AwakenTheEagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see so many funny things in this pic lol. Pacific looks like a flacid penis and Alaska as popeye, South as a cow, Northeast as a hunched over lady with a long coat, hands together and cone like hair. I also see the MIMAL elf taking an electric piss.

Wouldn't breaking up the US like this only make it easier to conquer? Especially considering DS would have unhindered control over all entry points of the country.

AwakenTheEagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't Trump call him "LITTLE Adam Schitt"? And I remember there was a rumor he got arrested at an airport once.

AwakenTheEagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

A win is a win and I applaud all that was involved in the operation and in the midst of all this police hating I thank these hero's in trucking right along doing what needs to be done. I wont claim there aren't bad instances but I wish there was equal treatment in the news. In this instance these officers impacted many lives from incredible pain and trauma. I hope those impacted can be healed in time. You can find evil anywhere and I believe it is more of a result from a failed system lacking in moral, spiritual and/or cultural teachings in its societal foundations.

AwakenTheEagle 2 points ago +2 / -0

She basically say suck it bitch with that large display of guns behind her and all that she spewed on him. Ain't none of your word lingo gonna take em away from me. I feel she purposely made that statement long just so she can shit all over him lol.

AwakenTheEagle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thx for posting this. Never seen it. Seems edited, is there a longer interview?

AwakenTheEagle 5 points ago +5 / -0

Always been psychological warfare. I imagine plan was for higher participation and more violent outcome which would also have nullified perceptions of BLM violence. It would have nullified Trump Lawyer's arguments against BLM riots. Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize would seem less illogical and issuing the award would have further strengthened our demoralization, their narrative and BLM base for continued agendas.

Trump's delayed speech prevented a 911 or pearl harbor type event in scope. If there was a larger crowd the mob mentality would have been in full effect and observant people that helped in awareness calling out antifa and Alex Jones detering with a loud speaker would have had no impact in pacification. Leading up to Jan 6th I witnessed posts about call to arms in TDW and I question their identity and motives as many others have called them out as possible instigators. Im sure some were genuine posts of people fed up with it all but many may have been operatives attempting to incite gun violence. Ashley Babbitt event regardless if true event or not videos show that participants came out to the crowd screaming "they shot her they shot her" etc so it would be highly probable if people were armed outcome could have been far worse and there could have been actual shootings for the first time.

This would have provided justification for a full force retaliation and uncontested passing of Patriot Act Ver2 with sweeping bans on assault rifles and freedom of assembly etc. They would have had full support by general public and even we would have had the feeling that we have little to say to oppose it. The prosecutors would have had a strong case of gun violence for the Impeachment. None of the National Guard deployment would seem odd and they would have issued permanent occupation from the start. They would have had proper justification in their classification of Trump supporters as domestic terrorists(that they seem to be backing off of atm) and Military and law enforcement deployment with that bill about gun confiscation without warrant bill would have went into immediate effect nationwide.

Their goal was partially successful however. It was aimed to turn our and Trump's biggest asset against us, the people. Up until Jan 6 peaceful assembly was our greatest strength and had unstoppable momentum and effect. They made it so that peaceful assembly nationwide is a negative thing as I imagine there would have been many more protests after jan 6. Now it feels almost taboo to have one. Some have felt betrayal when Trump was forced to denounce the events of Jan 6 and him calling to back the law enforcement and law and order even though it was helpful in hindsight to his Impeachment. It was also fairly effective at demoralizing people for at least a good 2 weeks and sowed doubt and hesitation in our ability to act. This and everything you said was their goal and I have no thought they will continue to work on passing the bills.

AwakenTheEagle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly I haven't seen anything different from any bullshit strat they been pulling until now, it was just freaking GOP that held their ground and voted in the way we expected. Same oh pulling on the heart strings, deny evidence, false facts, and repeat repeat repeat the same thing over and over with buzz words like the BIG LIE. They only got this far because the GOP failed to do their jobs. Maybe the money is drying up and Rino's not getting paid? Maybe this one is too much in the spot light with not strong enough excuse they can use?

The mess with the witnesses and that news conference with Pelosi at the end gives me the impression that things didn't go as planned and some could have bailed at the plan. I have the assumption the DC false flag wasn't as catostrophic as they needed it so there was a divide in the ranks regarding the impeachment. The witness mess was enough for those on the fence to vote against so certain assurances were not honored.

All the self destructing by the left leads me to feel that they have exhausted all of their plans or the plan that was given to them. And are now having to try to make it up on the fly.

There were many things that got me hopeful about this peach mint event. The replacement lawyers were too well versed and prepared like it was already planned. Either they were just that good or they played some misdirection. The first lawyer with the horrible presentation then followed by the slam dunk could been misdirection so that the DNC got complacent. Thru out the trial I saw the prosecuting side in a fevered pitch while Trumps lawyers were not even shuffling through papers like they were confident whatever they bring they were prepared. GOP participation during the peach mint gave me the impression that it was part of a planned attack in cooperation with lawyers. Which could mean either the traitors backtracked or it was part of the large plan of wanting things to lead up to this and then come back for a big comeback after exposure just as we'd hoped. I hope it really is the start of the comeback attack now that all the pieces are on the board and exposed and we are now gonna turn the corner.

AwakenTheEagle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes I feel the same way. I mean Im happy that this dumbass peach mint is done and its still a win. But its not really a win if we are back to square one. They are just gonna start a new play and we gonna be strung along while they continue on with their bull crap agendas as we lose sight of the original problems. Butcher me if you want but we not resolving this by playing cat and mouse. We have to continue to fight the things they are so hardcore afraid of.

AwakenTheEagle 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, so I mean maybe we should demand and fight for these investigations or something, I dunno what can be done, I just want to have a discussion to see if any have good understanding of the law to seek solutions. Maybe if we shine a large light on this and be vocal about it, maybe they would be forced to address it?

Im just sick of this chasing after their tail while they keep getting free bites along the way because we too busy with the next big bullcrap. They are already muddying up the waters with this 14th amendment bull crap again. They been doing this constantly since election and now here we are, unable to even resolve one problem after another nothing getting answered or no one getting held responsible. Kemp Pence Pelosi Swalwell etc etc getting the attention diverted away from them and only had to suffer a moment in time of scrutiny while we chasing the next big problem. At a certain point we gotta just stop, and "CIRCLE BACK" and focus on what is the real problem, Election, Voter ID and In person Voting. I already see people getting comfortable and going back to comfort zone and posting Twitter links and stuff like that. Sigh I dunno im just frustrated atm.

AwakenTheEagle 18 points ago +19 / -1

I mean, shouldn't there be an actual investigation to those that were actually in charge of security in DC? Shouldn't DC police and Nancy Pelosi be investigated? They totally ran this misdirection in an attempt control the narrative and put it on Trump but shouldn't they also be an investigation on them and also the antifa members? If we are always let them start a problem and we are always forced to be on the defensive we are playing their rigged game and you can't win when the game is rigged.

AwakenTheEagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

wow.... that looks so intentional. Like you can't really interpret that any other way. But wtf Pence too.... Dunno how to think about that. If he is involved with Q then either he compromised the plans or him certifying is part of the plan.

AwakenTheEagle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always found their reactions to be more interesting as it could imply the level of involvement or the power structure. Like I get the impression Obama is in charge Hillary is the lead handler of operations and Bush and Bidens are sorta on the outside being blackmailed and were just given assurances as long as compliant. The Bush and Bidens look like they were reliant on others in control and noticably more shocked and nervous and looking for answers. I feel Bush jr is more in the know as well and he is more like he knew eventually this would come out kinda thing but has no power to change the outcome so is just in acceptence of the situation.

AwakenTheEagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I think freedom of thought without restraints, to question what can be questioned and pursuit of truths and possibilities regardless of the norms resonates with highly with me which must have naturally lead me here. All of this seems very apparent in here and is refreshing to walk off the designated path and venture out where ever it leads regardless of the bounty or results it may yield. Just the shear act of exercising your mind may very well be the whole point of it all and the bounty in itself. Maybe Q is simply to Question.

AwakenTheEagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I personally view Q is is a vehicle that one can use to provide hope, faith, strength, comfort, direction, sanity or will to keep on fighting. Like horoscopes even, its all what the reader chooses to believe and what you decide to do with it on how one decides to help oneself.

What I personally believe Q is, possibly a psyop that was put out aimed at bypassing the broken media in order to get the general public to be more critical and observant thinkers (open that pineal gland) while also providing a vehicle that functions much like a bible in the sense that it provides people with all that I listed above to those in need of a certain element in a way that is more relatable and pertinent to current affairs to which even people that is not of faith can draw something from it. There is just enough information in it to give it validity while not too much to expose the battle plan or to totally derail if things don't go exactly as planned.

I believe its an open intelligence that for first time is shared with people but also to share possible outcomes and all things that could come into play or moment to moment intelligence observations shared to public to provide knowledge, understanding or direction on how this war game is played. I believe it is also to encourage people starting with the more tuned people down to the common thinkers to get involved to spread a movement of digital soldiers to become active fighters to assist in the battle of information war. I believe that this sect of the intelligence in military is actually a smaller team by virtue of need to work secretly without detection. I feel they might even draw ideas or observations from all the people that dig as this is all not so different in the end to what the small team of officers are conducting armed with the intelligence.

Admittedly I have a rudimentary understanding of Q, I have always been aware of it for some time as this type of stuff such as Cicada 3301 has always intrigued me but have not put too much time into it. So my views and understandings from the short time and slight observations of the impact it seems to have on people might not be informed enough to make an informed opinion. But I firmly feel it was created with good intentions or can be used for good regardless.

Regardless of if it is true or not you won't be able to prove if it was bs or if some things just didn't play out to how the creator would have liked so trying to prove its' validity is pointless but you could use it for something positive. I feel its unwarranted for people to attack this because I have not seen anyone being led astray into misguided paths with negative emotions or actions or seen people acting in ways that could hurt the cause as it has universally made people interested and just be more critical and observant thinkers. I seen alot of critical and objective people doing due diligence in verifying data points and posts to feel people are not being misguided or being led astray into ignorance and blindness.

The most important thing is Q is not by its mechanics trying to hijack the MAGA movement but only aims to be supplemental to it which I think is an important distinction. If anything people who are attacking Q community is actually creating the divide. We all want the same thing, rid the world of evil and let good prevail.

Happy hunting folks! I admittedly leeched off alot of positive energy during the hard moments these past few weeks and for that I am thankful. Yaw are some of the most positive folks I seen in all this and gives me hope in peoples willpower. Yaw have also been open to discuss with any strays that came by even when harboring some skepticism. I would say keep the faith and if anything maybe also spend some time in revisiting your faith in God or your religion as they also draws from similar energies and provide additional re-enforcement to drive you along.

AwakenTheEagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the problem, we too damn grounded to be able recognize that they live in clown world with clown methods so we lose sight and think of only possibilities that makes some damn sense.

AwakenTheEagle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im wondering what everyone thinks of this vid? I def feel there is something really wrong with the Inaug video. But at same time this vid was implying it was on Inaug day. So the video feed may been prerecorded but they did show up for optics? Is it possible parts of the video feed were live but a select times they could have spliced prerecorded sections into the feed? I find it interesting how far the media had to be also.


AwakenTheEagle 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have to place them checkerboard black and white tiles, large upside down cross and a framed picture of Mao.

AwakenTheEagle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering the dems like to blame whatever they are doing themselves on you, monkeywerks saying there are sniffer planes on the air and health ranger claiming they threatened Trump with dirty bombs on states who voted to object, could it be plausible that claim is true and they are trying to get ahead of the narrative in the event they use the bombs and blame it on trump?

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