Please do not ingest gum spirits/turpentine. It is chemically a SOLVENT made from pine tree resin and it’s purpose is to dissolve and break down oil and lipids. There is a reason it only comes in metal or glass containers. It will eat through anything else and it’s purity makes no difference because it doesn’t change its purpose or use. It’s used to dissolve oil and lipid based substances.
Your cells are lined and made up of lipids and fats. Turpentine will literally bind itself to fats/oils/ and lipids in your cells and then separate them, even if it’s diluted because that is simply what it’s made to do. Diluted turpentine will only lessen the initial damage it does, but not in the long run.
Try pineapple digestive enzymes and peppermint tea. If these do not help, then try one by one removing food categories from your diet for two weeks at a time and see if that makes a difference. Such as starting with removing all processed and refined sugars, alcohol if your partake in drinking, then move on to removing gluten and so on.
Either this person never went to a public high school themselves or has comply forgotten what it was like if they did. Been graduated for almost 20 years and if some shitbag would have tried this garbage at a school wide assembly, the verbal abuse and obnoxious jeering would have been endless then as well. The majority of Teenager’s are immature, self centered, and have very little sense of empathy. They will zero in on and tear up anyone trying to gain pity and acceptance by means of authority or force.
Teenagers do not want anything else added on to make their day at school longer than it already is. They definitely do NOT want to know or think about who their teacher is having sex with. This person seriously grossed them out, they they let them have it for doing that. Good for them 👍
100% true. In 2020 once the pandemic hit and the lockdowns came, people stopped taking their kids and babies in for wellness visits either by choice or because pediatricians were not taking those appointments. The result was that SIDS practically dropped off of the face of the earth in the US. What do children receive at wellness visits?
Because the measles vaccine doesn’t stop transmission of the virus. Just makes you asymptomatic, sometimes. Same with the DTAp vaccine.
I was “fully” vaccinated as for measles and have had two mild cases of measles and the mumps….
That’s why they are freaking out and not saying why.