Annoawakening 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, I asked God for your brother. The divine power helps and heals. Trust and believe.

Annoawakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look.at www.bruno-groening.org/eng www.youtube.com/ BrunoGroening/org.eng Youtubefilm The Phenomenon of Healing. Organisation Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. Bruno Gröning was and is a man of God.

Annoawakening 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wish all the luck you need and more. Be in the love of God and so be protected!

Annoawakening 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does an****yone have the link of the Trumps speech from January the 6th ? I'd like to show someone to redpill, but can 't find it anymore. Thank you!

Annoawakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks !!! Lost this one and it is - YES- Very useful for redpilling. Now also in the Netherlands???.

Annoawakening 1 point ago +1 / -0

To my opinion it is not cement,the material is older and unknow. The ultimate top of the piramides is not there for a reason : as a symbol of the human beiing who totally has reached the unity with God : s****o no materie or materials needed anymore My " discoveries" were the books:

*Also spricht die Cheops-Pyramide (So speaks the Cheops-pyramid), writer Hans Sterneder. Bruno Groening , who was 100% a man of God, said Sterneders books are containing the truth.

  • The other book is " Einweihung", ( initiation) Elisabeth Haich. Read, and you experience a part of earth's history.
Annoawakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will pray for you and your beautiful family.