Not her. This should be deleted this person should not have their picture plastered everywhere.
Bad illustration. First off it shows how greatly we have reduced troops in that dusty shithole moreso than how many in DC.
But it is overkill it's ridiculous... Unless... There is something more happening.
FAKE NEWS... The shooter was a white guy wearing black gloves.
It was a white guy wearing black gloves. This is fake news.
Bills fans are everywhere and Allen went to Wyoming so he's actually got a big mid-west following.
People need to distinguish what they believe abd what they know. It is impossible to factually know if Q is real or a larp, but you may have a belief it's true. Understanding this and how you are perceived will help you better communicate.
As much as someone may believe this stuff, you don't know.
Bills fans are maniacs and that kid Josh Allen is their new Jim Kelly.. Don't know if i would read much into it.
So when you attack the constitution with a pen and change it, it's politics, but forcing your way into a public building to make your voice heard to those doing so is insurrection... Gotcha.
This is the same guy, not a 2nd... If there was another post the link.
But but what happened to an inclusive society? LOL
If you are setting up for 7000 troops you are going to need it. mean waiting to see the military do it's public actions... Our military moves and accomplishes things without being seen and that would need to be necessary in this case up until a certain point.
How desperate are you that you ban a CARTOONIST??
Where does this hallway lead?
I do not mean to be disrespectful to the young woman and claim this shooting wasn't real, but if we are going to go through an excercise of if it was fake...
Hear me out... If that is the hallway where offices were that had laptops taken, and if those laptops were taken via FISA Warrant, they would need to be in that area without the crowd. How can you keep the crowd there but keep them out and area secured? Stage a shooting, she is Air Force, and could be playing a role in an operation to create a necessary diversion to seal the area for a period of time.
The thing I find most odd is this area was never secured as a crime scene, correct? Very odd. Very very odd.
I do not believe this was fake I did think she was shot and died, but in the exercise of what if...
Italy uses English and not Italian on their legal docs????
We really need the deport button to be working again for fake shit like this.