by BQnita
Armitage 2 points ago +3 / -1

Oh yeah Hilary Swank is easy to spot. And yes the "Williams sisters LOL"

by BQnita
Armitage 1 point ago +2 / -1

See the post I where I replied to the other comment. There is a reason models are taught to walk by constantly shifting their hips to the side.

It is also the same reason they all do the tranny pose. One leg in front of the other with hands on hip. Or split legs apart and shift hip to one side.

Those aren't child bearing hips

Even when they are photographed walking down the street. The pictures are timed perfectly

Once again photographed walking down the street, That pose is by design

Also there are exceptions, this is the typical jawline male vs female

by BQnita
Armitage 4 points ago +5 / -1

Thick neck with a man's jawline

Although there are exceptions this is Female vs Male. Typically males shoulders are a fair bit wider than the hip. Where as females shoulders almost align with hips.

Notice the broad shoulders and hip to shoulder ratio. Like Shakira said "hips don't lie

Megan Fox Adam's apple

Megan Fox is not joking when she says that she is a man

Jessica Alba is also not joking about being a man ComicCon

As they get older it gets easier to spot

Here's one of JLO which can't be denied

Is that a real baby bump?

Do you believe in coincidences? How many times before it becomes mathematically impossible. Tranny pose to give the illusion of hips.

Pose 1, they split their legs apart and shift their hips to one side. Pose 2, put one leg in front of the other and place hands on hip.

Google celebrity red carpet 1

Google celebrity red carpet 2

by BQnita
Armitage 1 point ago +3 / -2

I'll one up your Michelle Obama. Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Emma Watson, Taylor Swift, Kardashian girls are male to females. Same as every woman in Victoria's Secret. Statue of Liberty is androgynous. Floyd Mayweather, Tom Brady, Anthony Joshua, Chris Hemsworth are females to males.

Armitage 11 points ago +11 / -0

The Matrix is in essence built on deceit. Spread false propaganda for a specific agenda.

Las Vegas Shootings - crisis actors, blood harvest and money donations.

Singers - many lack talent but paid a steep price for fame and fortune. Every single performance many artists have back up tape played to give you the illusion that it's actually them singing. Even some instruments are faked.

Voting - almost every country you are given the illusion of choice to make you think, your choice matters. But everything was scripted by the elite to make our lives harder. They live, we sleep.

Transgender - I have no issues with people who have reached an adult age and have felt their whole lives that they were born the wrong gender. However, most puppets under the elite (stars, politicians, business moguls) worship paganism and are transgender's that hide the fact that they are one, to serve Baphomet. Even the statue of liberty is transgender.

COVID - preliminary autopsies can take from 2 hours to 2 days. 1 month for a comprehensive examination. There is no way that any country has been able to accurately report deaths caused by COVID. It is fake, to cause mass fear whilst using predictive programming to get people used to spacing, wearing masks, basically police state.

Wars - staged event and pure lies are used to start wars, dwindle our numbers, cause strife, or take out any country that refuses to be apart of the Global Reserve Bank.

Many events such as faked assassination's, police brutality are used to create division between different races. Divided we are weak, united we a strong.

Brainwashing - subliminal messages are in everything.

What to where? A fashion expert will tell the masses what's hot this summer. Or how this haircut is old news.

Ever noticed how a friend will introduce you to a song which you won't initially like? Then you keep hearing it over the radio and start really liking it. When your mind isn't used to a chord progression you won't like a song, but once it clicks you will really get into the song. It won't apply to absolutely everything, but I've done it for years from Hip Hop to Rock, to Heavy Metal, 2000's, all the way back to music from the 60's which is way before my time.

Music charts, Oscars

News - almost everything on the news is fake.

Work 9-5, work hard and you can be anything you want, get an education (debt). Buy a house (debt).

This is the Matrix we live in. A prison you can't see, and you can't taste. Where they tell us how to dress, how to talk, how to live, what to eat, what is cool and what success is.

Armitage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, it's over and Patriots are in control. Even the Baghdad bombing was a hoax.

Armitage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Military has a very stringent screening process and background checks. This has been planned for decades, and they have created ways to collect the right personnel for the job.

I personally believe that they have cleared out the many D.U.M.B's which will be used in the tribunals.

The acts of treason won't hold a candle compared to what has been done in the D.U.M.B. Mass genocide, experimenting on humans, cannibalisms, locking people up in cages, using countries currency to built underground sites and worse.

Armitage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dr Biden wearing different shoes. Probably changed between takes whilst filming the movie lol.

Armitage 1 point ago +1 / -0

What they don't understand is we want a better world for us and them. Although the few that genuinely feel Q and Trump are controlled opposition due to not trusting anyone in government.

I can understand their point of view, the other ones who are just here to gloat fuck them.

Armitage 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been a long time NFL fan from down under. So waking up at 3am is nothing new to me. Plus, for an event of this magnitude, there is no way I'm missing out.

Armitage 4 points ago +4 / -0

At this point looking over Q drops and theorizing won't change all that much. Everything is set in motion.

What we need is some quality memes to motivate the ones that are losing hope, and some comedy to relieve the stress.

Armitage 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's spending her last hours deep frying a KFC family feast.

Armitage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Although I do realize the term Pizzagate/Pedogate hasn't been around for that long. I wonder if there is any relation to television shows being rate PG13.

Armitage 98 points ago +98 / -0

Maybe when Q said "these people are stupid", it was a reference to the general public.

Armitage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah some definitely have talent, but I've seen videos of Elton John singing, then falling off stage and the song was still going. Mariah Carey busted miming many times. Yeah some members of RHCP are transgenders. I'm a huge fan of Megadeth, but I know deep down even they've been compromised, although Dave Mustaine has claimed to be a born again Christian. Even sports is completely messed up. Anthony Joshua is female to male shoulders aren't broad. And small hands & feet. Compare to Wilder who is actually a man Floyd Mayweather, Tom Brady and Connor McGregor are also very likely female to males.

Armitage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Watch this one

The lies get even worse. A ton of Hollywood stars, specifically singers have absolutely no talent. And they always have autotune and backing tape, unless of course you have seen them sing live with no mic.

Armitage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep all us Aussies are in the same boat. People think we've lost our minds. So best not to talk about it to others until it's over, else it will just strain relationships more.

Armitage 2 points ago +2 / -0

When it's on T.V it is always by design. You will see a ton of numerology from 36 to 33. Freemason bricks in the backdrop, orange clothing, hand signs and symbols throughout.

The t-shirt has a character doing a devil hand sign, as well as a one eye symbol with that floating ball thing.

Armitage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please no. It will give the normies something to argue about. Oh, you were wrong about the Pope and the Vatican. Execute him and tell the world. I try to explain to them calmly, never once raising my voice. Then the brainwashing kicks in and they get angry. I don't want to have to put up with this shit no more.

by reynard
Armitage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, this video surprisingly has been pivotal to the few I managed to wake up in the last year.

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