Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0

👍 Thank you - that is high praise from you, sir!

Blurpy 13 points ago +13 / -0

Pretend is was a real shooting for a moment - in what reality would an accident match up so perfectly with Q statements made over the course of 4 years? None.

So, pretend it was a real shooting but not an accident, it was a murder - in what reality would a murderer (Baldwin) purposely shoot someone in circumstances so perfectly lining up with very public Q statements made for 4 years prior? None.

Conclusion: It was theater made to appear as an accident, and was meticulously planned (as only Q does it) to go off at the right time, with the right shooter, and the right "victim".

Really, I can't see anything else that makes sense. So, as this drama unfolds in the media, we will learn what Q really wants exposed, now that the thirst for information has been created with a sensationalized Hollywood incident.

Blurpy 8 points ago +8 / -0

The director being injured would certainly have to be in on it. The director would have the authority on the set to see everything was in place.

It was pure theater. It needed the director, lol.

Blurpy 32 points ago +33 / -1

...and that Q talked about Red October since 2017. And told us that the movie was required viewing for Anons.

A thought I had on the Baldwin - Red October:

The first mention of Red October was https://qposts.online/post/158

This was in November of 2017, almost 4 years ago. So, if this event was announced in the drops 4 years ago, it was planned well before that. It has to have been a staged event. It is a White Hat operation, by deducement. In no way could this be a Black Hat operation, if Q was posting publicly for 4 years about it. It made no sense to us, but the DS would know their plans had been foiled, and would have changed them. Additionally, nobody plans on a "hit" this desperate and transparent 4 + years in advance. It couldn't have been a spur of the moment action, as Q mentioned it in 2017. It was all fake.

So, Baldwin, is either a White Hat all along, or a Black Hat that was placed under our control - released from blackmail perhaps, as Q has mentioned about Supreme Court a few times. I mention this because of this drop: https://qposts.online/post/724 Specifically this line in the drop: "Note "The Hunt For" was dropped." This is dated Feb of 2018. So prior to this, it was "The Hunt for Red October" and after Feb/ 2018, they dropped "the hunt for".

To me, this indicates the hunt was over for their planned Red October event. Obviously, they had all the players in mind - No other participants would fit the Red October line as well. I think when "the hunt for" was dropped, they had secured Baldwin's participation. To secure his participation, Q would have to have removed the hook the DS had in him, and his participation in this event was his payment in return.

I had considered that Baldwin was a complete dupe, and that someone on the set put real bullets in - but that doesn't fit. It doesn't fit, because that person still could not know if Baldwin would point it right at the "victims". The victims and the shooter, as well as the set paramedics, and the evac chopper pilot all had to be in on this staged event.

So, what does this whole event accomplish? The "dead victim" appears to have been a White Hat Russian asset, and she is married to a lawyer who worked for the Clinton's. The Russian lady is now officially "dead", and is free from the whole mess, and I suspect has a new identity through witness protection all set up already. Her husband was either her mark, and it was not a real marriage to her, or the lawyer will testify under the subpoena to Durham, and then disappear with his wife. Sound crazy? I don't think so - see this drop:


Specifically referring to this line: [it takes time to remove/install the right people [sleepers]]

What else does this crazy event accomplish? 1. It connects the Clinton's to their ever growing hit list of dead associates. 2. It wakes up more people to the connection of Hollywood to Politics to Deep State. 3. It will punish Baldwin for probable negligent homicide or a wrongful death charge of some type, which he accepted as reduced sentence for what he has really done. He may get a few years in prison, up to 5-10, but out earlier with good time.

That is my theory... and it is a wild one, but it answers all the questions (I think), and it is plausible (I think).

Every other way I try to make this work in my brain, it doesn't. It was not a real murder, White Hat or Black Hat.

We Are Watching A Show.

Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Old saying: "Whatever you focus on, expands."

I think if you are looking for faces in clouds, you will find them - even if they aren't actually there.

Some are sincere reports, many even, but necessarily accurate. Other reports are designed to illicit a group response from the community.

FUD is used in PSYOPS CAMPAIGN. What is FUD?:

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (often shortened to FUD) is a propaganda tactic used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, polling and cults. FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear.

WE ARE WATCHING A SHOW. We've been told this endlessly by Q.

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do believe DWAC plays a bigger role in everything than what we see now.

I have researched long enough to understand that brokers have created a tremendous house of cards beyond GME and the other "meme" stocks. What do I mean? Brokers have been taking investors money for a purchase, crediting the sale to our accounts as in "X" amount of dollar received for "X" amount of shares of this company or that... but never actually buying the company. Basically, an IOU.

The DRS'ing of the shares of GME has exposed this truth. If I owned other shares of stock, I would DRS (or DWAC if you prefer) all of them, and quickly. I believe the market is a tremendous house of cards.

Q has said repeatedly: GAME OVER (i.e. GAMESTOP). The mostly bluntly:


Look at this image of Trump WITH A DIAMOND HAND:


GME IS THE MOASS. It has been designed from the beginning to destroy Wall Street bad actors, many bad banks in the Banking Cabal, and I believe, cripple or destroy the FED.

How DWAC fits into this I am not sure, but I believe it is designed to buy a number of social media company's that fail under the weight of their own illegal activities. DWAC, as a SPAC, is perfectly suited for this. https://qposts.online/post/896

Read up on SPAC's here: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/spac.asp

DWAC the company may have more functions in this transformation of the market place than we guess right now, idk. I believe it will be relieved soon-ish.

DWAC Transfer agent (I believe is: EF Hutton, division of Benchmark Investments, LLC, but I am not sure.) But you can confirm that here: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]

Blurpy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Despite Q saying we are watching a show, and PROMISING our families are safe:


Despite this, every time I say the pandemic/virus was fake, the statistics were fudged, and the vaccine is saline or a regular flu shot - I get roasted here. Just roasted.

People don't seem to really read the Q drops, or they don't believe them.

I read them, and I believe them.

This is a show.

Anyone who disagrees with me, that is fine. We came to different conclusions. It's okay. I am not mad at you, and I am not trying to change your mind. I am just speaking mine. It is all fake.

Blurpy 23 points ago +23 / -0

It's funny because it was actually ALL LEAKED, ALL ALONG, ON PURPOSE.

"what do mean?!?"

Q ANON has posted all of this since 2017, but the trick is, the media would have to admit Q was being truthful the entire time.

Q was purposely leaking everything.

Blurpy 5 points ago +5 / -0

The ships are not coming in because of E.O.13848. We are not conducting business with foreign powers (China) who attempted to overthrow the US Government via a coup with help of traitors committing election fraud. Biden Administration is not real. Patriots are in control.


Blurpy 6 points ago +6 / -0


"Biden" is NOT in control of anything, not even his bowels.

"Patriots In Control" is stated 7 different times by Q:


"Enjoy the show." is stated by Q in 67 different posts.


Take Q at his word. We really are watching a show.

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Investors can open an account before initiating a transfer, or not - it is up to you. Whether you transfer first or not, either way, the transfer is linked via your SSN, no account number needed.

Assuming you transfer first - Once your shares are sent to Computershare, you will get a letter in the US Mail from Gamestop via Computershare. It will say you are a registered shareholder. You may then go to computershare.com, and view your account that has been created for you.

Remember however, you may create an account at anytime. Any transfer will be credited properly, based on the SSN, name, and address on file at your broker.

Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0

DWAC is what is called a SPAC, a Special Purpose Acquisition Company. Also sometimes called a blank check company. The reason for this name, is that the company is formed solely for purpose of raising capital to merge or acquire other companies. They trade on the reputation of known business leaders (like Trump), and are given a lot of leeway with what to do with the money. SPAC's typically have 2 years to invest the money, or they must return the capital raised to investors.

Each broker may have different rules about investing in SPAC's, you would have to check with yours.

To anyone invested in GME, and are tempted to sell some to buy into DWAC, I would hold off on that. If you have spare funds set aside, and can buy DWAC, great(!), but I would not sell any GME, if it were me.

GME IS THE MOASS. We can all sense DWAC is playing a role in the show, but that does not take away from the fact that GME is the Moon Rocket.

Diamond Hands.

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this great information!

Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think the phone person with TD will know the truth, to be honest.

Their computer would just have how many shares are credited to your name, not if TD was actually making the purchase or not. I wish I had a better answer for you.

When others are reporting they can't get the shares transferred in a timely fashion, to me, it just screams those brokers are trying to buy real shares on the market to transfer. No other explanation makes any sense.

Blurpy 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can definitely just open an account with CS first. I did that, and made a purchase before I ever transferred. They also allow fractional shares. I believe the minimum invest is very low, it was $10 or $25, I don't recall, but it was one of those.

They purchase in batches, so buying takes a few days, up to 5 days - which seems weird at first. (But you are getting REAL shares, and in YOUR name). Selling goes as quick as a broker.

I am happy to help with what I know, no advice, just what I have learned along the way. We all make our own decisions based on our own situations.


Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always considered TD Ameritrade a top notch broker, until quite recently. Reports on Reddit have shown TD Amritrade is taking up to 2 weeks (and with a few reports, even longer) to transfer the shares. To me, this indicates they do not have the shares. If this is the case, that could mean real trouble when MOASS starts. Many TD clients have transferred to Fidelity first, and then to CS. This has worked out well from what I have read. Broker-to-broker transfers happen much quicker, and Fidelity has been taking just 2 days to transfer to CS (in my 3 experiences doing this - and many other reports, as well.)

As for some, none, or all transferred... that is a choice we each make. Yes, currently, CS has a million dollar per sale limit - but that could change as we entered unchartered waters. CS is having a AMA on Reddit Superstonk, I think tomorrow... we may learn more then.

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

why Trump wouldn't just publicly say fuck the system use CS?

We may see him do that if interviewed on a finance channel - but I don't think so.

I think the Deep State would immediately accuse him of rigging the markets, or any other number of crimes THEY are doing everyday. He would then become a distraction and lightning rod. Remember, his speeches are all about returning the power to the people... he wants us to expose and tear down the broken system. We can be steered and assisted - Like Q does - but we have to see the answers for ourselves, realize ourselves, and fix it ourselves (or believe we are).

We must be near the end now, because these hints are getting so obvious and easy to see, even I can find them, lol!

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it could go either way. To me, my thought was MOASS has to break the system, then GME new system replaces it.

But perhaps they install the new system, and that eliminates the fraud, causing MOASS.

I don't think so, though... I can't see the Banking Cabal running the system allowing that - unless they have been destroyed first, then they have no say.

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