"Ask yourself a (simple) logical question… Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates? Why are we a threat to them? Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility? Why was this done in the past? We knew this type of "attack" was coming. PREDICTABLE. FAKE NEWS. ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY. Q"
not sayint that it isnt possible, but lmao imagine someone did something like this about you people, showing an older video of when you were younger compared to your recent appearance. just to say "i bet hes a genetically modified body double clone. look, he looks different!"
so I think it wont be a political enemy of trump. cause the demtards would think "oh trumps a dictator. hes arresting his enemies now" that wouldnt SHOCK everyone.
something like the pope like others say. gates? soros isnt knwoen well enough in all parts of the world. hmm Merkel, i hope
lorl im an enemy of islam. the name is to mock him