There will be a chopper coming for you! A yuge, beautiful, tremendous black one.
Real country music... Not today's crap.
Show me on the Constitution doll where it says that unelected bureaucrats are able to mandate ANYTHING.
Can I identify as a millionaire rhen?
I'm skeptical of all photos like this. That's why I prefaced the post the way I did.
Beautifully written and spot on. Thank you, I couldn't describe myself better.
Band name: Hole Album name: Live Through This
Just always thought that was interesting. Also, when reading Cobain's "suicide note" it sounds a lot like he's kicking her to the curb, but maybe it's just me.
It's from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
The citation is included the image. CDC.
Edit: Operation Mockingbird
My first ever original meme. I hope it takes off. Please share. New Orleans (top) and Maricopa County.
The real coRONNAvirus.
I got AIDS after reading the first one.
Says the bitch who refuses to give us plebs space and privacy.
No he didn't...liar.
You're bad. They're all the same to me. I'm sure Katy has wrecked many balls though.
Well, she did come in like a wrecking ball, kissed a girl and liked it.
The money is in the treatment, not the cure... And most doctors don't know anything about nutrition and believe health comes from a prescription drug.
Well said. Same with me my whole life.
Excellent article! Thank you.
Anyone who is signed up to comment on Newsweek needs to be committed... To an asylum.
He's pretending because it's not the same Biden, yes, I agree with Lin.
Not clear on when she was born either...