DeplorableGerman 1 point ago +1 / -0

i'm pretty sure that i'll get turned to cinders by the extremis of a blast not even meant for my town.

i'd say the ball is in your court, americans. if you guys could pull off a militia/dirty civilian coup and clean house, maybe just maybe this crap can be averted.

DeplorableGerman 0 points ago +2 / -2

Weather, Terrain, Morale.

You might conquer one. Two if you are GOOD.

Gods-speed beating all three.

Nature knows best.

DeplorableGerman 0 points ago +1 / -1

Looks similar to what Napoleon's Grand Arme and the Wehrmacht and Finnish Army were experiencing; I take it this is "eastern european marshlands", or somesuch? And i take it much of rural eastern europe is forests, mountains and marshlands?

DeplorableGerman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't ask questions, Citizen 0284557382174589314. Just nod and take your hourly booster of looks at list Next Thing, coming to a butcher-spital near you soon.

DeplorableGerman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry buddy, i'm a NEET who just sits in his apartment all day, i get my daily dose of fear-o-rama from Intel Slava and dotwin "Ukraine" searches. I also don't visit DEU gov sites, nor do i own a TV, or watch MSM vods like Die Tagesschau. This is news to me, i didn't even know, but now that i know, i can give you my public opinion:

I think, that the european countries are starting realize that the USwampA is whoring them out and tapping their comms. I also think that the EU is about to dissolve, or lose more members at any rate, E.G. france and germany having arguments over their relations etc.

Who knows, maybe something good will come from all this Muhrona GR bullshit and Muhgayne pewpew. Destruction of the western-US-NAZO-UN hegemony? Yes please! Dissolution of the EU? YES PLEASE! Germexit NOW!

DeplorableGerman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really don't want to know what kind of fucked-up underground tiled walls blood smears horror chambers tHeY (the globs) run in Ukieland. The Outpost (movie) comes to mind.

DeplorableGerman 1 point ago +1 / -0

So i guess the real problem would be the political fallout ba dum tss Since this kind of false flag/legit attack would likely draw a reaction.

DeplorableGerman 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are deplorable, after all. : )

I live to serve! Always happy to oblige!

Points at ConPro

Haw haw! I don't care who i need to be deplorable towards! If needs must, i will be there, flinging my shit!

DeplorableGerman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ehh, i have set myself high standards when it comes to linguistics, especially english. And "See you on the other side, where that may be." just reads wrong to my eyes. Besides it was a typo, i meant to type where Gods damn it i did it again I MEANT TO TYPE WHEREVER but my fingers were ahead of my brain, as is often the case haha.

I'd say it's no more of an escalation than posturing to invite a nation directly bordering Russia into NATO, with the implication of NATO-sponsored nuclear weapons being stationed on site.

I know MAD isn't really a thing anymore and i know that modern nuclear weapons aren't necessarily these mind-shatteringly massive explosions as was the case in Japan and the various tests but i can understand why Russia went into GTHOML mode. You wouldn't want your hostile neighbour to have weapons of mass destruction right next to you, would you? I certainly wouldn't. And certainly NOT when "the world" is telling me "No you cannot!" while treating this hostile neighbour as some freakish favoured pet.

I know Putin isn't some saint, i know there's plenty of corruption in Russia, but if i weigh one against the other, i say Russia and the eastern hemisphere are more in the right here than the so-called West. And besides, I never liked the West or felt like being part of the West. And i really don't appreciate this forever-US-Western world dominating foreign meddling policing hegemony.

Slavsia Rus!

DeplorableGerman 1 point ago +1 / -0

But wouldnt the rad contaminants blow over into poland and eastern germany? I live in eastern germany, right next to poland. I'm basically screwed if ANYONE for ANY REASON uses even so much as a low-yield tac in the western parts of Ukie, much less a dirty bomb with the ability to spread its material across half the center of europe :(

DeplorableGerman 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a response to u/blacksmith21's hypothesis. I am aware that the USA and Russia are on sour terms to say the least.

DeplorableGerman 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's WW2 Allies and Soviets converging on the same country all over again haha.


50% its all fearmongering

50% we are all going to die in nuclear fire soon

We had it good, lads. Too good.

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