Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

"#1 Elon Musk Is a Former Klaus Schwab WEF Young Global Leader"

The link takes you to a story about Adam Schiff wanting to be speaker of the house, Nothing about Musk.

Antenna 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it is real assuming the live stream I got it from was real. It is a screen cap from a live stream I was watching. The streamer was walking around the entire racetrack in Hagerstown filming all the trucks in the convoy. When he saw this one he walked around it. Once he got in a good position I captured the image.

Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, that's where I got it from. It is a screen cap from a live stream.

Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

My best joke for today ...

The governments of Mexico and the US are run by ruthless drug cartels. Only difference is the Mexican government doesn't force its people to take their drugs.

Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

Get accounts to all of them. Nearly ALL of the 67 channels I was subscribed to on YTube were banned. I now watch all my favs LIVE on Rumble / Odysee / Brighteon. I watch daily casts on Bitchute / Rumble / Odysee. This is war and we have got to support all the streamers. BITCHUTE & ODYSEE have the "Watch Later" feature which has always been vital for me - can line up hours of content and listen while I work.

Antenna 5 points ago +5 / -0

Somehow "normies" have everyone's attention these days. Normies are the target audience of both the dying tv press & the rising citizen streamers. The former seek to keep Normies in the cult; the latter seeks to redpill & rescue.

Normie Lives Matter

Antenna 13 points ago +13 / -0

I do find the scripture posts to be both unhelpful and pandering

Scripture posts have saved my life.

Antenna 4 points ago +4 / -0

KID COWBOY'S STORY: This 18-year-old has an amazing story. He lost BOTH parents 5 years ago and has raised himself since. Was working, supporting himself and was planning to go to college to follow his career dreams until he was banned because he refuses to get the experimental death shot. When he learned of the truckers People's Convoy, he hitchhiked to California and rode with truckers all the way across the country with the clothes on his back and his most precious possession, his father's dog tags.

The truckers adopted him and brought him into the Capitol 2 days ago to tell his story at the round table with Ron Johnson & Ted Cruz where all the media was present for the first time. (They had up until then totally ignored the convoy). After that he had to immediately get on a plane to get back home, and that's when this incident happened.

AND IT GOT WORSE - (not shown in this video). He agreed to turn his shirt inside out and did so, and was wearing a mask. But the NAZI DELTA PILOT threw him off the plane anyway.

Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

The speeches at the end by truckers and many other salt-of-the-earth people had me in tears of sorrow & joy & hope the whole time - the vaccine-injured man, the nurse & teacher who lost their jobs, the Polish man who escaped Communism - AWESOME!!

Antenna 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you order (Z-Stack or whatever), use promo code Truckers for the money to be donated. One week only.

Antenna 6 points ago +7 / -1

I think we were and that's how the CIA ended up running things. Today it seems China (the New World Order law enforcement model) is destined to be be the world's police. If we don't stop it.

Antenna 1 point ago +1 / -0

Turdeau meeting with Obummer.

Antenna 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can't help but notice none of them started spontaneously hugging each other. They look young enough to have their entire school experience be with forced social distancing.

Antenna 6 points ago +6 / -0

cremation would mean no one would see this evidence.

Don't give 'em any ideas. Cremation will be the next "covid" mandate from Biden to deal with the massive deaths the vax will cause.

Antenna 22 points ago +22 / -0


  1. He started noticing the strange clots around May or June 2021. He’d never seen anything like it before in his life. However, he admits they could have started much earlier and he just never noticed them before because he was very busy.

  2. He is not aware of any cases where the strange clots were seen in unvaccinated cases (except for one unvaccinated person who received a transfusion)

3.He started formally tracking the number of patients with the strange clots in late 2021.

  1. He says currently over 50% of the bodies he embalms have the strange clots which he uniquely associates with the vaccines/boosters. This is the bombshell. The CDC says deaths from the vaccine are 0% and this embalmer, who has no conflicts of interest, says it is now over 50% of the cases he sees. They can’t both be telling the truth. One of them is lying.

  2. In Jan 2022, 37 out of 57 (65% of all cases) had these suspicious clots. That’s huge.

  3. His embalming volume varies by day. Sometimes it is one a day, other days it can be up to 6 or 7. He estimates he does an average of 2 per day, which is over 600 bodies a year. So while these aren’t huge numbers, the numbers are large enough that it is unlikely that the effect they are seeing is just due to small numbers.

  4. He contracts out his services to a variety of funeral homes. In 2020, he’d see a lot of COVID deaths because other embalmers didn’t want to touch those cases. Richard is COVID recovered so he had no problem handling those cases. Now, however, that fear has greatly subsided so now he is seeing more of a representative sample (i.e., unbiased) of people who die. So his “over 50% of deaths” figure is only slightly exaggerated from an embalmer seeing an “unfiltered” set of people.

  5. Younger people tend to be cremated, so he won’t see those cases.

  6. His peers (he’s discussed with 15 of them) see the same thing he does but won’t speak out publicly. I see this in other areas such as school officials being afraid to reveal high rates of myocarditis in their schools. For example, Nikki Daniels, Head of School at Monte Vista Christian School, isn’t speaking out about the four myocarditis cases at their small private school (which translates into a rate of myocarditis that I’d estimate is more than 1 in 100).

  7. The mainstream media, mainstream medical community, and HHS agencies are all ignoring Hirschman and others like John Looney. Only alt-media has reached out to him to write an article.

  8. PolitiFact reached out to try to discredit him but ended up not writing an article presumably because they failed to find anything to attack him on.

  9. There is no other explanation for this that we can figure out. It pretty much has to be a novel injectable product, first used in 2021 that results in blood clots and is injected into well over 50% of the population. There is only one drug that fits that bill: the COVID vaccines.

  10. None of his embalmer friends who have seen the data are planning on getting any more COVID vaccine shots.

  11. Richard is not alone. See this compilation: People who would know.

  12. Fewer than 1% of people who get the shots will die. As Dr. Mike Yeadon points out in the comments below, whether you die or not is likely a combination of how well you “take up” and “replicate” the mRNA, how dangerous the batch is, and other factors.

Antenna 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know. I just keep thinking the Big AIDS Lie is getting hard to keep secret, and is getting like the astronauts who "went" to the moon. They are allowed to live until senility causes them to start blurting out the truth. Then they're taken out.

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