We can hope, and we can pray. I'll be doing both, lol.
Donald Trump is still the legitimate president and no one can tell me otherwise.
Same. I am sick to death of holding this invisible line as we are repeatedly told we have representation in DC.
Yeah? Where the fuck is it, then? We want the 2020 election corrected and could give zero fucks about 2022 or 2024 until that's done.
It means they've either accepted the fraud as irreversible and we're fucked unless we ourselves rise up, or he was "giving up" to put his opponents off guard.
I hope for the latter, but highly suspect the former.
I don't like it, lol
Third time as in:
- 2016
- 2020 (he won, you know it I know it we all know it
- 2024
No, he said he might win a third time meaning 2024.
We'll be huffin' hopium all the way to the camps, at this rate.
Damn right. Fixing this past election would have caused chaos no matter what. Inaction is therefore inexcusable.
The message is, violence talks and everything else walks, apparently.
Third time meaning he won in 2016 and won again in 2020. 2024 would be the third.
Our nation, our script.
I'm getting a huge hit of doom with this.
A lot of "let's vote 'em out in 2022 and 2024!"
There will be no 2024 if we do not correct 2020!
We cannot let this illegitimate Biden regime stand for even one term, what the fuck? We just let them get away with it??
Did yall notice the two pictures at the beginning, Tom Hanks and Ellen Degenerate? Almost like a quick "in memoriam", it is weird and out of place.
Why would they show those two pictures, especially if Hanks is in the crowd?
I think Hanks and Degenerate were executed.
That's muh president right there.
Phone about to die, saving my place
Seems promising!
We have no recourse.
We have no grounds, apparently, from which to fight.
I am tired of this shit.
Stuff your sorry in a sack, sir. I'll go down fighting to wake these leftist faggots up.
Was born in Ohi-uh, was too warm for me lol
We seem to be on our own, ladies and gentlemen.
Soooo we're on our own.
We have no legal recourse.
Unless there is a plan, we are on our own.
Didn't know what's happening, didn't know where to send me.
We have no legal recourse.
Turns out, I have no standing. Ahem..
Call or email your state, tell 'em you know this shit was fraudulent
We are on our own.
I said
"How can we have legal recourse if its 'no standing' before and 'moot' after??
" I dunno, try calling AB+C law firm instead"
The run around.
It's ok to be skeptical and you're not a shill for it, despite what others may say.