ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

Based on the Redditor posting it and their definition of "epically trolling" I'm thinking Gen X or older Millenial who thinks trolling simply means annoying people, and is relatively new to the world wide web. Like how they think "snowflake" simply means someone who is annoyed. It would definitely explain why they love emojis so much lmao, but on the other hand they spend so much time on making so many posts that they probably get paid to do it.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

exactly this. TD fell for it hard and I'm praying it doesn't work over here too

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know if he believes it or not, but I knew one guy who claimed to be Republican but hated Trump for being "another billionaire politician". Not even worth trying to redpill, trust me, one of the 4-6% lost forever.

Not entirely a bad thing though, dude was pretty racist. Genuinely racist, and a real pervert too. Not like "oh you masturbate? pervert." More like, "Hey pretty young thing, why are you crying? Daddy's here. Stop crying and let me see that smile." Dude was stuck in a time he never lived in but that I'm pretty sure mostly exists only in movies, the "racist sexist 50s".

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't want to know who to avoid, they want to know who to confront.

These hall monitors see themselves as personal enforcers of masks regardless of store policy or local ordinance.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

People seeing others too close to them like how they probably see other people driving cars on the road, as obstacles to be avoided, not people

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

A little bit of emoji use is okay, I sometimes use them too.

But I don't know anyone who does the ? Apple commercial thing of replacing ↩️ every word ? or following ??‍♂️ every word with an emoji ?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 5 points ago +6 / -1

"stay away from vaccine shedders" and "people who watch porn are pedophiles and sinners" narratives come from the same accounts...fishy fishy

You know they come from Reddit too because they can't wrap their head around how downvotes here work. "Uh dude, my post only got 20 downvotes so basically everyone agrees with me". Usually posted while mods are asleep so they can push it to the front page too

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

But...but...I think I'm gonna DOOOOM!

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

ah yes, he's one of those who post the same meme in 20 different subreddit without reading the rules, "but it says mildlyinteresting and this is mildly interesting, isn't it?!?!"

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

What? but TD made it seem like when Trump does something slightly off from what we expect then that means he never played 5d chess and that there never was a plan!

They really don't know how to wait 24 hours don't they?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

One day I want to meet one of these "experts".

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, we knew that for years with Antifa fascist thugs being exposed and all. If 4chan can do it in a matter of hours then every intel agency could too if they wanted (and they do)

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 1 point ago +1 / -0

its like those ones who only know that one Leviticus verse and try to use it to drive a wedge between Christians, but that method actually has some success

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

also with how they co opted "snowflake" it shows that they think them having a tantrum over not being seen as special and unique is the exact same as someone refusing to become a commie just because they said "muh CIA propaganda and American embargo!"

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

if you also had no idea what Trump supporters are like

That's the thing, they don't wanna know because they get "alt right brainwashed".

I know that's what kept me in the dark for a while. Q was right, the choice to know is ours.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

Similar to how they have to censor random words, they probably can't bring themselves to simply type "frens" because even they know that if anyone ever caught wind that they even typed it out ironically, they would be shunned and sent to gulag.

Yet they still think they are the Right Side of History^TM

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, but on r/conspiracy you can already see the narrative building, "Nope! Even if it comes out that they cheated they were already certified!"

They really are going for the "we cheated fair and square to stop Orange Hitler Tr*mp" narrative.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

no joke, one of the commenters said, "I love your praxis"

are these people fucking serious lmao "Officer, I wish...to speak...to my COMRADE!!!"

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

"What??? Teh Americans no rike Animojis? But we brasted commerciars for it arr over their terevisions!"

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seriously, "muh conservatives only view point is owning the libs". Coming from people whose only principle is "whatever makes me sound superior to the last guy who replied to me" or "win by any means necessary/the ends justify the means" no less.

"Let's have America be world police to own the drumpf supporters" could summarize their reaction to finding out Trump didn't go to war with whatever country they pleaded him to not go to war with. Hypocrites.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've heard that the freemasons used to have different goals but that essentially the power hungry evil ones won a power struggle and basically neutered it into what it is today, grandpa's weekend drinking club that's "secret". At the same time, they use it as a jumping ground for deeper secret societies, and as cover in case people start to suspect something is up.

I'd believe there is a white hat faction that would call themselves "true masons" like "classic liberal" is today in the political realm, but that for the most part anything outright calling itself masonic is probably evil and that the white hats would try to not call themselves "true mason" in public, just like one of us probably won't tell anyone that they are "true liberal" in public.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sounds like V for Vendetta...predictive programming?

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does anyone sell new cars anymore with physical, mechanical handbrakes or actual turning keyed ignitions? It seems every new car you have to ask it permission to do anything. Only a matter of time before building your own car becomes illegal.

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 4 points ago +4 / -0

a millenial cat lady Canadian who thinks being a millenial still makes them "young" like a high schooler

ButAtLeastWeDontHave 6 points ago +6 / -0

I should add the context, saw it on Qult HQ but it was a crosspost from someone calling themselves a "Trolling God". Certaintly wouldn't want to follow a cuck god like that lmao. Remember, anyone who tells you they are cool, isn't.


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