Bender4Prez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't assume anything with your surprises. Businesses, restaurants, etc. are cutting production and even operating hours because people CAN'T do as much in a smaller workforce. It a workforce could tolerate more output, that's how it would be ran normally. Those who are attempting are burning out staff and turning labor over in record speed. The result is MORE job jumping and even HIGHER training and hiring costs. Short increases in effort/output are not sustainable.

Bender4Prez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spreading out the cash "they would be spending on full staff........"

inferring that less people could do the same amount of work, thus earning the business the same amount of money so they can use it to pay them the same.....you should think about that statement a bit, then probably stop.

Bender4Prez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Payroll is the single biggest segment of expenses a non-scalable business has. One of the biggest problems currently is that for some reason, this generation of workers (30 and under) were never taught that a job’s benefits are a SUBSTANTIAL part of their wages. A ten percent raise across the board (moving from $13.75 - $15 per hour) bankrupts 30% of small to medium businesses, and stagnates the rest of their growth. Less jobs, and no growing job market = catastrophic failure.

Bender4Prez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I’m not a huge Corp. I have 80 staff, but I’m more likely to get them back from a fast quarantine if I keep them off these fucked up extended benefits. Saves me productivity and staff morale from turning over workforce, re interviewing and training. There’s more thought into this than “muh big corporations” bullshit. Some of us actually know how to run a workforce and foster career employees.

Bender4Prez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indiana here. Very high level understanding of the laws and rules you are referring to.

File for unemployment on those missed hours, it gets approved with a rubber stamp. The employer does not have to pay for it, but many (of us) do for a reasonable, substantiated amount (of time off.)

Bender4Prez 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m on the outlying side on this. I think it’s POSSIBLE someone at Fox News knew what was habbening and they pushed the call early to get people talking about it.

Think Covfefe.

That early call, and the attention it garnered, got a lot of people looking at AZ.

Bender4Prez 5 points ago +5 / -0

I heard there are some parents in my neighborhood that are rallying against that too.

Bender4Prez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Left is shot from 30-plus feet away with what would be the equivalent of a 600mm lens on a full frame sensor. Lots of compression on that focal length (it’s a telephoto lens, so the chair 10” behind his head looks like it’s literally painted next to him, etc..... the right picture is a standard to wide angle lens of about 28mm-50mm equivalent and he’s no more than 4 feet away (seems closer.) This would greatly exaggerate the features closer to the lens (nose) and display far greater separation on an object further back (ears, etc.) The easiest layman’s example is actually more complex, but most people recognize the getting-torn-apart by a black hole concept.....when you are that close, it ‘stretches’ you faster, closer....

It’s really basic lens/framing/photography, and known to everyone until we suddenly all stopped learning basics and became professional iPhone selfie taker photographers....ask your grandpa about his Kodak brownie or Polaroid 4x5 and he can explain.

5e rest is basic lighting with bounce/fill from desks and a diffuse, closer light source on the right.

....look at the pic of the goat after you scroll a bit and then actually see the progression with the next series of portraits in the same setting with the girl. https://photographylife.com/what-is-lens-compression

Bender4Prez -1 points ago +4 / -5

The fact that this comment above of mine is voted the way it currently is (+5, -6) should show everyone here just how bad this place has been infiltrated by shills.

There are bad people who are cops. There are bad people who are men. All men are not the enemy, just as all cops aren’t the enemy.

Say ‘bad cops’ are the enemy. Don’t say cops are.

Bender4Prez -11 points ago +6 / -17

Police are NOT the bad guys.

People too afraid to lose their government pension, not willing to defend what the swore to do, and a system that has fostered that is the bad guy.

Bender4Prez 5 points ago +5 / -0

Extension only delays the paperwork. You are still expected to pay on time, regardless. It’s up to you to be as accurate in April as your delayed October filing says it is. You’ll owe interest and penalties all the same. Widely-misunderstood.

Bender4Prez 1 point ago +2 / -1

For real. Old man, top button and a necktie. Has no one here grown out of the hoodie stage?

Bender4Prez 1 point ago +3 / -2

I think the priming came because they though Trump wouldn’t back down. He called their bluff and now there’s a vacuum of someone to blame for everything going to shit.

Trump Lucy’d their football, Charlie Brown.

He got out of the way and is letting them show the world (and their “voters”) exactly who they are; itching without someone to blame all their fear-games on.

That’s why they keep blaming Trump. That’s why they claim he’s a threat...because he’s not, but the narrative was spun up, primed, and they were so sure of themselves, they made no backup plan.

Because they’re liberals. They can do no wrong, so why would they need “plan B?”

Bender4Prez -18 points ago +2 / -20

You couldn’t be further from reality in those assumptions. I employ 80+ frontline workers.

Bender4Prez -7 points ago +3 / -10

Your comments are downvotes into oblivion for hate. Post histories tell a story.

Bender4Prez -9 points ago +4 / -13

He should read his own comments. You’re getting played by a shill.

Bender4Prez -26 points ago +3 / -29

Hmmmmn....does he like hypocrites? You have the most downvotes comments I’ve seen on here in a while....I smell a shill.

deleted -32 points ago +3 / -35
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