Probably wasn't built by slaves or Egyptians, but I get your point.
Hey now.. you know science only counts if it's from official state mouthpieces and concurs with the propaganda.... Careful there sure!
If not now, then when? I grow tired of it always being just over the horizon. The farther in the past it becomes, the less the average person seems to care.
Romney, LOL.
Yes, we all know the Republicans are frauds as well. It's sad.
No idea honestly. The only difference was in the third or fourth box down from the year selection I had chosen "year reported" as well. And I agree that these are falsely low numbers very likely. Much like corona deaths came from other causes, vaccine deaths are being attributed to more benign things. I'm surprised they allow this high of a number.
Check out Randall Carlson.
As far as the rest of your statement - I'm really not sure. I observe what are effectively the chains and walls of totalitarianism eclipsing the entire world at a pace more rapid than I believed possible. Americans sit on the sidelines while tyranny reigns supreme in high concentrated blue areas and seems to quite easily invade red zones with what is a surprising lack of pushback. Obviously some areas have pushed back against this narrative, but with a stolen executive and a broken judicial/legislative, what recourse is there? I understand that we should act as locally and organically as possible to restore liberty to this nation but that is exceedingly difficult with the state of the population (derelict, sleeping, brainwashed, indoctrinated, and increasingly sedated).
People I know that should be wise and do have some aspect of a critically thinking mind are telling me I should get the vaccine because "they care about me". They get their news from mainstream and believe fact checkers like Snopes, with that thinking they are above others. I don't understand this subservience to authority that has overtaken Americans. Where is the will to be free, at liberty, and to question said authority? It's missing and has been siphoned out of the society completely - the (promoted) counter culture icons are nothing but mouthpieces for the state, as is the media and major tech corporations. Considering they control most of the information disseminated these days, what option remains? They go to Youtube or Facebook for their data, but that data is curated, censored, tailored and yet they don't understand this because they've come to trust these places and don't question anything anymore.
I mention flip flopping on masks and what do I receive from an aforementioned individual? Statement such as it only being "Trump and his cronies" that have flip flopped on masks - is Fauci a Trump crony now? I mention the fake PCR tests and it's as if it were nothing.. If you look into this at all it's a total fraud, just like everything else before it. We are a nation built upon fraud and I'm not convinced there's anyway out without a lot of trouble first. I've been screaming to the sky about the government since 9/11 and even back then "who cares if they read our library books" - well, you should. Even after Snowden - crickets... People are too busy enjoying the circus and ignoring the prison walls being erected around them.
Even now far beyond the "two weeks to slow the spread" narrative, the average person still seems to think this will all just end randomly at some point "soon" ®™ and things will return to normal.. There is no return to normal, this has been a constant slide to authoritarianism, that switch wasn't flipped last year.
Trump and the vaccine is certainly a great mystery and the most nagging thing in my mind regarding him.
Youtube needs to go.
Don't forget "global cooling".
Tainted fruit strategy?
A lot of it is exposed.. and done in the open. It's just that everyone is too braindead to care or believes it will never have an impact on them..
It's all such a big scam.
It's probably even higher than that if the numbers of vaccinated are accurate.
That's it exactly, thanks.
Mine also ends up looking more like this
I don't see an option for just "deaths", just "year died" and "month died" in a fifth box, could you elaborate for stupid me?
I did find deaths in a column below that, but not in the fifth box.
That isn't that big these days.. random game installations can be hundred gigabytes.
Er... didn't Ron earlier claim this data was "publicly available via a link"? Which is it..?
Any videos up of this?
Why not? Anyone should be able to mount them and take a look if they wanted to?
Guys stop or I might pull the trigger on these.
Surprised Dr. Paul is allowed to stay on Twitter these days as it is considering the blasphemy.
Study from 2020?
Not a fan of his Coronavirus song, though..