AwakenedPatriotism 0 points ago +1 / -1

I linked to a senate report and two unaffiliated news sources corroborating the attack and Russia's role in it. That's a lot more evidence than you've provided.

But while youre spinning a fantasy narrative to protect Putin, American infrastructure is now less secure and American's data is in the hands of Russian cyber terrorists. That's not the deep state, thats average Americans who were targeted by Putin.

It is truly bizarre how much you support our enemies. You have been tragically manipulated and brainwashed into siding with our enemies.

AwakenedPatriotism 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why are you so desparate to defend the enemies of America?

Here's another source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cyber-solarwinds-microsoft-idUSKBN2AF03R

And the Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Marco Rubio describing the attack:


AwakenedPatriotism 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sure but Putin works very hard to craft his image as a KGB alumn. Once a KGB always a KGB. Sworn enemies of America and freedom.

AwakenedPatriotism 0 points ago +1 / -1

Would be nice if it were that simple. I never once said Im a liberal (Im not) or expressed a "liberal" viewpoint. Opposing the KGB is not "liberal" its patriotic and moral. You need a boogeyman to make the world more simple.

But sure you should continue to idolize thugs that attack America:


AwakenedPatriotism -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nope, I came here and was appalled to see a KGB butcher be fawned over by supposed "patriots".

You've been manipulated into working against America. Don't worry Im sure the mods will ban me soon and you can go back to your safe space, they love censorship.

AwakenedPatriotism -2 points ago +1 / -3

I never defended the CIA, I do not condone their actions.

But you're still a Putin sleeper cell agent that probably assists in his cyber attacks on America.

AwakenedPatriotism -3 points ago +1 / -4

"The KGB WOULD have easily recruited you to undermine America."

Would is a past tense term. Implying your anti-American stance today would have served the KGB well during the cold war. Do you need an english lesson too?

AwakenedPatriotism -2 points ago +1 / -3

Lol what? The KGB disbanded in 1991 along with the USSR.

Thats just 30 years ago. Do you need a history lesson?

AwakenedPatriotism -2 points ago +1 / -3

Look back at comments. I did not once defend the CIA. You're just getting spoonfed KGB/Soviet-Era propaganda and falling for it hook-line-and-sinker. If you think following Putin is anything but anti-America then you're kidding yourself.

AwakenedPatriotism -2 points ago +1 / -3

Lol nice try. Patriots dont shill for the KGB, like you are. I love America, sorry that that triggers you.

AwakenedPatriotism -2 points ago +1 / -3

Found the Soviet commie. The KGB would have easily recruited you to undermine America.

AwakenedPatriotism -4 points ago +1 / -5

Really? Siding with the KGB? Do you know how much harm the KGB caused America? They were literally spies on a mission to destroy America and bring about a communist revolution.

Id think twice before claiming you love America and siding with the KGB.

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AwakenedPatriotism -4 points ago +1 / -5

Which part of that is misinformation?

Did the commies win the cold war?

Was Putin not a kgb agent?

Here's a video of him calling the USSR (the epicenter of 20th century communism) downfall the greatest tragedy of the 20th century:


AwakenedPatriotism -7 points ago +1 / -8

The poisoner Ex KGB agent who called the downfall of the USSR "the greatest tragedy of the 20th century". Putin also paid bounties for the deaths of American troops.

America and freedom and capitalism won the cold war. Putin and the commies lost, and his KGB comrades got beaten by the CIA, he's just butthurt.

AwakenedPatriotism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair retort but Quantitative easing ended in October 2014 and stock market still ripped from 14-16 under Obama.

Furthermore if you were to chalk up Obama gains to deficit spending, Trump's 4 years saw the deficit massively exceed any Obama years. Partially due to Covid but also due to Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy:


Also QE resumed under Trump in 2019.

So under Trump GDP and stock gains underperformed the Obama years, despite the fact that Trump presided over larger deficits and lower taxes on the top 1%.

Agree about neocons though.

AwakenedPatriotism -1 points ago +2 / -3

Covid deaths in the US 2020-2021: 688k

Asteroid Deaths in the US 2020-2021: 0

Wonder who came up with that math.

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