BiggerGreenEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is sounding like a woman is supposed to be a insult? Thank you for making my point. Enjoy your never ending misery. You have earned it.

To anyone else who may be following. It seems your well has been poisoned. What good is the truth coming to light if "men" like littleDeathStar are still spewing their shit.

BiggerGreenEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read one of the hundreds of post about a screen shot from my phone that I took this morning before I post screenshot for general discussion on what this might mean?

Is the ability to time travel a prerequisite for this forum?

Seriously? That's your defense for your behavior?

Your tone and attitude is just what a democrat sounds like. So much for your awakening. I would wish you good luck but your Karma is crap and only you can change that.

Try reading the Bhagavad Gita or the Bible before you say, post or think ever again.

BiggerGreenEye -3 points ago +1 / -4

I guess that includes you LiberatedDeathStar. I thought this was a place of discovery but apparently if your not up to speed on everything someone else may know you get trashed. I guess I'll go somewhere else to search and find truth and compassion.

BiggerGreenEye 5 points ago +6 / -1

I got fortune cookie for you too!

You will never find happiness until you choose happiness.

Stop watching mainstream news. It's killing you.

BiggerGreenEye 3 points ago +3 / -0

On that I completely concur.

BiggerGreenEye 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought about that too but I came to the conclusion (and possibly incorrectly) that the optics of his betrayal might be too strong for an effortless rejoining and resumption of VP. Not everyone can see what we see.

BiggerGreenEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sigh.....they try so hard to be clever don't they? What is truly terrible is they are basically telling everyone that they are going to terminate Bidens life and try and frame some guardsmen that has some patriotic militia connection from their past. They are so despicable.

BiggerGreenEye 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! It is a breath of fresh air when I get something from outside of the thunderdome.

BiggerGreenEye 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct!!!!! They keep you so wrapped up in keeping up with the Jones's and avoiding the government boot heal that they do not have time or the energy to think about what is being fed to them. It's a class action law suit against the network's in waiting.

BiggerGreenEye 4 points ago +4 / -0

They wanted him to be king. He turned it down. How many people do you know who sacrifice everything they hold dear and put everything they have worked for on the line for the future of others, is triumphant and decline the temptation of power that it presented?

BiggerGreenEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

Before you assign satanic meanings to the symbols on the Washington monument, be sure you research the origins of those symbols beyond the time before "The Church" started redefining those symbols. The Natzi cross was a symbol for protection before it got hijacked by Hitler.

I have the same issue with the rainbow and it being hijacked by people who are so confused and mislead that they can't accept themselves as they are. The rainbow is for everyone and everything!

BiggerGreenEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was figuring the image of the note itself was fake but just wanted to see if this was what was meant by the mysterious notes in general. Thank you everyone for the responses!

BiggerGreenEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know he cut his chops on "the Apprentice". It will be the best reality show ever. For real ? where are my Doritos?

BiggerGreenEye 4 points ago +4 / -0

Biden is simply an "idea" that's out there. He has chosen evil for a long long time. He's earned the disgrace of being the face of evil.

BiggerGreenEye 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just because we aren't seeing things reported and all hell breaking loose in no way indicates that nothing is happening. I believe the good guys (led by PDT) plan, intent and desire are to make this transformation as peaceful as possible and that requires keeping the God loving patriots of this great nation safe from violence and harm to the best of their abilities. Their abilities are beyond my knowing so to me this is a good sign.

BiggerGreenEye 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am ready too! I've been thinking about analogies and metaphors that can help people stuck in matrix belief systems break through their subconscious blocks and start them on their journey.

BiggerGreenEye 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it was my shirt it would be the sweet chili ones in the purple bag. And ashamedly I find "Q" pins on my pillow case ?

BiggerGreenEye 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel so silly. I never realized that it was big league. I thought bigly was a Trumpisim for doing it big, beautiful and right. I think I might choose to continue with that belief only because it's more fun that way for me. I enjoy doing things biggly. It makes me giggly.

by Ruby27
BiggerGreenEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you!

by Ruby27
BiggerGreenEye 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why is his name tag and flag on the wall all reversed but the flag on his arm isn't?

BiggerGreenEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

Joe is always scrambling his words. Being around all those children really got him excited. Perhaps he meant porn cop and to Joe that's a very bad dude

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