune.”

Redirect that passion to something that will help yourself in the end.

50shousewife 10 points ago +10 / -0

He doesn't have a telegram, just gab.

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