A large corp like that will usually follow local and state regulations or whatever loopholes their paid bots carved for them, like H1b visas or what not. If they are hiring illegals they would be using a subcontractor and then becomes someone else’s business.
Omg the drivel. I hate when people try to sound poetic and it just ends up falling flat
Just take your illegals back. Has nothing to do with slaves and all the past 2000 years.
Pay up then if you don’t want to take them back.
He transferred him to enforce sanctuary city deportations. If he resists then Trump can jail him lol. Perfect move. That guy will either have to resign or deport people which he probably doesn’t want to do. If someone willing resigns I think they may lose their benefits etc or at least it won’t be full bennies. Chess master
He transferred him to enforce sanctuary city deportations. If he resists then Trump can jail him lol. Perfect move. That guy will either have to resign or deport people which he probably doesn’t want to do. If someone willing resigns I think they may lose their benefits etc or at least it won’t be full bennies. Chess master
Oh yea it can totally read my mind already. We already know the algos can hear your conversations and send you targeted ads. But friends I am pretty sure it can read my mind and emotions or at the very least know when smth piques my interest by reading pupil dilation. Too many times to count I’ve been thinking about smth briefly and it sends me a targeted ad or relevant posts. Recently I had smth very minor that bothered me on an emotional level and the algos sent a post with some very specific and targeted content.
It def can read your mind. The question is it one way or can it implant ideas?
its reading..."FAFO" and "Payback time"