Can ships be hacked remotely as this article suggests?
Maybe MJ was corrupt, rotten and evil. Or just a talented freak.
But plenty of people have managed to poke holes in the stories of much of his accusers.
Those Israelis must really hate Obama and his Iran deal. How did they let it happen with all that power?
I now believe there was no greenscreen involved, but still plenty of motivation for trickery.
The fraud conclusion will be during May.
What's the purpose of manually cutting out Biden's hand from a supposedly non green screen footage, and then also cutting out the microphone manually (because no greenscreen) and then smooshing them together?
That theory is a non starter.
China's invading Taiwan this summer. These plans don't change. Trump must be leader by then.
I like X22 but when he said "three or four months" yesterday I was not pleased.
His and Eric's charisma isn't too terrible. It's just not in the same world as Donald's. Here's hoping for Baron!
In Syria yesterday, when I see Russians strike US/Israeli compounds, and I see Israel strike Iranian backed compounds, you'd better believe I'm qooming.
This is near enough written into American law. Don Jr is towing the line. But I agree he fits a certain "weak son of strong father" template. But he does his best.
Something like,
some time after January 6th Trump hands power over to a military personnel. Biden's inauguration is optics only, not technically legitimate.
Military do preplanned geopolitics with Trump zipping around assuring the globe's big players. Russia bombs Israeli/US assets in Syria. Israel bombs Iranian backed assets in Syria. Biden gets the blame.
States rights emboldened, prosecutions pile up...
Biden steps down
Information drop from the military. 2020 election results shown in full. Trump revealed to be president.
Remember, Memri is the compilation channel whose job it is to compile clips of Muslims saying silly things (of which there are plenty).
If you can't guess which country Memri is from, look it up.
That's not Chuck Schumer at the beach.
There's plenty of facts without relying on the faceblind's quality control.
"we been doing a lot of winning"
"Actually, they lost the whitehouse"
"beat them for a third time"
bet bet bet, 60-100 days (May 1st for those who bet money on election?)
"moving along really well"
"it's good that he got his shot" and the words before that. Trump boasting about stumping Biden?
"thank god we rebuilt our military"
"This election was rigged"
"what happened at 3:02 in the morning?"
"A Republican president will make a triumphant return to the whitehouse. who who who will that be? I wonder"
My datefag:
May 1st.
'60 to 100 days'
Trump said after saying "BET BET BET". When the transcript is released I will post it. There are other reasons I think May 1st but tonight confirmed it. I'm going to collect, righteously.
The hands scream deepfake
I expect Trump to allude to the idea of running again. Because I think he may go for a third term.
However it's the "we will count every legal vote" quote I point to.
Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are not "wait until 2022" sorts of people.
I'm datefagging May 1st.
going on the offense against communists
March seems too early.
Been burned by datefagging in November and January, so I'm trying to over aim.
Hope it's March.
I'm looking out for you too buddy. Glad you are able to discuss this with a variety of perspectives irl.
My best guess is that corruption is being shown on record up to the highest court, which will later be cross referenced with whatever Trump card Spaceforce/Sidney Powell has, in order to give legitimacy to Biden stepping down.
But then again I thought for sure everyone would be arrested on January 20th.
I will be watching Trump's speech on February 28th. I don't expect any bombshells, but as an emotional reminder of defiance in the face of unprecedented deception.
Intellectually I understand that Trump is not going to back down. But when every person and screen is telling you the opposite of what you know to be true, you appreciate the first hand reassurance.
This is assuming there isn't significant CCP money in American universities.
Maybe it happened like this