Replacing joe with an actor (assuming that was possible) would be a horrible idea. Because now its white hats doing all the bad stuff that we thought biden was doing... all in the name of making us learn that democrats are bad? WE KNEW THAT ALREADY. What we didn't know was how bad the Republicans were too. Who are these "white hats" anyway? I pretty much only know of one.
People disliking the dissent are the true retards.
That's photoshopped....
Is it a hoax or did China make it?
Q was listed as an extremist organization in a recent seminar in a certain branch of the military. So I think we're out guys.
So, is he implying he was never involved in any plan here?
Never before have I felt good, positive emotions while seeing this pic
And America allowed slavery... what happened to forgive and move on? This is the same reasoning why the left still demand blacks pay reparations. This is not me being against jews nor an excuse to be antisemitic--I've seen you people posting on this forum...
Right, and I think the Epstein cover up is the perfect argument for "literally anything the media and government says could be untrue not because they're wrong but because they are lying."
Should I trust that the plan is allow more people to be harmed or die or lose jobs while have Biden undo every EO Trump signed? Instead of just drop what they know at the doorstep and say, "this is what happened, here's who is responsible and this is why they're going to GITMO," the plan is to, let them keep going? "We need to let the murderer kill just one or two more people before they can make an arrest. That will convince the people!"?
At that point, the white hats are just as big assholes as the black hats.
Well that's not an agreed upon supposition. White hats are definitely not in control. We may both agree that they currently have some leverage but the military has taken no action. Though I'm hopeful that they do, let's face it: the government is corrupt, so why couldn't the upper tier of the military? They're out as far as I see. Unfortunate as I am also in the military and am concerned about the vaccine possibly becoming mandatory. Additionally, the legal system so far is failing us. We'll see what happens tomorrow about the court cases. We've been controlled for far too long to remember what actual freedom is.
My question is posed because I already think Biden is not a double.
Wow so you're saying that the 15 there plus two more equals the total number of people mentioned in the tweet?
Honestly guys he's not completely wrong. We keep spouting body double like anyone has more than those stupid sagging earlobes as "proof" the mans old and sick. Crimes have been committed and that we have proof of that. the media is the fucking worst and they're even worse at lying about shit so he's obviously a cuckboy for that alone. But he's right in that when we do look at the small details, we don't see the most outlandish possibility.
You may not be but GERALDINE here prolly is.
Yeah sorry I did not. I just watched the "beams arguement" per your request I continuted to the straight line thing and the chem trails bit. If you're concerned the DS might be putting dangerous chemicals in the atmosphere just make some equipment to measure it yourself. Those waves look like cirrus wisp clouds. I see them all the time. what purpose does anyone have to make the weather shitty
Look man Im willing to believe anything if you show me the evidence but a few statistical anomalies and data errors does not a strong argument make. The weather is inSANELY powerful. So powerful that windfarms exist solely to try and harness it. If we controlled the weather it would imply that the world has WAY more energy to use than is plausible even with nuclear energy.
The problem is I think we all claim weve drawn a line somewhere but the truth is no one wants to die or throw away their livelihood if they don't think they have to. They've been chipping away at the US for years and they starting taking guns away it would be a little bit at a time. My line right now would be if I knew someone was going to come to my door for my guns, I would announce to them first that I own them constitutionally and that I would in fact fight them to the death to keep them.
And some company probably made a lot of money selling shirts like this to both sides.
That's just them reporting. Its still a choice and the air force and I'd say only 5/40 people in my flight asked for it.
Hang the fuck on man. The weather?? You're saying he predicted the weather months in advance?
Nope. Not buying it. I want to see receipts of this one and james gunn being anything listed above then I'll believe it. RDJ essentially lived through what Mike Lindell lived through
Smart people usually aren't the ones to raise their hand and brag about how smart they are. It makes us uncomfortable ZING
It's nice to know but if no one noticed before, then calling it out could harm them unfortunately.