They will be hunted down, just like the doctors and politicians, when this comes to an end soon! And it will be normies, who do the hunting! I see a picture like this and all I can hear is”satan smiles and spreads his wings” Or something like that from the old War Pigs song
I’d add research into the PM markets as well, especially silver! As a silver stacker, I’ve watched this manipulation for years! The central bankers have doubled down and are much more in our faces about it recently! The Great Reset can’t happen with all the Delplorables, worldwide, continuing to buy and HODL! We are the fly in their ointment! I’d also add CLOV to AMC and GME! When one of these stocks squeeze next, the HFS are going out of business!
My wife lost her job at Novant last Tuesday! For someone who loved their job as much as she did, she is back to her old self! The stress that went along with working for a death cult, was getting to be too much! My advice, do everything in your power, to eat and live clean, pray without ceasing and keep fear out of your life! I’m not sure hospitals are where anyone wants to visit, in the coming months!
I’m sorry, but don’t think they can crash it, until they clean up GME, AMC, CLOV and the silver stackers! Too many potential deplorable millionaires for the cabal to deal with! It was supposed to be the 1% ruling over the rest of us! Gun owners, silver stackers and meme stock HODL’s are in the way!
Yep, have a nice Chinese doc, who after telling her, I’m not taking the death jab, said great, you take care of yourself and will be fine! The nation is getting ready to find out how many based doctors and nurses there are!
Pray without ceasing, will be a great start! Fren, just know their are countless people on this site, that will be lifting you up daily! My wife officially loses her dream job at the hospital on Tuesday! It’s tough but we will all get through this! We are on the winning side, I guarantee that! Please keep us updated and fight the good fight! Be His today!
Yes, my vaxed employees are coughing incessantly and can’t seem to think their way through the simplest task! We need to be prepared to do the work of multiple people! Shoot, I already do that, but it’s getting ready to get worse!