Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just buy a few shares of GME and hold em

Fidelity works for getting it done quick and easy.

HMU when you get that done and I can tech you how to DRS your shares to put them in your name.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

No the CAT system being implemented and active as the 3 year LEAPS and SWAPS expiring with the new margin requirements now in place makes a MASSIVE difference.

When CAT was turned on to test starting premarket mother's Day we soon hit 80 2x and trading was halted over 16x in 48 hours before they turned it off.

T+1 is great but it's not the biggest thing.

Datasinc 16 points ago +16 / -0

I had ChatGPT analyze the document and explain the implied impacts on retail, particularly during MOASS.

Immediate Effects

  1. Halted Trading:

    • Suspension of New Orders: Retail investors would be unable to place new buy or sell orders. This suspension aims to prevent panic selling or buying, which could exacerbate market volatility.
    • Pending Orders: Any pending orders would be paused, and investors would need to wait until the market reopens for these transactions to be processed.
  2. Communication:

    • Timely Updates: Retail investors would receive timely updates regarding the market closure, expected duration, and criteria for reopening. Effective communication is crucial to manage expectations and reduce uncertainty.

Longer-Term Impacts

  1. Price Volatility:

    • Price Fluctuations: Upon reopening, retail investors might experience significant price volatility due to the pent-up demand and supply pressures. The resumption of trading could see sharp price movements as market participants react to the closure.
  2. Liquidity Concerns:

    • Liquidity Issues: Retail investors might face liquidity issues, especially those relying on immediate access to funds from selling securities. The unscheduled close could temporarily restrict their ability to liquidate assets.
  3. Emotional and Behavioral Effects:

    • Increased Anxiety: The uncertainty and inability to trade could increase anxiety and stress among retail investors. This might lead to emotional decision-making once trading resumes.

Mitigation Measures

  1. Risk Management:

    • Margin Calls and Risk Controls: For retail investors trading on margin, brokers may take necessary risk management actions, such as issuing margin calls or adjusting collateral requirements.
  2. Investor Support:

    • Customer Service and Support: Brokerage firms and financial institutions would need to enhance their customer service capabilities to handle a surge in inquiries and provide support to retail investors during the disruption.

Educational Initiatives

  1. Investor Education:
    • Guidance and Information: Providing retail investors with educational materials about the nature of market disruptions, the reasons behind unscheduled closures, and best practices for managing investments during volatile periods.


The unscheduled market close during a MOASS event would have profound effects on retail investors, primarily by restricting their trading capabilities and increasing market volatility upon reopening. The guidelines from the "Unscheduled Close" document ensure that the response is structured and communicated effectively to mitigate these impacts, aiming to maintain market stability and investor confidence.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try using the WHOLE SENTENCE AS A QUOTE "Speculation based off of a lot of evidence:"

That's it. You're done.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Try using the WHOLE SENTENCE AS A QUOTE "Speculation based off of a lot of evidence:"

That's it. You're done.

Also where the FUCK did you get the STUPID idea that I didn't want people to invest?

I've been encouraging people to invest in GameStop for over 3 years.


Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't call you a shill.

I called you a retard because you lack basic reading skills apparently. Or maybe you're just intellectually dishonest.

But I can pretty confidently say you're a piece of shit at this point.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I said "speculation" based of of alot of evidence.

My SPECULATION was wrong. The entire community was pretty shocked that DFV had that much to drop on options. Fucking stoked he does.

If I was a shill I'd be saying don't buy GameStop.

Yo are you a retard?

Hahaha you're a retard.

(I can be an asshole for no apparent reason too. I don't know what your problem is but that shit was uncalled for. Do better)

Datasinc 41 points ago +41 / -0

Those faggots were too busy getting ready for pride month.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

These guys are fucking awesome.

Armored Republic "ultra right Christian nationalists" 🤣

They are some incredibly based Christians. They post some great content.

They've been triggering the left with their Kyle Rittenhouse body armor bundle.

Looks like they just dropped a new kit https://www.ar500armor.com/trump-jailbreak-kit.html lol!

Datasinc 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is the biggest factor. They tested it for 3 days starting the Monday morning before market open mother's Day.

That's when GameStop started going nuts.

It found thousands and thousands of errors.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

They don't eat like struggling collage kids.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're stealing from future generations and potentially the elderly's social security and quite possibly your own.

If you need it temporarily and have no other option, go for it. But if you are doing it out of spite / bitterness then it will bare bad fruit.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem when you put the government in charge of charity is they have to give it away blindly with no discernment to anyone and everyone that qualifies.

This used to be the sphere of the church and of course individual/private charity.

The advantage with private/church charity is they can see someone trying to manipulate or take advantage of them and cut them off or deny them. Something the government can't do.

Private charity is also much more efficient. There's not 10 layers of bureaucracy and employees as well as buildings and infrastructure costing untold amounts of money between the dollar that goes into the program in the $0.10 that comes out.

Private charity isn't handing out snow crab legs and filet mignon either.

Datasinc 11 points ago +11 / -0

Study here - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13427729/study-welfare-food-stamps-SNAP-junk-processed.html

IMO Charity is not the role of government but if it absolutely must be done it should be on a temporary basis and it should be very basic food staples like dried beans, rice, potatoes, powdered milk, flour, sugar, cooking oil, and other staples.

If you want to eat better get a freaking job.

The same people are on public health care and they're eating in a way where they are getting diabetes and other health problems from their diet The taxpayers are already paying for so we can then turn around and pay for their health conditions.

Datasinc 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah this goes more into the detail about the UBS thing I mentioned in my other comment and also brings up the very important CAT system that's already been tested and is being implemented.

Datasinc 15 points ago +15 / -0

Amazing what a lack of full on NYSE enabled price manipulation does.

You'll have to use the app above to check the prices. The price changes aren't showing up in any of my other apps like Fidelity or RobinHood.

Here's to hoping we can crack $80 (All time high price pre-split) today so all hell breaks loose Tues morning.

Speculation based off of a lot of evidence:

It looks like Gamestops announcing a merger or something to that effect either possibly today or tomorrow. United Bank of Switzerland (UBS) appears to be closing all their short positions out and purchased a absolute shit ton of calls in order to profit when the price goes up to cover the cost of all the short positions they inherited. If you recall they bought Credit Suisse for $3.2 billion last year. I don't think at the time they realized the naked short positions CS had. I think they worked out a deal with GameStop to unwind it so they can come out of this alive. I think that's probably a significant portion of the reason why GameStop just sold 2 billion dollars worth of stock. UBS was the buyer. Figures the swiss would decide to get the fuck out first. They get to survive now. (They always seem to have the survival role) That was the only lifeboat me thinks. All the other big guys are locked in.

Datasinc 14 points ago +14 / -0

AMC shares virtually nothing with GameStop in regard to conditions, community support, direct registration, or most importantly management/ownership.

Ryan Cohen of GameStop takes zero salary and instead chooses to get paid in stocks meaning if the company does good he makes money. The company does not do well he does not make money.

AMC on the other hand, when they're stock price went up there bored gave themselves all fat bonuses instead of putting that money back in towards the company and using it to innovate.

There's really not much of a path forward for movie theaters. GameStop on the other hand has a rapidly growing multi-billion dollar online gaming industry that it's actively tapping into plus some exciting partnerships currently and more on the horizon.

Dump the AMC and put everything into GameStop as soon as possible.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Slavery actually flies in the face of our foundational documents unless you dehumanize a certain class of people which is ironically exactly what abortion does.

What allowed slavery at a federal level was the dred Scott decision by the supreme Court in 1857. This ruled that African Americans weather enslaved or free were not citizens and The Constitution in the Bill of Rights didn't apply to them.

The same supreme Court that made a similar mistake with Roe v Wade. The same supreme Court that recognized gay marriage.

If we simply accepted the fact that African Americans were made in the image of God with all the inalienable rights of everyone else than we wouldn't have even needed the 13th amendment.

The federal government didn't free the slaves. They recognized they were people finally.

Datasinc 13 points ago +15 / -2

They weren't always kicked out of countries for the reasons we were told.

In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella issued the Alhambra Decree, ordering the expulsion of all Jews from their kingdoms.... after several warnings and incidents of little girls being raped and Christian boys being sacrificed. (Allegedly)

I wasn't taught that in history, were you?

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