Exactly. Often times the unsealing occurs after the testimony is given. This just locks the witness into being unable to recant their statements later.
I'm betting the testimony happened already. Durham is too smart to leave a witness dangling out there.
It covered the original and then the unsealing. Patience is a virtue Fren.
Fusion GPS's Laura Seago will now be legally compelled to testify. I just hope her testimony is juicy enough to warrant her immunity.
But Joe, what about this? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/29/us/politics/biden-abortion-rights.html
Texas primary run off info.
May 24th - Primary Runoff Elections= Monday, April 25th - Last day to register to vote Friday, May 13th - Last day to apply for a ballot by mail (received, not postmarked) Monday, May 16th - First day of Early Voting Friday, May 20th - Last day of Early Voting Tuesday, May 24th - Election Day
This is from the Texas Sect of State in Texas. May 24th - Primary Runoff Elections
Monday, April 25th - Last day to register to vote
Friday, May 13th - Last day to apply for a ballot by mail (received, not postmarked)
Monday, May 16th - First day of Early Voting
Friday, May 20th - Last day of Early Voting
Tuesday, May 24th - Election Day
Wish I could upvote this one 17 times!
Spoken like a true Doomer! How much did you already know of the exact way they caught them?
I don't buy it. "Lord Sativa 420" doesn't sound like a Q comm at all, just some stoner acting like they are something they aren't.
But in reality, the mules were committing the crimes in numerous places at numerous times on numerous days. There would be no way to arrest them all at the same time. In fact, those busted in Az. by their finger prints on the ballots caused the bad guys to change tactics mid steal. It had to be this way.
Maybe this is why they chose the "white rabbit" as a Q mascot of sorts???
Except.................... Jones was around 3+ decades before Q ever made the first drop. And when the accusation comes from Reuters, a dyed in the wool Deep State MSM source, well that speaks for itself.
Actually it started when he was placed on 3RD STRING. I suggest he try out for the guy handing out that "high quality H2O".
Fake numbers from another hater. He has sent 6 bus loads so far with plans to continue. What has YOUR governor done?
Uhhhhhhhhh, only most of the 334,540,626 (@ the time of this reply)CITIZENS of these United States.
It's in the article, but the short of it is they believe it is extraterrestrial and "holy" to the islamic faith.
It is beyond a SoE now days. However, Abbott is not the devil so many from out of the state try to make him into.
When it merits, and vice versa. Have you ever scrolled past a comment you didn't like without trolling?
I served 23 years, Army,11-Hotel and 11-Bravo, CIB with star! Research the laws brother, it's not as easy as spraying down range! You are welcome to come join any of the numerous militias down here that will have you!
Do some research! Maxey has been around from day one, he is the first to leak it and the first to hand it over to Grassley and company. Remember, just because YOU haven't heard of someone doesn't mean they don't exist.
Maybe YOU need to come down here and fend them off yourself!!! We are fighting this much harder than any other state. WTF have YOU done to help? Just what I thought, NOTHING!
It's getting easier to spot the true shills here. The same people keep trying to black pill the majority of the posts. I miss when we had actual mods who watched for this crap.
Don't you think that video is a bit on the blurry side? I can't tell if it says US Marshalls or Mayberry Sheriff's Dept.