Sorry if i'm slow. I can't hear the video, but the Nixon presidential seal is standing out to me. Is this comms? Is he at a Nixon related building?
meme him in the prison that was built by Trump and FEMA and the NAT Guard
IS one of those a racing pigeon named joe?
Rob on crack did a better job than John Tory on whatever he's on.
You could be right. Who knows
Canada is building the gulags already.
And people don't really care.
Go watch that video.
I don't remember Obama needing the national guard. And there were a LOT of people there.
errybody needs to take a breath.
At least we don't have bells palsy like Nancy!!
I hear you. If on Jan 20th Biden is sworn in and nothing happens, then our team lost. *Probably (i've heard people speculating that they're going to let Harris get in and bla bla bla, but i don't believe that shit. no outside comms. it's just speculation).
I agree something needs to happen. Trump needs to counter, and he hasn't yet. So far he's just said "this is a big deal and we caught them all..."
There are a few scenarios. Here they are:
he's pushed out of office and does not utilize declass and all of the other things at his disposal (EO, everything) and instead encourages a 2024 "this time we really mean it" run, we were had / we lost bigly.
I've heard rumors that the reveal will be 9/11 big. A nuclear scare or something big enough to get the world to literally be watching. Until the Alamo speech the world was holding it's breath to see Trump's counter and he comes out and does a pretty regular speech at the Alamo and it's minor. But he does a few min of press before that and mentions that there is always a counter.
One of the most important aspects of this is that the POTUS needs to be neutral. He's an actor playing a role. A role of a guy that lost the election. This is done to keep markets calm. You don't telegraph to the bad guys "arrests have started." You put out disinformation. Did you hear Trump had died? Did you hear that Trump is starting a hot war with China? Did you hear that there are states of emergencies declared across 4 - 6 states and in DC right now and 4 of them were signed by POTUS today?
Don't listen to the media. Breath through it til the 19th. I think we're going to see a big big curtain drop. a big reveal that truly the whole world will be watching. Trump isn't going to half ass this.
If we knew, the bad guys would know. Art of war. Look weak when you are strong. Is Trump going to hand off to Beijing Biden? A proven national security risk? I wouldn't bet on it. I could be wrong. But i wouldn't bet on it.
Until Trump runs for cover or starts prepping his 2024 campaign from outside of the white house / after Jan 20...i think we'll see something. And if we've been had, does anyone then think even Trump could call off the patriots who descended on DC (in a non-violent protest until their voice are heard, a la Ghandi)?
edit: I don't pretend to know Trumps game on the vaccine bullshit. He shouldn't be recommending it. I don't care what Trump says, i won't be taking that shit.
Hopium is flowing.
During the NK negotiations q would post things that imo coincided with nk. "big week" etc.
This lead to a lot of hope and then disappointment because "q promised a big week and nothing happened."
3 year Delta etc aside, expecting something inevitably leads to disappointment.
Enjoy the show. Don't expect your expectation to happen on your timeline. And this is a war. Dates are fluid.
I hope it's a big day, but don't be disappointed if it's not.
Don't date fag
Based on what? John Tory literally owns Rogers.
Welcome to Canada. That's exactly what's happening already.
If Trump losses, the world goes down. Not understating it.
Canadian here. Our pm is a certified genocidal maniac.
Edit: and stupid enough to believe his CCP handlers
Building 7 didn't kill itself?
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
best positive theory yet
lol mainline the hopium!!
Poolhall Junkies. I might watch it tonight. Let's go Trump team. Drop the EB. It's time to tear the shit out of everybody....