AzTrumplican 1 point ago +1 / -0

I second this.

There is a big risk that even our trusted brokers like Fidelity will simply choose not to make good on our synthetic shares that we technically do not own the certificate on.

It is a hassle to register your shares with Computershare, but it is worth its weight on gold. You can also buy shares directly from Computershare. It takes 4 days from purchase to share settlement however so beware of that delay.

AzTrumplican 1 point ago +1 / -0

A trusted broker would be Fidelity.

Open a brokerage account with them. Deposit whatever amount you want.

Apply for an options account at Level 2 (this allows you to buy calls)

Await my advice a few days to a week out regarding which exact contract I would buy.

Note: If you hold shares of GME you want to register them with Computershare.com.

AzTrumplican 3 points ago +3 / -0

That varies depending on the date. But I’d say it would be between $175-$275. This would buy you 1 contract worth 100 shares.

AzTrumplican 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did you read the part I wrote about the executive order. This is different.

AzTrumplican 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’d say no. This is a very speculative play. I would say to them not to invest more than 50% of their portfolio but I’d be more comfortable with them investing between 10%-20%.

AzTrumplican 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is the exact date of the one year delta?

Here is the answer to your question:

The split actually multiplies your # of options contracts to match the split. Multiple contracts for the price of one. Yes please.

AzTrumplican 2 points ago +2 / -0

No it actually multiplies your # of options contracts to match the split. Multiple contracts for the price of one. Yes please.

AzTrumplican 3 points ago +3 / -0

Feel free to ask me for any help. This goes for any of you frens of mine.

AzTrumplican 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sell some of your SWAC & buy GME. GME is the short term play with much much more upside. GME stock will be splitting in June ultimately doubling your shares (doubling your money) regardless of if the MOASS catapults the GME share price to eleventy billion percent.

AzTrumplican 5 points ago +5 / -0

All great points and yes you are right now. This is all part of the global white hat plan. This is the catalyst for the reformation of the financial situation.

AzTrumplican 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here is what I sent to some friends and family last nite:

Hi Everyone,

I haven’t had a chance yet to talk personally with all of you about this investment opportunity, but most of you have at least a baseline understanding of the gravity of the situation. I intend to speak with you all this week to help you navigate what I am about to explain in this and subsequent emails. I have been a financial advisor for over a decade offering financial advice & investment tips to federal employees. As I mentioned to you via text/phone this past weekend, I rarely give “stock tips” to my clients, but when I do, I hit it out of the park. My last two recommendations to my clients resulted in an accurate prediction of when the market would start to decline (& ultimately when it will crash-sometime before 7/4/22). Most specifically though, I told my clients to invest a portion of their portfolio into DWAC and that on a specific day it would explode with growth. That happened in early October & my clients netted over a 1,200% return in a 24 hour period. I am not saying this to brag. I am saying this because as confident & accurate I was with the last two recommendations

I am even more confident then the one I am going to inform you of right now. This is a recommendation reserved only for my family & select friends. This is an investment move I am very well-versed on and it just went to another level of awesome because we believe we now know what the catalyst is. If you don’t read anything else below, please read the Q&A on the Catalyst. So very important to this investment recommendation.

I am going to deliver the information to you in a FAQ style format to help you go back to a certain section for reference much quicker. This is going to be a very long email, so be prepared…but it will be worth it.

Q: What is the basic idea of the investment strategy?

A: Buy shares of a single stock (GME: GameStop) at or around the current share price (currently $114) & sell it for insane profits over a one day-couple weeks timeframe. Realistic expectations could shoot the share price to more then $10,000 a share…& this is the conservative estimate.

Q: Why GME?

A: Certain participants on Wall Street (MM’s: market manipulators) have taken advantage of a loophole in regulation that allowed them to “short sell” more shares of a stock then theoretically should exist to be publicly traded. They are short selling 2 to 4 times the amount of actual tangible shares. This is a technique called “Naked Shorting” (or “fraud” if you ask the folks over at the SEC. But the SEC just fines these MM’s & slaps their wrists). Naked shorting can be used to bankrupt companies and/or get their stock delisted which ultimately allows the proceeds from short-selling to actualize as pure, untaxed profit for the MM’s. This has happened in the past with Toys R’ Us & Blockbuster Video being the most notable victims. They essentially get a loan on the shares & drive the share price down with dirty/illegal tactics & ultimately end up re-selling the shares all the way down

The MM’s tried this technique with GME and it has massively backfired. Someway somehow it was uncovered that GME was the latest victim of Naked Shorting. Unfortunately for the MM’s an army of retail (individual) investors own the synthetic shares that have been produced via naked shorting, and they do not have to sell them at all which puts the short sellers in a very bad position.

In short, there will be a catalyst event which will skyrocket the share price of GME to unheard of levels of growth with many analysts predicting the shares to be worth as much as $100k+ per share…PER SHARE! To be completely transparent, the share price has no ceiling. Because this army of retailers has purchased & continues to purchase GME & refuses to sell until the MOASS then this is creating a perfect storm for the MM’s. One such firm, Melvin Capital, went bankrupt last year because GME shot up from $21 to $344 in one day and forced the clearing houses to illegally halt the buying of more shares & ultimately put the billion-dollar hedge fund out of business. Which is what all of these sinister MM’s need to end up in: bankruptcy.

Q: What is the MOASS?

A: Mother of all Short Squeezes. This is a phrase which describes the day/weeks that the GME share price starts rising & doesn’t stop. It is EXACTLY what I think is going to happen in or around 6/3/22.

Q: What is a Short Squeeze?

A “Short Squeeze” is a market event that occurs when there is a large short position on a stock whose price rapidly increases higher than expected, normally due to a catalyst (catalyst: this is very important & I will explain more later). During the short squeeze, the losses of those who have short positions continue to increase the higher the share price goes. Since the MM’s “owe” the shares, the cost to cover their position increases depending on how high the price goes (there is theoretically no limit on how high a stock can go). As the MM’s who are short on the stock buy to cover, supply decreases & demand increases, causing the price to increase even more rapidly. While short sellers are scrambling to cover their positions, the rapid price change may entice investors who are not short on the stock to buy it in order to make a quick profit at a more expensive price. This again lowers supply & increases demand. The short sellers MUST eventually close/cover their short position. The only way to do that is to buy the shares owned by the investors who are holding the shares.

Q: So what does this all mean?

A: The condensed explanation:

  1. GME is over-shorted, bigtime.

a. The mainstream media reports that this is not the case, however, research performed by the retail investor army has plenty of evidence which indicates the opposite.

b. The market drops in stocks & crypto last year last year correlate with actions indicative of companies that have been shorted or naked shorted.

  1. GME has steadily been increasing in price since it was at $15 a share early 2021, which is causing more losses every day for short sellers.

a. As GME price increases, short-seller’s losses increase, causing panic to close their positions or else go bankrupt.

  1. Short sellers must buy shares from holders who are not obligated or willing to sell which creates a crisis of supply & demand.
  2. Very low supply & very high demand causes the price to skyrocket.

a. There is theoretically no limit on how high a stock’s price can go.

  1. If short sellers are unable to meet the requirements necessary during a margin call (clearing house demands short sellers make good on their loan), they default, forcing their lender to be obligated to pay the leftover debt.

Q: What is the “catalyst” and when will this all go down?

A: The catalyst believed to be connected to a very important Presidential Executive Order & the MOASS is believed to begin on June 3rd, 2022. The executive order I am referring to is Executive Order 14032, formerly known as Executive Order 13959. In simplest terms, it's an executive order signed by Biden (Originally by Trump in Nov 2020, back then it was Executive Order 13959) that prohibits US entities from investing in military and surveillance related Chinese companies that support the Chinese military. Well, funnily enough, many US asset managers like BlackRock, Vanguard, JP Morgan, and many others have SERIOUS exposure to the Chinese companies that are included in the EO. Those Chinese assets are being used as collateral by these US asset managers. In other words, once their billions of dollars in Chinese assets and collateral become worthless, then the clearing houses will be making a very expensive margin call to our beloved MM’s. For example, Vanguard has an index fund named FTSE which happens to be among the top 3 mutual fund shareholders in five blacklisted Chinees firms. Additionally, the Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund has more than $407 Billion invested in Chinese assets. Together, with these two funds alone, Vanguard has 43% ($71 Billion) in exposure to the Chinese Market. Keep in mind that we did not have this revelation about the EO’s back in 2021. This is VERY recent intel which dropped within the past few weeks.

Q: How does this relate to GME, a video game company?

A: Well, let’s look back to November, 2020. In November of 2020, Trump signed the original Executive Order (EO) titled:

Executive Order 13949 Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies

This EO basically did what the new amended EO 14032 does, however, at the time that it was implemented, there were far less companies on the sanctioned list then there are now. What is important to note is the date. The EO was to take effect on January 28, 2021.

Guess what happened on January 28,2021?

GME went from $15 a share to a whopping $483 share price over the next 24-48 hours. Many of us believed that this was the MOASS. But it wasn’t. Just a couple days after the pinnacle of $483 pps (price per share) the stock plummeted down to $48 a share. This happened because Biden EXTENDED the commencement of the new EO which gave the MM’s more time to gather themselves & regroup. One of the bastards, Melvin Capital, went out of business because of this one event. Biden extended the new EO to take effect on May 27th, 2021.

Guess what happened on January May 27th, 2021?

GME went from around $25 per share to $344 per share over a the next couple of days. Once again though, Biden extended the EO to give the MM’s more time to figure out how to get out of their mess.

Q: So what exactly is going to happen on June 3rd, 2022?

A: The EO is set to commence once and for all. Now it has 70+ more companies that have been added to the list of sanctioned companies, larger than the amount that were sanctioned in EO 13959. Biden may extend it once again, but it’s looking less and less likely.

Q: Why will Biden not extend the EO again?

A: Taiwan is an ally of ours. Furthermore, they are the world's largest exporter of semiconductor chips. China wants to eventually invade Taiwan the way Russia wants to take back Ukraine. By allowing American institutions to continue to invest in companies with ties to the Chinese military, we are directly funding the efforts to invade Taiwan and speeding up China's efforts in reaching that goal. With the geopolitical unrest currently ensuing in Europe, Biden will most certainly be hesitant to extend this executive order especially considering the economic advantage successfully taking over Taiwan could bring to China. It would be a terribly bad look for Biden to treat Russia differently than China in respect to sanctions & cutting off the head of the snake.

Q: What happens if Biden does NOT extend the EO again?

A: The educated presumption is that the share price of GME will catapult to the moon! Exponential growth beyond comprehension. Most likely the most profitable event for retail investors in investment history. A trusted analyst in the retail investor world put it this way:

To this day, the price of GameStop has continued to bubble just beneath the surface of the MOASS. Large hedge funds & short sellers continue to try & delay the inevitable, while individual investors continue to buy more & more shares knowing that the price must sky rocket; it must.

As it stands, predictions of the short squeeze growth potential range from $10,000 per share, to $100 Million per share – with evidence suggesting there is no theoretical ceiling on what the price could climb to.

Q: What happens if Biden DOES extend the EO again?

A: If GME performs anything like it did the last two times Biden extended the EO then we will be very happy with a modest 3,250% increase in share price within 48 hours.

Q: What if June 3 IS NOT

AzTrumplican 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't buy any call options until the week prior to the timeframe you think the share will skyrocket (which we believe to be June 3-14). This allows you to maximize profit because the closer you are to the actual date of your purchase in coorelation to the expected share price increase has reduced probability. Therefore, your cost is way way lower to buy the call contract and your return is immensely higher.

AzTrumplican 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everyone should read James Chapter 1.

Trials & tribulations are blessings from God. The difficult & the pain is a gift from Him to humble us, being us to our knees, & depend on Him more & us less.

AzTrumplican 3 points ago +3 / -0

That book was obviously written by a white liberal hair arm-pitted woman.

AzTrumplican 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not a fan of using the same filthy language the left uses. We are them when we mimic them. Sub par.

AzTrumplican 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. The savior’s name is completely besides the point. It is semantics & getting way too “religious” which is what Jesus/Yeshua objected too. As you said, it is about the relationship with and the belief with Christ. This is how man ruins things.

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