I hope it's not during the Stupor Bowel. That's the best time of the year to do your shopping.
This is fake. More shill idiocy. Take your photoshops and shove em.
Same here. I'll hold my judgement until more info comes out. I remember when you were crazy if you thought Rome was protecting some priests who molested children.....until.
Either that or they are not paid and believe some of those things. You wanna crush free thinking? You sound just like the folks who called Epstein a conspiracy theoriy
Perhaps if you watch closely you can see what will happen here.
Partaking in the infamous DNC chili knuckle eh?
Also known as Biden foreplay....but hopefully you are an adult...
Ah yes, the old Antifa secret handshake eh? AKA communist masturbation. You dare to reveal the hidden leftist vetting process?
I lol'd at the strings on the bulletin board.
These people are stupid....
Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby.
I think a prayer held every hour on the hour is best. You choose maybe one or two a day. Someone else chooses a different hour or two and if you have millions across the world doing it then every hour there is a steady stream all day long.
He looks like the love child of Rachael Maddow and Anderson Cooper.
I have been seeing people call this since 2000 and they probably called it before but I wasn't interested. David Morgan, Ted Butler, Peter Schiff, etc....
Exactly. The reserve holders don't want to see the prices go up because they hate successful investments so they will sell their reserves at lower prices to the shorts so the shorts can cover...... DEEERRRRRRPPPPPPP......
what video? Anyone have a link?
And of course it's going to be a moment when they are tied up by the powers that be....
So it depends?
Not in military court.
Well... SInce I never made that claim and you never asked about it I am going to assume you are redirecting because you know you have no argument.
I am a big fan of gold and silver and believe a crypto currency backed by gold/silver is probably where we are going to go. It has all the benefits of digital currency, the accountability of the blockchain and isn't backed by thin air.
I look forward to seeing how you twist my response and run away from my previous arguments :)
Yet you cannot argue a single point. All you can do is regurgitate the same stupidity you heard somewhere else...."It's really Secure", "It's deeeecentralized...derrrr"
It's backed by nothing, it's a ledger entry, it can be hacked if you choose to store it anywhere other than your personal piece of paper, (and don't lose that...) it's already mined out over 90% which is owned by less than 5% of the population not to mention a good portion of that 5% got it doing some of the worst shit imaginable. Yet you want to make this the currency of the future thereby handing everyone's freedoms to that less than 5%....
Right? Who is the moron here?
Note also the Whitehouse cleaning. They were removing artifact and busts from it last month and needless to say it is very secure right now.