Bswdh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow that is true I never looked at it that way

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really needed a good laugh

Bswdh 6 points ago +6 / -0

Isn't he also the 1st president with only 2 functional brain cells?

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

There should be a video playing showing how Our Anthem came into being everytime its played. It is so upsetting seeing these people burning and disrespecting the American Flag knowing they have no idea of what it truly represents

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you can't drink in cars then why are people killed by drunk drivers? With open containers of alcohol? If you would please explain where people only do what is allowed? Their are designated smoking areas which is usually far off away from public so why be so bitchy to people? Or you just like dictating?

by ctbr
Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Easy way to get a list of supporters, just saying

Bswdh 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ever wonder why the catholic church scares satan so much that its always under attack but never defeated like other religions? Im proud to be part of the church that Jesus himself created and ive known deceitfullness would come from within the church. Other religions came about from the catholic church by changing what they didn't like or removing traditions they did not agree with just like today different religions are changing with the times and that is leading many to sin. God doesn't change his commandments because of the times. Anyway sorry for going on. Just incase it got lost along my rant I agree with you

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome that you went back! I can't bring myself to because I don't agree with Francis and alot of priests do. I'm so confused I just keep praying and reading my Bible but really miss the Eucharist. I know deceit will come from within the church in the end days (heck evil has always attacked the church from within and without) I think Vatican 2 has hurt the church. I don't understand Latin but am willing to learn so I can understand traditional mass but still not sure if that's even the way. Im hoping for an answer from above cause I think its a huge mess right now and don't want to be led astray. I'm afraid I already am

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

What about family members and Americans that we are having to bury due to open borders and plain out lawlessness? How long do we have to sit back and watch that part of the movie?

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Curious, how much more destruction needs to be done before they are stopped? I would love to think something will correct this nightmare but I think they found a way to keep everyone quietly hoping while they destroy.

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree there is no more hiding what they are doing because nobody is going to stop them! Everyone keeps saying the people need to be shown and they are starting to wake up. Our country is being destroyed, our rights taken away, borders wide open but its OK because the people are waking up? Sorry I'm calling Bullshit cause I think I've been the one asleep to what has been happening. Our country has been taken over and is being destroyed right in front of our eyes with no sign of it ending. How the hell can you undo what has happened? Sorry to be a doomer but I had to step away for a few days and reassess this whole thing and I think this is only going to get worse not better.

Bswdh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its not like they actually do anything anyway lol

Bswdh 8 points ago +8 / -0

Someone should check on AOC she's freaking out from all the nazis ??

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

People that had to put up with peacful protesting last year should be able to sue the shit out of these dumbasses that can't do anything cause they are afraid. They didn't want to help the people when they needed it the people shouldn't be paying for their protection it really shows how much they hate the american people

Bswdh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ya let me get right on that ??????????????????????????????????????????????

by Evspra
Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well these optics are making my tum tum nauseous

by Evspra
Bswdh 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL, I just want Trump back and these creeps imprisoned or whatever. I admit this is scary

by Evspra
Bswdh 5 points ago +6 / -1

Yes I've noticed that but my stomach is sick cause he was talking about damage done by biden administration oh crap now he brings up election fraud im soon confused i want this ride to be over

by Evspra
Bswdh 10 points ago +13 / -3

I'm so confused. Im not getting a good feeling about this. I hope I'm wrong

Bswdh 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is on his lap?

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