Look.at www.bruno-groening.org/eng www.youtube.com/ BrunoGroening/org.eng Youtubefilm The Phenomenon of Healing. Organisation Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. Bruno Gröning was and is a man of God.
Wish all the luck you need and more. Be in the love of God and so be protected!
Does an****yone have the link of the Trumps speech from January the 6th ? I'd like to show someone to redpill, but can 't find it anymore. Thank you!
Thanks !!! Lost this one and it is - YES- Very useful for redpilling. Now also in the Netherlands???.
To my opinion it is not cement,the material is older and unknow. The ultimate top of the piramides is not there for a reason : as a symbol of the human beiing who totally has reached the unity with God : s****o no materie or materials needed anymore My " discoveries" were the books:
*Also spricht die Cheops-Pyramide (So speaks the Cheops-pyramid), writer Hans Sterneder. Bruno Groening , who was 100% a man of God, said Sterneders books are containing the truth.
- The other book is " Einweihung", ( initiation) Elisabeth Haich. Read, and you experience a part of earth's history.
I will pray for you and your beautiful family.
Yes, I asked God for your brother. The divine power helps and heals. Trust and believe.