Corker56 1 point ago +1 / -0

I totally agree... except with the quitting part. Wait til they dismiss you. You may not have grounds to participate in a class action lawsuit if you leave on your own.

Corker56 10 points ago +10 / -0

The hospitals are being overrun because so many workers (nurses especially) are in short supply. Many are burning out and leaving, others are quitting due to the increased work load. Still others are being forced out for being unvaccinated. The mandate is being pushed to help crash the healthcare system. We'll soon be told that there are too many Covid patients to be taken care of... that the virus is too great. The truth is, they're deliberately frustrating and dismantling the medical staff to combat it. Our army of nurses and doctors are under attack as well.

Corker56 17 points ago +17 / -0

It absolutely counts. My wife is losing her job on October 1st. Actually, she's being placed on administrative leave for a month to "weigh her options." Her supervisor has been seeking her resignation ahead of time. She's told him she has no plans on quitting. Because she's not, the job will technically still be hers... so they can't hire another person to fill her position until she's formally dsimissed. This means that her desk (along with others) will sit vacant during October and the remaining "jabbed" employees will have to split their time covering their own responsibilities as well as those of the ones on leave. You can't make this stuff up. The evil they're creating is literally blowing up in their own faces.

We're not worried. We'll be fine... and so will you. Hang tough, SassyLass.

Corker56 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're talking to God and that is more important than you know. I firmly believe this vax was created and released for evil intent... but it's certainly not the first time this has happened in our world. It may have the ability to do bodily harm but there is still One above it that has the final say. Fear not.

Corker56 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's never been about trusting the science. It's been about trusting (or distrusting) the ones interpreting the science. Fauci is trying to balance the science with politics. He couldn't tell the truth if he tried.

Corker56 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're onto something. It certainly isn't spreading in a normal manner.

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