ClitYeastwood 7 points ago +8 / -1

I understand what General Flynn said about having an "army of digital soldiers" now. It is our job to stop the shills.

Without autists like us, older Trump supporters who aren't good with technology could actually fall for fake statements like this and go take the J&J vaccines thinking Trump endorsed it.

ClitYeastwood 11 points ago +11 / -0

These shills are truly shameless and pathetic. But the fact that shills are desperate enough to make up fake Trump statements is PROOF that Trump is still in control and DS is in a state of panic. This tactic just reeks of desperation.

Original New York Post article that shills tried to pass off as a Trump statement: https://nypost.com/2021/04/13/team-biden-halts-jj-vaccine-and-a-return-to-normal/

ClitYeastwood 4 points ago +4 / -0

anti-vax statement was fake and gay: https://nypost.com/2021/04/13/team-biden-halts-jj-vaccine-and-a-return-to-normal/

it was just a paragraph ripped off from NYP. Fake Trump statements on facebook is the new shill tactics now.

ClitYeastwood 13 points ago +13 / -0

As far as I can remember Trump and his most trusted allies still hasn't expressed ANY concerns for Military going woke which means this is all just distraction.

Has Mike Lindell said anything bad about the military? Has Sydney Powell expressed concerns regarding the military going woke? Is Lin Wood focused on the military right now?

No it seems to me the major concern right now is exposing the election fraud and normalizing this truth for the normies. Everything else is just distraction.

ClitYeastwood 2 points ago +2 / -0

Riggers gonna rig

ClitYeastwood 7 points ago +7 / -0

You live up to your username, u/BasedCitizen. Don't let communist demoralization tactics defeat you.

ClitYeastwood 2 points ago +3 / -1

He couldn't stop two joggers from stealing the mic and taking over his rally, the DNC would have easily picked their choice for VP to grab him by the balls. They would have picked out the entire cabinet for him. It would have been like Dubya and Cheney all over again.

ClitYeastwood 34 points ago +35 / -1

He's a hardcore simp for Lenny Kravitz's ex-wife, that should have been a major red flag right there. With his looks, he could have gotten anyone, but nope gotta simp for a lady who's 12 years older than himself. That's how you know he whored himself out to the elites.

ClitYeastwood 6 points ago +6 / -0

I got banned on /pol/ for posting an interracial couple black male asian female image triggering the chinese shills.

Jannies banned me for being "off-topic". I've seen countless shitposts on /pol/ where the image has nothing to do with the post, no bans or nothing. But when I post black man chinese woman picture, I get banned? Sounds like some bullshit, I always suspected 4chan had been compromised for some time now. I think this ban just proved my suspicions.

ClitYeastwood 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been that way for a while. Even on neutral sub-reddits they force that shit on you. I wouldn't install their shitty app even if reddit wasn't a liberal shithole.

ClitYeastwood 1 point ago +1 / -0

he's one of the juice (plz don't ban me mods)

ClitYeastwood 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine if it was some black guy who said no to vaccines and Ethan decides to use the "ape-brained" insult.

ClitYeastwood 10 points ago +10 / -0

Oh it gets worse my friend. I think I've seen a couple of posts about Obama's daughter and Biden's granddaughter on there too. Yikes!

ClitYeastwood 12 points ago +12 / -0

I've always argued with my friends that Bernie didn't feel "presidential" to me. I could never imagine him being taken seriously by other world leaders. Nobody understood what I meant. And it is difficult to explain. I just look at him and the way he conducts himself, I just get this gut feeling that he's going to be easily bullied by both his allies and his enemies.

ClitYeastwood 32 points ago +32 / -0

I realized he was pussy when he let those two joggers interrupt him in the middle of his speech and he didn't do anything about it.

Real commies like Che or Castro would have curbed his ass for being too weak.

ClitYeastwood 72 points ago +72 / -0

It is hilarious to watch though. Bernie getting his bern-bros to turn against Biden. Next thing you know Biden shills are going to start attacking Bernie and become anti-socialists.

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