Bungleweed 23 points ago +23 / -0

I agree completely. I’m sorry for your losses. I’m glad you got the children you were destined to have though.

I went on to have 2 boys myself. My first I wasn’t really concerned about losing which I thought I would since I had lost the last pregnancy. My second though, I was terrified the entire time and I started telling the doctor what I thought was wrong at about 28 weeks. I told her he wouldn’t make it to his due date. We did the csection a week early for several reasons and when she brought him out she confirmed I was right about what I thought was wrong. Later she told me he was very close to cutting off his blood supply and very well may not have made it another week. You will never convince me there isn’t a connection between a mother and child. People who don’t have it, it’s usually because of some form of trauma or mental disorder.

That’s why, at least until now, abortion wasn’t something to be proud of. Most women really struggled with the decision, but as we’ve gone farther and farther from God…

Bungleweed 2 points ago +2 / -0

That one does look photoshopped. Not certain. What’s his name kissing the girl isn’t though. Nor the Steven Colbert thing.

I’ve seen some of those before, haven’t seen others. We’ll see what else comes out I guess. I wish someone could hack the mainstream networks and just blast crap like this for about a week.

Bungleweed 8 points ago +9 / -1

Yeah, I made a comment like that. We can’t know for sure BUT I feel like this is the case because an abortion clinic wouldn’t show the care he is. You can see in his body language he’s caring and saddened.

But it does show the reality, those are babies. Not bundles of cells, not jellyfish, not some mindless being that only becomes sentient at birth, but human beings, being murdered.

That’s what’s frustrates me about pro choice ppl. Just say you’re ok with murdering babies. Don’t be shy about it and gaslight yourself. That’s what you stand for, stand for it.

Bungleweed 16 points ago +16 / -0

Sorry for the rant, I get so frustrated with ppl. At least don’t gaslight yourself, just say you’re ok with murdering babies.

Bungleweed 20 points ago +20 / -0

It was difficult. I was young and I had just really come to terms with, ok this is happening. It took a long time to heal from that. I feel like seeing the baby like that made it worse, which I guess is why they don’t show the sonograms. Bc even that early, he looked like a baby. (I don’t know for sure it was a boy but I have a very strong feeling he was and I’ve only had boys since then)

It was very traumatic, the whole ordeal, I just can’t even imagine women who do it on purpose. Even being young…it was never an option for me. I don’t know…I just can’t wrap my head around it I guess. Yeah I was scared but I made life and now I was responsible for helping that life come into being at the very least. It’s not the baby’s fault. People wanna get all up and arms over someone killing a deer, a baby has a heart beat at 18 days. The nervous system is forming by 8 weeks. You (not YOU but ppl who are all, it’s a bundle of cells) don’t think they can feel? You’re wrong, by 4-6 months, when you can feel them kick, if you push back they kick back. That shows they both feel and have the brain power at that point to know to push back. It shows curiosity at the very least. It’s not a jelly fish in there…which I have seen someone compare a baby too.

Bungleweed 7 points ago +8 / -1

However, some abortion clinics are run absolutely horribly so I’m not discounting that this is someone getting babies ready for transport or something. I just feel like the guy in the photo is showing care towards the babies, an abortion clinic wouldn’t do that.

Bungleweed 42 points ago +42 / -0

There are people who will go to planned parenthood or abortion clinics and get the bodies that aren’t sold and give them proper burials. This picture may be from that. I feel like it would be in a different setting if it was babies being trafficked.

I had a miscarriage at about 12 weeks, the baby came out in my hand when I went to the bathroom. It looked like a baby. I don’t understand people who don’t see it.

Bungleweed 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the DA, the son of the pardoned, he said that his dad was there but didn’t have a gun or mean for anyone to get hurt…

So like 99% of the ppl at the Capitol then?

Bungleweed 8 points ago +8 / -0

I sent an article about a man being taken off the transplant list for not getting the vax to someone. She was telling someone else about it, because any reasonable person thinks that’s insane. Her friend said “good”. She said it was so shocking because it didn’t even sound like her.

Bungleweed 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s very faint. Extremely so. I hadn’t seen the clip previously and if it hadn’t been pointed out I probably wouldn’t have zeroed in on it. It is there is just not “crowd boos trump”. More like “some of the crowd boos, says no or maybe discontented noises for 1-2 seconds”.

It’s a murmur of discontent and he says “I know, I know, you got your freedoms”.

Which to me sounds like he’s saying “look, we would be in much worse shape without it” which I believe. We would still be locked down or worse. Who knows how bad it could’ve gotten.

This is the same message he’s always had. It’s available, get it if you want it. I don’t see what the big deal is.

Him saying anything doesn’t affect my decision to not get the vax. He could beg me personally to get it tomorrow and it wouldn’t factor in. Anyone who it would factor in for is just as brainwashed as the blue check mark crowd.

Bungleweed 3 points ago +3 / -0

What’s worse, the one that said “good” is in the medical field…

They both are, I know a lot of ppl who are. Most aren’t snowed but aren’t super informed either. This is the first I’ve encountered that acted like this and I don’t really know them. They’re not the type I would hang around.

Bungleweed 4 points ago +4 / -0

I shared an article with someone I know about a man being taken off the transplant list for a heart transplant because he won’t take the vax. That person shared it with a friend of hers because she was so shocked they would do that, and the friend said “good”. Last I heard they were fighting, not over that but I think it shook her up that her best friend would say something like that.

Bungleweed 3 points ago +3 / -0

I understand that. I guess I worded it poorly. You’re still going to have people who don’t work so aren’t mandated under work and are still “hesitant” and this isn’t what going to make them change their minds. You’ll still have places that won’t mandate, at least right away. And places that won’t follow a federal mandate.

Bungleweed 16 points ago +16 / -0

Whatever Q is or isn’t, it woke tons of people up and had the mainstream media not gotten in with their narrative it would’ve woken TONS more.

And I agree with you about this community being accepting (for the majority obviously). I’ve had way more good experiences in the small time I’ve been posting and commenting than poor.

Bungleweed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes, because a rushed authorization on a rushed vaccine will make people who don’t want it feel tons better.

They just don’t understand that the ones who want it already got it…well, more than likely they understand they just don’t care.

Bungleweed 3 points ago +3 / -0

My kid and 8 other classmates pretty smart. Voted for Trump in their little election last year. Only 3 kids voted Biden…

Bungleweed 8 points ago +8 / -0

I know someone who was hospitalized with covid, was put on a vent to “let her body rest a few days” because with whatever they were giving her she kept getting better then worse. That was more than 3 weeks ago now…

I know someone else who did need to be hospitalized and was on oxygen but never had to be moved to a vent. The difference is about 200lbs…

by Quelle
Bungleweed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow another one, must be international bombers day or something

Bungleweed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Right?! I’ve wondered that myself. Everyone had a casket? Piles of bodies yeah? My mother in law said they had a truck outside the hospital with bodies piled up…though she never actually saw them.

All this and the casket industry wasn’t overwhelmed?

Also I’m still confused as to how there aren’t teams roaming around picking up dead homeless people by the dozens…

Bungleweed 7 points ago +7 / -0

Maybe not a school but classes yes.

If you wanna see something funny, watch biden at the debates and Biden in his most recent speeches. He tries to copy the way trump does his hands more now. Trump has always had very open body language when giving public speeches and the way he moves his hands is to kinda…push out his message. I noticed Biden has tried to pick that up recently.

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