AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are there sects of Judaism that reject the Talmud?

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Idk, many are awakening to the evil done in the name of Israel. We cannot and should not EVER blindingly and unconditionally support another country because it fits our interpretation of prophecy. Both the GOP & DNC are controlled by the Israel Lobby. Isn't it odd that Israel is the ONLY thing that enemies agree on? Joe Biden and Steve Bannon have professed allegiance to Zionism! They could not (appear to) be more on the opposite spectrum, ideologically. Then you consider that it is Mossad in cahoots with our own intelligence agencies using blackmail schemes to carry out so much evil unto our people; Gentiles and Christians all over the world.

Here are just 2 examples: 9/11 and Epstein. Make it make sense.

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you going on about? I asked YOU to provide evidence of your claim. Tell us you are a shill without telling us you are a shill. Lol.

But, I will bite anyway. Explain to me why anyone should worship any people (man)? You know that part in the Bible about false idols and everything, right? If a tribe of people rejects the Savior of Mankind, how are they "chosen" if they are rejecting Him as the Messiah?

It would appear you are doing what Jews do best by inverting and then projecting your argument. Jews are the masters of gaslighting, I give them that.

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh ok haha. How sad though that the Jewish subversion of the Catholic church would cause you to renounce Christ. (unless I am making an incorrect assumption there?) But then again, it would not surprise me at all. That is the purpose of the subversion, to turn everyone they can away from Christ. The state of the church today is evil beyond recognition and has been since at least the Second Council.

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

Crazy I just ran into him yesterday on Twitter because someone was calling him out.

AQ922 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is pretty famous for being pretty evil. Just something that stuck out in my mind when I discovered that about her. Was random. Not sorry :)

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

So I got my tube on Amazon for $20! But that was like a month ago and now the price has doubled if you can find it! Chewy.com has it much cheaper but they are out of stock. The dosage is 1 click per 50 lbs so I did 3. What I did is warm up some water and mix the paste/gel as best as I could and add it to organic lemonade, and drank it down, one gulp. I read on here to take it on a full stomach and that seemed to do me well. Do this on days 1, 3, and 9. I have never felt better My appetite is like...gone though and I have probably lost some weight because I don't have worms craving shitty food haha

I had some left and my mom is currently having a vertigo episode and it has helped her in a matter of hours. She has these extreme vertigo episodes that leave her in bed for a week. Doctors don't know what it is. She has a history of epilepsy (in remission for many years) and has HSV2 and has had severe breakouts for 30 years and has been on antivirals periodically for that. Ever since 5G went up here in Denver, she has had these insane vertigo spells (3-4 a year) and also has inflammation of her lymph nodes (they get swollen, hot) and then has plague psoriasis-like outbreaks in these same areas a day or so after the swelling.

I gave her a dose to her weight LAST NIGHT and she is 75% better today when at this point she would be on the downward spiral to dizzy hell. Next dose I predict she will be begging me to go suit up for a jog haha! I hope you got some by now or can and report back to us how it went!

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

Got a name on this guy? I have a friend running for congress in Ohio. I want to give him a heads up and do some digging myself.

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'd be lying if I said I didn't already consider this and that perhaps this would be to soften the blow if he were the "first arrest to trigger mass pop awakening"...

Just a theory. Or a cope. Whatev.

AQ922 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I hate this answer so much. My mom says it to me on the daily. Just stop with this. It is cult-like excuse making. There is no way to prove this. It is speculative, hopium fantasy talk.

AQ922 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I have been devastated by Trump's vax shilling. I think I have just grown weary and I just cannot play these speculation games any longer. That being said, I can really dig on what you are saying here except one part:

Trump said he got the jabs/booster. Did he lie? Did he do it?? Ahhhh as mad as I am about the whole thing I hate to think he is a liar and I hate even more to think he will be harmed by the poison jab. Ugh.

AQ922 -2 points ago +0 / -2

Provide evidence that Christianity is thriving in Israel. Please.

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did they follow the Talmud? If they did, they would never tell you if you are a Gentile. It says in the Talmud that if a Gentile studies the Talmud, the deserve death. Food for thought.

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

And the ones who killed him inscribed that on the cross as the most disgusting "shitpost" of all time.

AQ922 1 point ago +2 / -1

Reminds me Reagan after he was shot. I once had a brief chat with Cathy O'Brien in April of 2020 and asked her about Reagan because she names him but also supported Trump and I was curious what she thought of Trump idolizing Reagan.

She told me that they got to him while in the hospital while he was recovering from the assassination attempt. MKULTRA style. Scary.

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Paste taker here, have taken 2 doses and because you asked, I have to answer about the sex drive.

YES. 2 doses in I had the most intense sex dream IN MY LIFE starring my husband and it was not only detailed but also very therapeutic for me. I have been really depressed for the last year and that kills the libido and wow...something happened after this dream and let's just say...I am in breeding mode again hahahahaha.

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hey hey so you took a whole tube? I am currently using Durvet and today is day 4, and I am wondering when to take another dose...from what I have seen is the 1/3/9 protocol. So, I took a dose on day 1 and 3 so...take another not until 5 days from now? For how long? Until the tube is gone?

I am already feeling some great side effects like others are detailing here but I want to get the max benefit. Do I need to deworm my dog, kids, and husband, too? Lol like if we don't take the vaxx their's is not effective kind of thing but legit? Haha.

AQ922 2 points ago +3 / -1

I couldn't have said this better myself.

AQ922 0 points ago +1 / -1

Omg was the other kid in a Putin mask and in the burbs near Denver CO? Because if so, those were my kids 🤣

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