Twitter.. nope
Jackboots v.s. commies, what's not to love? I have no dog in either fight.
The government has fallen, you would be petitioning a criminal enterprise. Good luck with that.
Doublethink doctored up into a supposed clever meme, which is a total failure. Typical liberal retardation.
She freely admits she thinks there are powerful dark forces behind the scenes pulling the strings, yet the plan is schoolboards and city councils? Please. Military is the only way or we're done.
There is no Kraken. No military tribunals. No plan. Sounds like hopium delusion to me.
If you spent your life worrying about what lies the MSM would cook up you'd never leaver your house! F'em
This is the biggest fly in my ointment. There's a reason Trump is pushing the vax, and I don't understand it.
Vaccine is the hill I'm dying on. But if that doesn't kill me trying to take my guns just might.. along with the takers.
I want this on a billboard!
Correction...those who pay the media
Forging a vaccination card for a plandemic is almost as stupid as getting the vaccine itself. GROW A FUCKING SPINE
Did Jews forge yellow stars in Nazi Germany? Fuggin stupid.
This whole exercise is a Darwinian IQ test. SAD
I hate this show. I want my money back.
What's worse, money laundering or stolen Presidential election? Where's the military Pompeo?
"You probably wouldn't be getting it at all" Yes! That's what we want!
That's just stupid. The vaccine is dangerous, but he's pushing it. You would have been locked down until 2030, but here take this poison and you can avoid all that! Stupid.
But taking the vaccine can also murder you, so not sure how this is supposed to be a win.
These shots are more dangerous than the actual disease! WTF is wrong with you Trump. I will never understand his position on this.
This post is gay. People are lazy and have lost the power of discernment. Censorship is what they do on the "other" platforms. Just deport and move on.
First of all, if you still have HBO, cancel that shit!! Second, HBO is an enemy platform, you might as well be pimping a CNN town hall. sigh
I like listening to Dave's voice, it's soothing. His theories however... I hate when he talks about "the people". The people are idiots and exactly why we're in this mess.
"Inmates call for end of cells, bars, restraints, cold showers, and ass poundings in prison"
Don't care about this. Get him for the covid scamdemic bullshit. Nuremberg trial his ass.