BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was zero sarcasm in that post. I went out of my way to tell you I sincerely was interested in learning more about it.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

How would an audit shut down a privately owned institution?

The fact that the FED isn't a part of any government agency would make it more difficult to shut down, wouldn't it? The US government doesn't have as much control over private institutions as they do government agencies, do they?

What is different about this term that would make such a difference in Congress being concerned about fallout from blocking him? It was clear the last go around that there would be a backlash with those that opposed him.

I will definitely look into how audits would bring about the FED being shut down. I appreciate the time and effort you took in your responses. Though it may look otherwise, I'm not trying to dismiss anything you've said. I'm putting my thoughts out there on things I don't fully understand in hope that someone out there might be able to explain it to me.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Possibly people who were in a boating accident or something similar. Or they could be doing surveillance on possible smugglers/traffickers. Or it could be a training session.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to pick from.

Everything doesn't need to be part of some evil conspiracy. It is within the realm of possibility that it has absolutely nothing to do with anything nefarious and that it's not part of a secret message to us.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can't do anything but wait and see, I guess.

I honestly don't see how Trump will be able to end the FED himself. I don't know of any legal avenues that would let him do that. Do you have any insight on that?

Quite frankly, I don't see how he is going to accomplish many of the things he wants to do. It's like everyone has forgotten that he will need to get Congress to work with him on these things. People seem to have just forgotten how our government works.

Republicans had the Oval Office, the House, and the Senate for the first two years of his first term. Even with Republicans being in control of all three, he was still blocked time and time again from getting things done. I don't see how this term will be different. Congress is still full of Democrats, RINOs, and Never-Trumpers who will make it their mission in life to block any and everything he wants done.

I'm not being snarky about any of this. And I'm not dooming. I would honestly appreciate any sort of information showing how he can do all these things legally.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I apologize if I misread your emotions on that post.

It's simply a common reaction I've had from others in this type of conversation.

BakasEverywhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's definitely irresponsible, but treasonous? No.

I don't think there's a word that's ever been as overused and misused here as the word "treason" has been.

I'm not intending to single you out or embarrasse you, so please don't take it personally.

People are getting waaaaaay too loosey goosey with word definitions. The gravitas behind the word "treason" is getting diluted more and more every day.

I think people really need to go look up the definition of that word and find some clear examples of it to have as a reference. Because now it seems that people believe that "treason" means anything associated with politics that they believe is wrong or don't agree with.

I don't know why, but it's like someone just flipped a switch one day, and all of a sudden people were calling anything that pissed them off as "treason".

I know I'm an old fuddy duddy, but I think it's important to keep the definition and perception of the word "treason" to high standards. When any word is overused and misused constantly, it changes the public's perception of that word. They become sort of numb to it. In this case, it doesn't hold the same amount of respect it's owed when people use it in such a trivial manner. And "treason" is definitely a word that should be given the respect it's due because of how horrible a crime it actually is.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

BakasEverywhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that this pattern was made deliberately, and it's the radiation hazard symbol, and that it is, indeed, a comm.

Other than providing people with the entertainment of arguing about whether or not it's a comm, and what the comm is supposed to be...what exactly are we supposed to do with this information?

What practical purpose does this have? Other than adding it to the list of things that could possibly be comms, what is anyone supposed to do with this information?

And God bless the poor pilot that flew over a possible highly radioactive site, putting his own life and health in danger in order to give us (I'm assuming we're the ones it's meant for) this information that we don't fully understand, in order for us to do what with it, we don't know.

So...yeah. πŸ˜’

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Serious question:

What are you guys reading/watching that has so many followers that it results in people immediately coming here to post about whatever the hot topic is, just to see that a dozen people beat them to it?

Unfortunately I don't really have the time to follow people on YouTube or Rumble or even Twitter/X, so I'm always out of the loop on this stuff.

BakasEverywhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's what it looks like to me, as well. That was actually the first thing that came to mind, that it looked like the warning symbol for radiation.

Edited to add:

I hit enter to soon. I meant to add that even though that pattern looks like the radiation warning symbol, I don't think it has anything to do with radiation. It's just similar to common aerial search and rescue patterns, which is what I think it is.

BakasEverywhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Search planes looking for survivors of a boat or plane accident?

Student pilot doing the aerial equivalent of a kid who just got their license goofing off in an empty parking lot?

It's a male pilot and he got lost and wouldn't pull over to ask for directions?

It's a female pilot who was born with a negative sense of direction and is just a lousy pilot?

They put the plane on autopilot, but they got a computer virus from all the porn they downloaded to watch in the cock pit that took over the flight pattern?

Someone testing out their photoshop skills?

Pilot intentionally making a pattern to entertain those people who live and breathe for finding hidden comms everywhere they look?

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I didn't realize that all vaccines are now mRNA. I haven't been able to find anything that shows that. Other than comments on blogs and other social media sites, which I don't consider to be credible evidence.

Could you share where you got this information from, please? I don't have any problem admitting that my research skills aren't the best, so it's entirely possible that I've just missed it. So please don't take my request for your source negatively. I am honestly interested in whatever information you have that explains how all vaccines are mRNA now. Thanks. ✌️

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not disagreeing with you. Just pointing out some of the rough spots that might need some brainstorming to help sort out.

It's going to take a good deal of time to end the FED, and it's going to take time for families to get out from under debt and be able to go to a single income.

I'm not sure how much you guys are paying in taxes, but mine is no where near equaling a second income.

I think people should go into this with a clear view of what is going on, and not through rose colored glasses. Because once the reality of all this hits, people are going to be angry that it doesn't match their dream.

Whenever these types of topics come up, and anyone mentions something that is less than ideal that should really be discussed, it seems like people get angry and defensive that someone dared mention something that wasn't great for the situation.

That doesn't bode well for the long haul. And I've been around here long enough to know that people have a really hard time dealing with disappointments when things don't turn out like they wanted.

I don't see what is so offensive about wanting people to be prepared for these types of things.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you're absolutely right in saying the thing that changed was the reporting, not the act. .

I'm just curious, does anyone think Trump is serious about cutting the Department of Education?

BakasEverywhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm wondering what people will do if they do close the schools down, since it's only free daycare for most of the population.

Not many people can afford to have a stay at home parent to take care of them and do homeschooling. And daycare is stupid expensive.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can respect that. I'm not going to put any effort into trying to make people change their mind about this stuff. I'm just doing pretty much as you are. Making observations based on my own experiences and sharing my thoughts on the matter.

BakasEverywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

The amount of antigens and other vaccine components needed to accomplish what people are claiming is practically impossible to make in quantities that would be needed.

What this article is talking about is a nasal spray vaccine. Which has to be give directly into the nostril for it to work. It's simply impossible to get enough antigens in the open air in order to inoculate people that way.

I think people are getting a bit carried away with this one. There are plenty of real issues going on that are legitimate cause for concern. We don't need to go out of our way to find things to get upset about.

What concerns me about this is that we're going to see more and more of these nasal spray vaccines for childhood immunizations.That eliminates the number one reason why most normies are against vaccines. They simply don't trust shots and will think the nasal vaccines are safe(r).

They don't need to go through all these elaborate scenarios where they're secretly trying to vaccinate everyone by spraying vaccines in the air when all they need to do is make the general public believe vaccines are safe. And they're doing that by taking away the top reason people are against them.

BakasEverywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've always been hesitant on the chemitrail stuff. It doesn't make sense to me that they would poison their own air/water/land like that. You see those trails all over the country, all over the world.

Now think of all the people involved in cabals/deep state/whatever living all over the country. It would be inevitable for them to be exposed as well. It's not like they all live in the same area so they just skip spraying there.

BakasEverywhere 5 points ago +5 / -0

I couldn't find anything over on Variety that would give anyone the impression he was going to be fired. Obviously the opposite is what's really happening according to the link you provided.

I'm trying to figure out why they thought he was going to be fired. Was it poor reading comprehension? Are they just making stuff up to stir the pot? Is it a case of passing gossip they heard and didn't bother to see if it was true?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say they were passing on gossip without verifying. That type of thing happens way too often.

Why is why you get a πŸ‘and a ⭐️ for checking to see if it was true.

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