What night??
Cant we just train to become poll workers? I have a friend working at one in Portland which is blue as they come but he's republican and no one's asked or bothered him about his affiliation (yet) in the past few times hes done it
Trump's got a plan - rest up, but when you WAKE up, get back on the horse! dont reward Rinos for not doing shit. I want to see arrests by 2022 or I'm sleeping in on election day
I'm with you. We don't know better than Trump
I mean, it doesn't seem like a play. We shopuldn't vote until we hear more from Trump. That's what he said,
I was hoping this but now it's all back. I feel like we're just being teased and laughed at at this point. Fuck i hate this. Keep being told "See?" by friends family when this stuff never turns out like we think
I mad 4 test posts, all say the warning. What the fuck? What was the darkness for?
Still getting the Covid 19 facts thing popup
Wait wtf they're back up? What? I wake up from a nap thinking the 10 days were coming!
Well telegram isn't one of the Facebook subsidiaries like Instagram etc.
But the military's on our side, if military changes elections why not let Trump win
Please make a post for this. More people should see it.
Good for you for deleting but it's suspicious as fuck. Especially that the Mods let it through and stickied. I came to this board to get away from misinfo shit, and now this?
If you're reading this mods, step your shit up.
Wait it was confirmed biden won? Where'd yous ee that
There's no dismissal order listed in what you linked. Are you still lying? Who paid you to try to sell this to us?
OP Why are you lying? Are you compromised? Story's not about Dominion.
Story's fake. Clip says nothing about Dominion
The suit in the story had nothing to do with Dominion. The OP is fagging and making shit up to lull us into a false sense of security. Compromised. Mods may be too for stickying.
Read it. The suit in question has literally nothing to do with Dominion. It's fake.
Codemonkey said this on Telegram. Credit him. Weird you're trying to steal words.
Can you show that video? Also any reports about the telling folks their ballot was precast, anx multiple mailins?
Which subsections though? Do we have specific cases of fraudulent votes yet?
I'm not saying the people who gave him the job didn't know, he had to give some personal info obvi for background stuff, but you're not allowed to ask your fellow poll workers their political affiliations apparently. So fellow poll workers didn't bug him and he was able to learn about the process and keep an eye on things.
The whole point of my og comment is why don't more of us do it, if we really wanna breath down their necks as u said? Wouldn't that be best, to be as close to the process as possible?