BuffaloReaper94 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love it. Make him Speaker.

BuffaloReaper94 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've heard of them, but haven't been around. Serious question, though, when the drops were completely wrong, was the information coming from the drop, or some dude on youtube?

I don't ask that defensively - I'm genuinely curious. I can't wrap my head around a corrupt buffoon and his poec VP (person of every color - saw some headline about Kumguzzlah being the first black Indian Asian woman VP) being installed, or some douche with CCP kompromat being an impeachment manager, or open calls for reeducation camps, etc. If there's a possibility that these goons can be thwarted, I want to know about it. It's clearly too late for Trump, but I'm still holding out hope that the country can be saved.

BuffaloReaper94 3 points ago +3 / -0

Listen, I'm new to whole Q thing, so maybe that's easier for me to see - it seems like there were drops and people extrapolated theories; others extrapolated from those, and so on. What happened today is that a theory didn't come to fruition - it doesn't disprove Q - and I say that as an agnostic. I support the efforts and the idea, but not necessarily any particular theory on what Q posts mean (or if they're totally legit).

BuffaloReaper94 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bear in mind, these are the people who have spent five years yammering about the brainwashing of Trump supporters and their worship of the big bad orange man. Your average dung beetle has more self-awareness.

BuffaloReaper94 1 point ago +1 / -0

To the downvoters: My point is that Q leaves breadcrumbs. Those breadcrumbs got people searching and connecting dots, which is a net positive, no matter what. But some of the speculation I see here is based on other folks' interpretation of those breadcrumbs - isn't it possible that "the plan" isn't exactly what people thought it was?

On about 20 different levels, I want Trump in that Oval Office. But maybe that wasn't the plan, after all. I want the country saved and these evil bastards in prison. That's the plan I want to see play out, whether Trump is golfing at the time, or leading the charge.

Some folks will quit on the whole thing. Fine. But some will wait the current day/week out, see where it goes, regroup, and maybe reexamine the breadcrumbs - which interpretations were correct, which were wrong, and maybe find a meaningful pattern there. Fresh eyes, opened by the events of the past few months, might even find something that was missed.

My brain tells me that the country is done for; elections mean nothing, rule of law means nothing, and a bunch of demons with communist thought patterns are going to make sure that the West in general is destroyed. But my heart tells me that we're going to prevail - and it's going to be even sweeter than it would be otherwise.

BuffaloReaper94 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nancy Pelosi tells people the Catholic Church’s view on the beginning of life and abortion are always changing (btw, I could give a shit about Catholicism), calls Trump supporters “henchmen,” etc. Nobody has to manipulate me into thinking she’s evil - she does a damn fine job of that all by herself.

Frankly, making claims that a billionaire pays less in taxes than I do is evidence of you being manipulated. I have yet to see evidence that any billionaire, paying the same tax type that I do, pays a lower dollar amount. If they manage to lower overall percentage paid through deductions or by paying mainly capital gains taxes, that’s a problem with the tax code, not with them.

A more interesting (and more accurate) question is, for example, if you’re a white male, why would you be in favor of government giving away your tax dollars based on skin color, religious affiliation, sex, or sexuality?

In short, no I don’t consider myself manipulated, because I’m not. I judge Nancy (and Mitch, and Chuck, and the rest) based on what they say and do, not on what somebody tells me to think of them, or based on a comparison against what somebody told me to believe.

BuffaloReaper94 1 point ago +2 / -1

Scared much? You see, our side can use your tactics and ideals against you - just like you’re so pathetically doing here.

BuffaloReaper94 2 points ago +2 / -0

Horse shit. Respect the Constitution that the other side doesn’t respect. Thanks, Mitt.

BuffaloReaper94 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Perception vs. reality. Was Q really verified by anyone? Is there any reason to believe it was someone in the upper echelons of power in the first place?

Playing devil’s advocate that it was a LARP doesn’t acknowledge the other stuff not making sense, though. Maybe there’s still a way out. Maybe Nancy and the demons are behind this and have even worse plans than we imagine... At this point we have to wait and see - and pray.

BuffaloReaper94 2 points ago +2 / -0

Logically, nothing that is happening or being said by DJT points to a Biden presidency. That’s my small source of hope - not tea leaves, or counting backwards from the number of blinks of a dog in a video or some shit. Nothing makes sense, except the idea that something else is up.

BuffaloReaper94 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes! That was the first red flag for me - if the power is with the people, why is the fuckknob nobody voted for being inaugurated? And how could a Biden presidency give hope and allow us to reach our potential? Like everything else, these lines don’t add up. It’s slim, but they provided some hopium.

BuffaloReaper94 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not a word he said was applicable to a Biden admin. Not the pride, the greatness, the potential - nothing.

BuffaloReaper94 0 points ago +1 / -1

Must be tough to type and suck dick at the same time.

BuffaloReaper94 4 points ago +4 / -0

I didn’t notice the airsoft, just the FUPA on the BLM warrior.

BuffaloReaper94 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jack Klugman isn’t compromised, is he?

BuffaloReaper94 3 points ago +3 / -0

If we’re lucky. Imagine a Q counterpart for Biden, promising a communist utopia through hidden messages. Maybe calling himself “Y.” Shitlibs going to online forums... “He’s calling a lid at regular intervals-it must be a countdown!”

“He drooled from the left side of his mouth today. What could it mean?”

“Y drop 32 mentions what if and tomshort. Could this be code for Depends and Geritol?”

And the acronyms! WYKTTGYKTT - Where you know, the thing goes... you know, the thing.

BuffaloReaper94 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where we started vs where we are... He mentions 100; what was drop 100? There are 96 flags - what’s drop 96? What was drop 57? 39?

BuffaloReaper94 20 points ago +20 / -0

“It is the blind man who looks to the skies and sees but clouds. The cock is there for all to see, yet he is surprised when the schlonging arrives.” - Gandhi

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