AwakeButNotWoke 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m with you. They aren’t getting my data anymore. Fuck them. Don’t need them to know what the enemy thinks. There are other ways.

AwakeButNotWoke 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hahaha I was thinking the same thing. It was an awesome day. We were on the steps of the Capitol dancing to “We’re not gonna take it.” That day was filled with a lot of happy people. It got ruined by infiltrators. Cant wait until the true story gets released.

AwakeButNotWoke 4 points ago +5 / -1

It’s their same regurgitated response every time. Many of them seem to have bought into the Q narrative of MSM because if they had actually read the drops, sitting back and waiting is not a directive. The mission has always been to reclaim the ability to think critically and educate others.

I believe there is a certain psychological profile that has been drawn to Q. I have wondered if we were targeted in some way through our online actions and habits to be led down the rabbit hole. We thought we were in control but were actually taken there by displaying certain tendencies, beliefs, behaviors. We all know we are manipulated by those that have our online data. We also know DARPA and IARPA exist. Maybe we were an experiment.

AwakeButNotWoke 1 point ago +1 / -0

Through my research of wizards and warlocks mentioned several times in Q posts (the group responsible for “time traveling”) The keystone is the mirrored server info from what are reported publicly as hacks. As they say, nothing is ever truly lost and our team has receipts. DNC and Republican committee hacks weren’t really hacks they were inside jobs. Have a feeling this SolarWinds hack may turn out to be the same.

I’m doing a poor job of explaining this but I saw a Wizards and Warlocks patch in the documentary Shadow Gate and put 2 and 2 together. This proof was further solidified when I saw a pic of one of the whistleblowers from that film in a pic with Rudy Giuliani a few days ago. You can find the film on Bitchute.

AwakeButNotWoke 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because like our government, Germany knows all about pinning “crimes” on their political opposition to destroy them in the court of public opinion.

AwakeButNotWoke 32 points ago +34 / -2

I cringe every time someone rushes out to say something they’ve seen somewhere because it’s what has hurt this movement most.

Another pet peeve are those that comment under posts they find questionable on social and demand proof because they’re anxious. Do some effing research and figure it out! We are existing in a time when people don’t want us to know the truth. They still want that mainstream news validity. They aren’t getting it yet.

AwakeButNotWoke 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was at the Capitol that day and there are def things that don’t make sense. Why was she with a group of that has confirmed BLM in the video. John Sullivan is there. Her company didn’t make sense and they were there way early compared to the rest of us who went after Trump’s speech.

Her Twitter acct started in October 2016 and is overwhelmingly retweets of other accounts. Atypical.

Her stepmothers acct was opened in November 2020.

Shooting close range - I would have expected some blood spatter.

Convenient that shot occurred through where glass was already broken. No flying glass.

Would appear to be a risky shot given cops were behind her and other people all around. I can’t remember but were cops telling her to get back or they would fire? Was there any verbal warning?

Most accounts I heard on scene and afterwards suggest she was shot in the neck. Blood appeared from mouth.

Why was a woman alone with people she didn’t appear to know? One thing everyone there didn’t do - go anywhere alone.

I have no conclusion from this. Just sharing some things that seemed off to me. I don’t think we will have to wait much longer to find out.

AwakeButNotWoke 6 points ago +6 / -0

And he just posted a pic of the Red Line Diner on FB too.

This goes way beyond the covid bill though I believe that symbolism was purposeful as well.

AwakeButNotWoke 4 points ago +5 / -1

No offense intended but one man cannot save the country alone. Why do you think the Left has so much power? They aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and make a show of force. People are used to us sitting out which is why we get pushed around. I have a family too so I get it but if not now, when?

AwakeButNotWoke 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love Thomas Wictor. He is a very smart guy that does a ton of research but is a bit eccentric which is why I think a lot of people discount his talking points. That being said, the military route jumps out at him as being obvious because he knows so much about it as a historian. I like that he has unwavering belief, because I HATE negative people that every day fall back into the pit of despair. As Wictor says, we need happy warriors. Miserable people bring us all down. It’s ok to have doubts but don’t infect everyone else with them. Attitude and belief can lose wars.

AwakeButNotWoke 1 point ago +1 / -0

Huge storm about to hit in NJ too. Super weird timing. Can’t remember having a storm with monsoon rain and winds on Christmas Eve.

AwakeButNotWoke 5 points ago +5 / -0

Have you checked out and read all of the stuff on Patrick’s deepcapture.com website? Start there first. He brought down Wall Street and has quite the story to tell about being approached by some key Senators to help uncover the corruption plaguing DC.

I do not believe Pat is part of the Q drops. I think it is people much closer to Trump inside his current inner circle based upon the way many of the drops are written, images that have been posted and what appears to be close assess to Q+ (Trump).

AwakeButNotWoke 14 points ago +14 / -0

The complaint TDW peeps have about Q is that it can make people who are part of the Q movement do nothing because they believe its already done. I believe both sides are right. While I do believe Trump has a plan, I think that plan falls a bit flat if we all aren’t relentlessly hounding our State Reps and Senators and showing up by the thousands to protest. I will continue to do both while believing that Patriots do have control.

I hope to see many of you in DC on the 6th!! Have a Merry Christmas!

AwakeButNotWoke 22 points ago +22 / -0

How anyone cannot be interested in at least checking this out is beyond me. Anyone who discredits it out of hand has been brainwashed by the media. Just because some Anons may have interpreted crumbs the wrong way does not mean Q isn’t actually an insider(s). And after the year we have just had in 2020, Q seems a lot more believable now. No way anyone would have believed this would have been our reality even a few short years ago.

AwakeButNotWoke 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, I had the same theory and posted on Twitter and TDW as soon as I saw that Miller speech. The video Scavino posted solidified that for me. I hope we’re right!

AwakeButNotWoke 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only problem I have with this is that staying in our homes and doing nothing is exactly what the Left would love for us to do.

AwakeButNotWoke 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m really wary of any info coming out right now because it could be purposeful disinformation.

AwakeButNotWoke 8 points ago +8 / -0

Damn, that video gave me a shot of adrenaline. Americans are waking up and their fighting spirit has returned. Can’t wait to be in DC this Saturday!

AwakeButNotWoke 3 points ago +3 / -0

On TD.win some people were saying that the slate has been empty for most of this year due to COVID. I know they did cancel one thing they had for the upcoming 2 weeks. Not sure what to believe anymore but I hope your assessment is correct. Getting anxious. I need to stay away from MSM but kinda hard when that is my career.

AwakeButNotWoke 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have seen similar information from different sources. It makes sense and I’m leaning towards it being true - I will be devastated if it’s not!

AwakeButNotWoke 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, said it 3 times. And DoD tweeted Hold the line today. Could be a coincidence but....

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