Anneright 2 points ago +2 / -0

DMSO, a solvent, is produced as a by-product of the paper industry. It is often used on injuries of horses and dogs to reduce swelling. I got it from the internet but it probably is available from a horse supply store. I apply it to all cuts and bruises etc. But to me the most useful application I found it to be is for cold sores. I have been troubled persistently with cold sores for at least 40 years, nothing really worked, somethings helped a little. About 9 months ago I felt a cold sore coming on and applied DMSO which happened to be on my desk in front of me. This worked far better than anything else to "stop the cold sore in its tracks". I never let it touch plastic or metal because it is a solvent. Shingles is a relative of cold sores. If I got shingles I would just apply DMSO. Monkeypox doesn't scare me now because I know for certain it could be healed by DMSO. It also seems to be reducing the number of attacks drastically. I seem to get more of them than anyone I know. This condition has caused me so much stress, if only I knew about this a long time ago....

Anneright 1 point ago +4 / -3

Our Deep Staters want to make Ukraine into Greater Israel and Kiev into the new Jerusalem. This video on Rumble "Ukraine as 'Big Israel' and the Heavenly Jerusalem Project" gives a likely reason for what's behind the war in Ukraine.

Anneright 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I just love heroes. Their stories make me cry. In the last years we are seeing a few of those surface.