After his checkup at the MD Anderson Cancer Center that showed all his cancer was gone Joe Tippens told his oncologist what he did to cure it. He said his doctor admitted that they already knew about it but it was untested and couldn't be patented. Joe also said that doctor later went to work at the CDC.
You bet. I think it's important to spread the word to as many people as possible.
Joe Tippens -
The lady you are talking about is Janet Ossebaard. She narrated the Fall of the Cabal series. Here's a link to the 10 part series:
You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.
That article is from November 2023.
True. Active duty troops are different than stateside NG.
Should have ended that before it was born by shooting his daddy and leaving him to rot in the elephant grass of the A Sau Valley back in 1967.
Chris Miller could not put the military at the capitol. Just like Trump couldn't. Trump requested and gave permission for 10,000 NG troops, which Chris and Kash Patel who were both present with Trump, have said many times. BUT...the final decision is left up to the Speaker of the House. Nasty Piglosi refused to give the order. Had Chris done so it would have been the SecDef usurping the authority of the Speaker of the House which would have been a Constitutional Crisis.
That's what the drones are "sniffing" for.
Exactly. He's nothing but a political flag officer. Just because he wears a trident simply means his name is listed on the BUDS roster. It doesn't mean he was a true SEAL. Just like that lying anti-American shit head Col. Alexander Vindman has a Ranger badge too. You can bet that fat slob never survived a smoke session much less completing RASP. It would have been sickening to stand beside that wimp outside building #4 while getting the tan beret.
Inhaling smoke of any kind is bad for you. But the facts are that nicotine is no more addictive than caffeine. Do you know anyone addicted to tomatoes, potatoes or papayas? All of those and other common food plants contain nicotine. That said all mild stimulants can be a little addictive. It's the chemical additives that makes commercial tobacco products addictive.
Probably Obumma signing off on them or Jill or China.
That's redundant.
Back during Reagan's admin when the US and Russia disarmed there were a bunch of nuke missiles in Ukraine and 80 warheads went missing. They still haven't been found but there is supposedly good evidence that one of those warheads made it to the US. What better way to start WWIII than popping off a "Russian" nuke in the states.
How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
Slow was a poor choice of wording on my part. I should have said "cumbersome" to reload. The mags were larger and more bulky. Also the S&W 1076 is a 1911 sized frame and it's much heavier than the Sig or Glock. Personally, and from my conversations with former LEOs, the real problem was that too many LEOs couldn't handle the recoil. That's the same reason the FBI stopped using them. As sad as that is it's also why the .40 is falling out of favor and the 9mm is taking it's place. Glock went on a marketing blitz and most law enforcement departments bought into the "Austrian Perfection" spiel by Glock.
No idea where you saw that but it isn't true. After revolvers they mainly went to the S&W Model 39 and 39-2 which were 9mm semis. Then they transitioned to the S&W Model 1076 a 10mm. But due to the weight and size, plus slow to reload under fire they went with the Sig 226 and later the Sig 228. Then they went with Glocks because of the 17 rounds, light weight (plastic) and cost.
They are marketed to military and government(s) for "national security".
In this case it would be more correct to say they are a directional signal blocker/scrambler.
Wouldn't work on leftists cause their heads are up their asses.
Sorry it's tik-tok but that's the only place I've seen it.
Just get you 6 laying hens and you'll have more eggs than a family of five can eat. That's ½ dozen eggs a day, but trust me they add up fast. If you put a light on the hens they'll lay twice every 24 hours. It burns them out faster but if you plan right you can have the next group of hens ready to start laying. Once the old girls lay out you have 6 broiling hens ready for the pot or freezer. I keep a dozen hens laying and I give away eggs to the point of requiring people to supply their own cartons. If you don't want to get that involved there are small businesses, at least where I live, that rent laying hens. They bring out the portable coop, supply the hens and sell you the scratch feed and laying mash. You don't need a farm or acreage, a small back yard is enough space.