I didn't literally mean that he should get the vaccine if the expenses are covered if he has side effects ;)
I already know the company will not cover the expenses in case of side effects. It's just a way of fighting back. I've seen others here say that they did exactly this and it made the company back down on mandatory vaccinations.
Maybe send an email to your healthcare provider asking if you're covered for issues arising after getting the vaccine?
If they don't cover you for these issues (maybe they will even state the vaccine is experimental) you can use that in your argument for not getting the vaccine. Or you can say "I will get the vaccine, but the company will have to cover my medical bill if there are complications.
Did you know that Morpheus never said the line "What if I told you?"
I never took the Mandela Effect very seriously, but after finding this one out I now have to take it seriously because I'm certain it was part of the movie!
Luigi Warren, one of the creators of the mRNA technology, confirmed on Twitter that shedding is real. The vaccinated will shed spike proteins and he thinks it's probably not enough to make someone else sick.
Based on stories I've read, I think it's possible that shedding can become a problem when you're in close proximity for a prolonged period of time with people that have been vaccinated.
Archived link for full read:
So according to him, person to person transfer of the spike protein is in relatively small amounts, so that's good news for us!
But with the vaccine it's a different story because your body will produce billions of spike proteins.
Show them the Podesta email that John Podesta received after Obama was elected. The one from I believe Citibank, that had a wish list for all of the cabinet positions. And then remind them that one of Obama's main slogans was "Main street, not Wallstreet!"
This email is pretty good evidence that Obama was a wolf in sheeps clothing assisting the bankers.
Thank you and God bless you!