But we’ve landed a “Rover” on Mars in 2020…Lol
The only thing with that is it’s a judgment question/casting blame… creates division.. like when Yashua/Jesus was asked to judge the woman accused of adultery. And He Said “He who has not sinned can cast the first stone” As he wrote with His Finger in the dust (we all are made from dust by the Finger of I AM). It’s hard not to judge (good/bad, satisfied/dissatisfied, etc) bc that’s how we were taught and teach(trapped in mind) - but instead we are to Seek Truth.. which there is only One Truth :) Created in His Image, to bear His Image truthfully or falsely. We get to choose. Sorry I can’t give you a “physical” answer .. unfortunately a physical answer would send us down the rabbit hole or around and around the serpent circle.. kept in confined. Ever note all the “serpent” symbolism .. AMA, ADA, WHO just to name a few…
Until we each can understand that as soon as “The Fall” happened.. we entered into blindness/Judgement. Our Mind is our greatest enemy (note the Egyptian god re or ra with the serpent on its head). Look up the suffix -pent, and prefixes ser- and re- on etymology online. We are confined in the mind. We are in a constant state of judgement. (Tree of knowledge or discernment of function/dysfunction or good /evil). We are in our thoughts,constantly judging ourselves, others, situations. Christ Jesus/ Messiah Yashua is the Door way Out! “I AM the Way, the Door, the Bread, The Light..the Peace that Surpasses all understanding… the PassOver back over from the original crossing over in the great transgression. (In the Hebrew Torah, Moses saw the burning Thorn bush, (English bibles just say bush). Moses turned aside from himself to SEE. (The thorns are our thoughts/ Christ was King with Crown of Thorns.. He Overcame and is King over the trap we are all in). Believe In Him .. where do our beliefs fall.. belief in medicine, media, death, wars, politics. OR in The Power Within each of Us!!! Watch your thoughts! We are not our own. We are His, we are not to falsify His Name (I AM) which is how we identify ourself in the first person.. in Latin “I Am”is ego. Ha! Like Moses we are to ask “Who Am I?” And remember why we are here. To Do the Will of I AM as He showed us (Christ) not my own will. He said “I did not come to glorify myself but the Father. I AM come to do the Will of Him who sent me.” (Gospel of John). To be of One Mind Spiritually! Present/Communion with our Maker. We are here just to experience and give thanks in all circumstances and to not be moved. We are to witness, Keep Our Maker First in All things bc He is All things! I AM The Beginning and The End.
10 days darnkess??
Flip of the switch..Moderna “platform of life”..5G…Starlink..one big NET(etherNET)
❤️You are greatly honored and deeply thanked! You are special people with a spiritual and physical gift of true service. May God Bless you all!
My son enlisted just before the election (he had Trump sneakers!) Thank you for your post
“The Kings of Media and Persia”
- Media
- Persia (I saw an interesting meaning of Persia “land of division/science”)
Check out this great book!
Transdermal magnesium therapy by Mark Sircus Anyone on blood pressure or heart meds and depression and cancer etc etc etc should look at this!
Appreciate it!
What if you just take NAC? Will it still work? My son in military and had him start NAC
Thanks for post. My heart greatly mourns. “Over 100 years” of damage to environment. So so horrific…No words to describe this devastation. Tribulation perhaps. GOD forgive us!
Beautiful Indeed! Glory Be To YHWH and YAHshua (Yeshua/Joshua/Jesus) shares His Father’s Name which means Salvation. I AM Who I AM I AM The Way, The Truth, The Life I AM with thee I AM the Living Bread I AM Spirit/breath I AM LIVING nAMe/ AMen
I just thought is it mere “coincidence” the summer Olympics are being held there…