BaconBun11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pelosi was demanding Trump resign when her calls to Pence for the 25th were being ignored and impeachment wasn't happening fast enough. People began echoing Pelosi's call for Trump to resign, both on left and right.

So I would imagine the resign remark from Trump was in response to that.

BaconBun11 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are we sure that's actually him and the back door to the Capital? I see in the corner something saying "Oregon". This back door is also pretty nondescript. It could even be the back door to my church. Further, how did this person get this footage if this is security footage? Since I can't imagine there being a public online cam that just shows a boring back door.

BaconBun11 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got misty-eyed, especially after seeing everything over the last 4 years and the last 4 days.

Praying for you, POTUS and whomever it is working alongside him to save our country.

BaconBun11 15 points ago +15 / -0

He's been saying fuck China for years. Especially throughout 2020. It makes the CCP ree and they declared him the enemy of mankind.

BaconBun11 17 points ago +17 / -0

Yeah, what pedejr said. Moon is suspected of election fraud. He won in a suspicious landslide. The voting machines which use Huawei tech in it and seem to have also been connected to the internet.

He's likely S.Korea's Biden and backed by China

BaconBun11 2 points ago +2 / -0

The pic is from 2019, the article is from today.

BaconBun11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't know. Someone else linked that to me earlier today. The bitcoin thing wasn't there when I saw it.

Since the site has been terrible lately about updating edits, I just deleted my post.


BaconBun11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Parler and Gab have been crawling.

Gab was saying they were trying to get more servers to account for the 100%+ increase in traffic they've been experiencing.

BaconBun11 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone said that video was sent 3 days ago. So Wed? Or Tuesday before the rally?

BaconBun11 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't answer that, as I doubt politicians publicize where they are going. We wouldn't have known Graham went anywhere if he hadn't been escorted through the airport. I don't even know where my state senator is right now.

I'm just giving the Occam's razor reasoning.

BaconBun11 3 points ago +3 / -0

Setting aside the q stuff, for what reason would he stay in DC for? Supposedly they have gone on a break until inauguration day. Why wouldn't he fly to either go home or take care of something, whether business or personal?

BaconBun11 3 points ago +3 / -0

People keep talking about Trump running again and it's freaking them out. Why? They have rigged voting machines and state politicians at the highest level on their side. They just need to change the outcome in a handful of key states and they win. The courts, even SCOTUS, refused to get involved. The news won't report on it. They were able to get away with it at least twice that we have the evidence for. If Biden really does become president, then they can change whatever rules they want to solidify their control.

With all that, Trump couldn't pull off another 2016 win. If Trump couldn't challenge them on the 2020 fraud as the sitting president, what hope does he have as a regular citizen again?

BaconBun11 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if it goes into discovery, if the judge is blackmailed, threatened, or corrupted, they can dismiss it all and help destroy Powell financially. Along with her public credibility. Dominion will have tons of money from around the world supporting them in such an endeavor.

Doesn't even matter if the public knows the truth now.