or Maybe "their" "qanon" project is demonizing Q followers? We know the lefties refer to it as qanon. Or maybe it is fake and gay who knows.
Yeah, but none of this is confirmed obv, just been discussing them. But this is the first drop that mentions Q, and it says qanon. So now idk. But just cause Q said there is no qanon, we know all the lefties refer to it as that. Maybe their qanon project is demonizing Q followers?
Good points. Most of the stuff in past drops seems to be translated from Chinese, would that explain any of it? Just wondering.
One of the last ones had a list of people names, and payments. One said MI and comms, then we looked up the name and got taken to some high tech communications service that's about to be unveiled. i cant remember the site but all the drops are in the vids, and E. Tarrio was on the list as paid 50k. The Rebuilding America pdf thing. A lot of weird shit, couple of QR codes yesterday that idk what to do with
I agree, I just know people were following the channel for the drops. It has dropped some very interesting shit.
Yeah that stuck out to me as well, have you guys been keeping up with the other drops? they drop some weird shit for sure.
meanwhile, they are folding ballots over n over and sending em to each other through the mail to get all the kinetic artifacts they need.
ok, ill bite, whats AAYs
lol, I remember this from earlier, ma'am.
na, he is always posting fake shit, he gets his info the same place as the rest of us.
I have seen way to much easily debunked shit on wards show.
crap, can someone link me to the pic? Of the screenshot? I cant find it for some reason,
Next time ill go outside and take a picture.
I'm not saying it won't happen, cause I really want it to happen. But this dude has posted SOOOOOO much easily debunked shit in the past month he is hard to take seriously. I really hope it happens though.
He said not to pay up on bets yet. If that ain't some hopium idk what is.
Its getting taken down everywhere
What the fuck man, they are openly talking about how they stole the fuckin election.
Who knows, if it's not real then all we did over the last 4 years was bring ourselves out into the open for slaughter. I keep remembering that old prediction from October on 4chan. That shit has been dead on so far. Let's hope not though, cause it says the sealed indictments are for patriots.
I was thinking Maybe their "qanon project" is demonizing Q followers? idk